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Other Programs

|| Supra Diagnostic and Assessment Services || Supra Brain Mapping || Checklists || Supra Study Involvement Test || Subliminal Therapy || Self-Hypnosis || Speed Reading and Concentration || Memory Enhancement || Human Relations || Creativity || Developing Multidimensional Personality || Developing Supra Intelligence || Developing Emotional Intelligence || Supra Vocational Achievement Program || Training Program in Educational Counseling || Interviewing Skills for HR Professionals || Enriching Team Work ||

  Articles *Subliminal Programming *Is stress necessary for survival? *The Complexity of Educational Development *Whose life is it anyway? *Study Involvement among college students *Enhancing learning abilities *The regulation of consciousness in information processing

Diagnostic Module

Diagnostic Module identifies and provides feedback on the abilities, strengths, potentials, inadequacies, and problems in a systematic manner.


Program Title: Supra Diagnostic and Assessment Services [SDAS]

Duration: Two Days

Target Group: Anyone willing to know oneself   

Expected Outcomes: Testing and Feedback on 8 major areas: Intelligence, Memory, Aptitudes, Interests, Personality, Motivation, Study Habits, Creativity

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 Program Title:        Supra Brain Mapping - A Neuropsychological Assessment of Brain Functions

All channels of communication within the body rest with the nervous system. The brain consists of 10 billion neurons and forms 97% of the nervous system. Even endowed with such a complicated hardware we seldom learn to use our resources. The major reason for such lacunae is lack of awareness of the brain functioning. Neurologists are only able to detect either impairment or damage in the brain through testing and scanning. However, such structural problems are rarely found in normal adults. Whether they are using the relevant brain areas for day to day functioning or not is questionable.

Neuropsychological tests can reveal the following brain processes:

Attention, Conceptual Functions, Constructional Functions, Executive Functions, Memory, Orientation, Perceptual Functions, and Verbal Functions; Hemispherical Dominance; Auditory and Visual Functions; and Neurological Stress.

The program on Brain Mapping is designed to provide a thorough understanding and analysis of the functioning of the brain. This helps in formulating an action plan for further usage of brain areas and invoking of unused and under used areas. Reducing neurological stress can result in optimum efficiency and smooth functioning.

The duration of the program is one day only. Interactive testing and simulated exercises form the pedagogical design.

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CHECKLISTS of 100 Common Problems found in Adults, children, adolescents, and students are available to identify the number and nature of problems currently existing.

Supra Study Involvement Test: - This test was designed and developed by Sujendra Prakash with the objective of obtaining an insight into the personal, emotional, and educational characteristics of students. This is just a diagnostic tool to understand the student's needs for help. About 2000 students in Bangalore have taken this test. It is a standardized tool where norms are available to each student for interpreting the obtained score. The following dimensions are measured through the test: study orientation, study habits, attitude towards study, career orientation, classroom behaviour, library work, speed reading, habits and interests, emotional balance, and memory problems. In addition, the total score called 'Study Quotient' is significantly related to the percentage of marks scored by the students in the final examinations. Thus, high scorers on this test do much better in academics than low scorers.

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Therapeutic Module

Therapeutic Module nurtures the potentials and cures existing problems. One day Training Programs on Self-hypnosis, Guilt Analysis, Progressive Muscular Relaxation, and Meditation are also available.

Individuals can avail of Memory Clinic and Stress Reduction Program to solve specific problems.


Program Title: Subliminal Therapy

Duration: Two Days

Target Group: Anyone with positive thinking

Expected Outcomes: Learn subconscious control through self-hypnosis; reach alpha level whenever needed


Program Title: Self-hypnosis

Duration: Two Days

Target Group: Anyone willing to change oneself

Expected Outcomes: Overcome memory and concentration problems, overcome fatigue, learn positive thinking, and overcome neurotic tendencies

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Preventive Module

Preventive Module equips the individual with skills to deal with future problems. Each module is in the form of a ONE-DAY WORKSHOP taught through interactive exercises and discussion. Special skills are learnt and practiced during each module that could be applied in work situations. The programs are mainly meant for the executives and professionals.


1. Speed Reading and Concentration: Understanding what is read, aligning reading speed with the speed of brain capacity, filtering out unnecessary information; internal and external concentration, regulating information processing, self-hypnosis.

2. Memory Enhancement: Memorizing what is essential, learning to remember, retaining information with little effort and time, nature and causes of forgetting, techniques of memory enhancement, knowledge and awareness.

3. Human Relations: Communicating effectively, understanding others, listening skills, leadership qualities, interpersonal perception, and interaction skills.

4. Creativity: Exploring the right brain, initiating lateral processing of information, divergent thinking, channelizing creativity.

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Prognostic Module

Prognostic Module provides sustained intervention in solving major problems, disorders, and disabilities.



Multidimensional Personality

The enduring characteristics traits of an individual in making unique adjustments to the environment reflect one’s personality. The traits are accumulated over a period of time through certain unique and common experiences. Twenty distinct dimensions of personality represent the total Individuality:

General Ability, Adaptability, Achievement Motivation, Social Warmth, Competition, Shrewdness, Enthusiasm, Imagination, Guilt Proneness, Mental Health, Innovation, Sensitivity, Self-sufficiency, Maturity, Suspiciousness, Boldness, Morality, Tension, Leadership, and Self Control.

Development is a continuous process where positive dimensions are nurtured and negative dimensions are regulated. Such a process leads to a state of Psychological and Social well being.

 A One-day Program provides feedback on the degree to which each of these dimensions is present in the Executive participant. Through role-play, simulation exercises, and psychodrama opportunities are created for the expansion of a multidimensional personality.

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Developing Supra Intelligence: Intelligence is a global capacity of an individual to deal with the environment. Howard Gardner identifies seven types to represent multiple intelligence. However, an extensive research into the inner world of a person reveals a wide range of versatility that includes 17 types of intelligence. This program provides awareness and means for improving multiple intelligence.

The duration of the program is one day to provide awareness and to orient towards nurturing Supra Intelligence.

Developing Emotional Intelligence: Synchronizing the right brain with the left always results in optimal efficiency. While dealing with emotions is usually learnt by trail and error emotional intelligence ensures psychological well being and enables one to free from psychosomatic disorders. This program measures emotional intelligence and trains the participant in cultivating it effectively. A one-day Program.

Supra Vocational Achievement Program: A one-year program for those who have difficulties in adjusting to their working environment.

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 Students come into institutional set up from varied backgrounds. The curriculum prepared for the students is in itself insufficient to build a holistic growth in the individual. An institution has to consider a student as a future citizen of the country. It has to plan for the future of the student before sending him or her into the competitive world. Though theoretically it is advisable for each institution to employ a school psychologist, several practical considerations make it quite difficult. Under such conditions teachers have a great role to play as they interact with students every day. A training in educational counseling can equip teachers to deal with the students’ personal, emotional, and educational problems more effectively.

AIMS:- The training program is aimed at imparting knowledge and skills to the participant teacher in systematic, timely, efficient, and effective educational counseling and guidance.

ELIGIBILITY:- Teachers with five years of experience.

DURATION:- 10 Days (60 Hours) including assignments and practicals.

BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES:- At the end of the program the participant teacher should be able to:


  1. Introduction: - Nature, Scope, and objectives of educational counseling. Need for educational counseling. Nature and types of adjustment – academic, motivational, emotional, perceptual, cognitive, and social.
  2. Individual Differences: - Nature of individual differences. Factors affecting individual differences – age, sex, physical traits, intelligence, personality, aptitudes, abilities, and social traits. Role of heredity and environment. Measurement of individual differences – checklists, questionnaires, inventories, rating scales, developmental charts, performance tests, and achievement tests.
  3. Counseling Skills: - Interview – types and stages of counseling interview. Counseling procedures – group and individual counseling. Use of role play, simulation techniques, psychological games, exercises, audio-visual aids, etc.
  4. Educational Guidance: - Meaning and scope of educational guidance. Principles of guidance. Types of guidance activities – academic, vocational, avocational, health, and personal.

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For HR Professionals


Interviewing is an art. Especially when interview is used as a selection procedure it can elicit a world of knowledge about the candidate that usually go untapped through other selection criteria. The following interactive program is meant to provide an insight into the nuances of efficient and effective practice of interviewing.


  1. Preparation
  2. Rapport
  3. Empathy
  4. Listening Skills
  5. Inquiry
  6. Testing for Specific Abilities:



Cognitive Functions

Analytical Ability

Ability to Learn

General Awareness



  1. Insight
  2. Depth Interview
  3. Conclusion


Role Play, Simulation Exercises, Discussion, and Brain Storming 


12 Hours 

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Enriching Team Work

 Group tasks need greater preparation and planning. One major aspect of preparation is for the members of the group to work as team. As Team Building is a continuous task, this program has been structured to cater to the growing complexities of group behaviour.


To ensure optimal performance in a group


Task Identification


Group Cohesiveness

Mutual Understanding

Extending Support

Seeking Help

Collective Responsibility

Respecting Individuality

Interactive Skills


Group counseling, Simulated exercises, Role play, Psychodrama, Brain storming, Discussion


Two Days with Follow-up once in a month for six months

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