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Cool Moose is cool...

Off the Water...

Walk About:                                                                          1/2 nite

Slip through the boreal forest in darkness following the map 'n compass with your guide. Listen to the night whisper, summer through winter.
...comes with headlamp, fanny pak, snacks and beverages.

2 Weeks Notice:
2-6 walkers / 4 hours
From $39.00 - Tax Incl.

On the Snow...

Walkabout                                                                                1/2 Day
Snow Trek

Identify wildlife signs and track while snowshoeing to camp. Warm up inside with hot beverages and "Grandma's" toast.
...Comes with tea, coffee, snacks and snowshoes.

2 Weeks Notice:
2-6 walkers / 4 hours
From $39.00 - Tax Incl.

                                                                                                                             1 Night
Wigwam Overnight

Take a short hike with your pack and bag - the Wigwam (a dome shaped native structure) sits waiting in the snow. Step in, light up the wood stove and get cozy. Enjoy gourmet chili (recipe) or jambalaya before a late night stroll. Sleep the night in a symphony of your snores, not the guides... he'll be back in the morning to cook breakfast. Good night!
... comes with 1 dinner, 1 breakfast, snowshoes, headlamp, fanny pack, snacks and beverages.
4 Week Notice:
2-4 walkers / 12+ hours
From $59.00 tax incl.

Cool Moose 'n' Stuff..
87 Avenue Erables
Clair, NB, E7A 2B9
Tel: (506) 992-2827 * (877) 646-6673
(Toll Free (877)-M-4-moose)

Page revised Mar 11th 1999

Our Shop Locate us Main page Off the Water On the water On/Off the snow

This page designed by - Miramichi NB Canada - 506-773-7963