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News Release In the UFO Technology Hackers Manual, Michael Unum has demonstrated that we do indeed have the technological advancement to go into space with field dependent drive systems that are clean, efficient, and fast.
By fast where talking about 29,900kps. with up to 1,440,000lbs. of thrust available using power systems and superconductors that exist right now. All we have to do is exploit the systems described in his book and in the disclosed patents to be on par with other advanced space farring worlds. The fact is you will not look at spacecraft development in the same way after reading his book. He leaves little doubt that our government has, and is developing these types of systems in secret, up till know at least.
After reading this book you may be wondering how we could have been so deceived so completely for so many years. After reading the patents and the authors investigative reasoning you will know more about how human engineered UFO's might operate than you may have ever expected possible without very high level security clearance.
You may, or may not believe in outer space alien craft but at least after reading this book you will understand the technology and the probable reasoning behind the cover-up of mankind's venture into the technical area of Field Drive Spacecraft Systems 
Art by Ben Green.
Art by Ben Green
Michael Unum's work leans heavily on the facts he draws his
conclusions from these truths. If you ever wondered about
secret black budget projects that our government is doing
this book is for you. You don't have to have an engineering
degree in high potential electromagnetic to benefit from
Michael's book it's written in an unassuming style.


Here Michael's latest talk show feature on the ParaNet Continuum

Michael Unum's next interview will be featured on The X-Zone Radio Show This Sept 13th

Anyone with an interest in spacecraft development will benefit
from reading this book. I have never seen more information
on Advanced Space Drive systems than you will find in this
work. It's sure to become one of the defining books on the
subject. In only 208 pages of explanations and patents you
will be brought up to speed on what we should expect to
receive from our tax dollars in the area of Space Drive
Soon there will be a new Space Race, a race to make it
affordable to the consumer. We have a safe, and fast mode of
travel to go out into our local universe, and explore the
new frontier for ourselves. All we have to do is license the
development of these systems in the private sector to get the
cost down on all future defense aerospace appropriations.
The authors conclusion is that we were never supposed to
gain from all this development just to pay for it and remain
ignorant servants to an inefficient and dangerously antiquated
system that we have propped up for far to long.
This book is not a rehash of information covered in other books.

Most of the information disclosed within has never appeared in book form before this writing
however, if you have read, How To Build A Flying Saucer And Other Projects In Speculative Engineering (by T.B. Pawliki),this book starts where that author ends his, at the Solid State UFO.
I will bring you up to speed on the state of the art in space craft drive potential.

All information is compiled from publicly available government documents

Within the unknown and the unexplained, lie the parameters for a new paradigm.
As scientist, inventors, and hackers, we must go forth bravely into this new territory.
If we were to turn away, to return to our comfortable ignorance, we may never do what we all dream.To advance science, technology, and human discovery
to the next level.

The reason for my writing this book:

Is to bring, to the attention of the general public :
information about space drive capabilities
that human technology can accomplish
and are way beyond what we are being told about
    in our schools
    our media
    and even our scientific community
These technologies must be known to the general public
so that they will have the knowledge to DEMAND ACCESS to these capabilities.

Soon, all mankind can go forth into Space and explore the New Frontier for ourselves.

These freedoms are being denied us by reinforcing our ignorance and misleading us with rehashed old technology that is too expensive, dangerous, and technically complicated to be used by common folks like you and I.

At the order form page.

The Inventor James E. Cox Speaks

This is the uncut e-mail sent to me by, the inventor of the Dipolar Force Field Propulsion
System. The design that I conclude was used by the government
to devlope the Aurora Spycraft


Thanks for the copy of UFO Technology Hackers manual
It looks great especially part with my patent!! You got me
thinking about the possibility that the government stole my
invention and made it a black project--but how do I
find out about it and prove it???? It's certainly a
possibility as I submitted a proposal to the Air
Force to do research in this area and the Captain
said he was trying to get the General's interest but
was later re-asssigned. Art Bell had a mystery guest
on a month ago--General "A", just awarded his third
star, talking about disc craft at Canoga Park
facility 15 levels down under, that moved silently
accompanied by winds, powered atomically.---Hummmm,
where's my royalty payment???--Jim Cox.



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The Roswell UFO Technology by Michael Unum