Dan Barth, a well known variety entertainer, storyteller, former TV host, humorist, and historian comes directly to you with his living history performance and exhibit medicine show. For over 50 years, Barth has appeared before thousands coast to coast each season. 

Associated Press called this program “Barth’s museum and show on the road” and was recorded by Smithsonian as first wagon show to return to the circuit in early 1980’s.

Barth created and co-produced the nationally aired Living History TV Series “America on Tour” in 1992 with co-host Bill Garlow Cody who was, at the time, the last living grandson of William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody.

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Dan has toured foreign countries, is bilinugual, preformed in U.S. and Canada, coast-to-coast. 

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A few credits:

  • Entertained White House Cabinet and Staff
  • Advisor for the University of Pennsylvania Department of Folklore
  • Broadway Production of "Medicine Show"
  • Recorded by the Smithsonian Institute
  • Created and Co-hosted Living History TV Series "America On Tour"
  • Entertained Atlanta Wild West Fest durign the 1996 Olympics
  • Preformed at the NFL's Comissioners' Ball, Super Bowl 1997, New Orleans
  • Recorded for The Learned Channel Documentary on 19th Century Shows
  • Appeared and Co-Produced the NASA and Aerospace affiliated tour "Poineers Past. Present, and Future" 
  • Guest Enteretainer for the Grand Opening of the Museum of Medical History, Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital, 1998
© Dan Barth Entertainment 2025