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Our Favorite Cruising Guides, Sailing Books, and Magazines


Snow Goose's - Favorite Sailing Books/Guides - SAILING BOOKS list


Below, we have compiled a list of books. Some of which we had found to be invaluable in our journey through the Bahamas, as well as in our everyday lives living aboard.


Yachtsman's Guide to the Bahamas: 1998 - order here
from Tropic Isle Publishers
by Meredith H. Fields

This guide was what we used almost exclusively, in addition to the Nautical Charts, and is considered to be"the bible" amongst ourselves as well as the other cruisers we had met. We recomend that you use the latest available version, as there are sometimes critical bits of info that are updated anually (such as: light at Russel Beacon reported to be not working, new shoals, etc.)

VSG o--) o--) o--) o--) 4 anchor award!!!


Gentleman's Guide to Passages South: The Thornless Path toward Windward BLISS - order here
by; Bruce Van Sant
published: December 1995

This guidebook was by far more useful, for its information on how to schedule your passages, to make them safer and more enjoyable, than it is for its pilot charts etc.. It will show how a "leisurely sailor" can make passages safer and faster, if various techniques, such as using weather windows, riding fronts, as well as others are used. All done with an interesting perspective and outlook! Although it's short in content, it's loaded with info. A must for your nautical library!

VSG o--) o--) o--) o--) ~ 4 anchor award!!!


Incredible Voyage: A personal Odyssey - order here
by: Triston Jones

This is a sailing adventure your not going to want to miss. It truly is incredible!

VSG - o--) o--) o--) o--) ~ 4 anchor award!!!


Voyages of Joshua Slocum - order here

This will make a great addition to your nautical library. A classic story!


We hope that you have enjoyed this website, and we have been of help to you in some way!

Thanks for ordering your cruising guides, sailing books, magazines, etc., here!

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