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July 4, 1993 - November 22, 2000

Brett & Son, Hawk

This is Brett and his son, Hawk. Brett was 6.5 years old in this picture and Hawk was 6.5 months. Both dogs received a Group 3 medallion, against 9 other working dogs in puppy and adult Working Group! Then, Brett went on to take a Reserve Best In Show Veteran, and Hawk took Reserve Best In Show Rarebreed Puppy! :) We just HAD to get a picture!!!

Brett Brett

Brett was a strong mover, with excellent bone, skin and ear-set. His head was very typy and masculine, having the characteristic pear shape, lack of stop, roman-nose, folds from the corner of his eye, and heavy dewlap. He was a correct dog who was at the center of the standard, not too big and not too small!

He scored a Good on his OFA evaluation (at an incredible 66 months of age!!), and his PennHIP evaluation stated that his hip laxity was "tighter than 70% of the breed" with scores of .42/.31! Brett had already been TT'd (at just over one year of age) through the FBCA. He was negative for Brucellosis (11/99) and his thyroid panel came back within normal ranges at 76 months of age. He was very stable and displayed the important 'ojeriza' for which the breed is known.

At a dog shows he really impressed the judges! Not only did he qualify for his IABCA National Championship (with ALL V-1s!), but he also took an amazing Group 3, against a large Working Group. This was at the age of 6.5 years!!! He then went on to take Reserve Best In Show Veteran, over a half dozen very nice AKC veteran dogs! Ms. Barbara Gaines, told me during her critique of Brett, that the one thing that kept coming to her mind was, "WOW!" And several months later, Mr. Rick Glendinning, gave Brett the ultimate compliment when he said that Brett was a 'strong working dog'!! Check out the rest of their comments in the Judges' Critiques below. Brett did a fantastic job representing the Fila in the showring. During his career he received 9 V-1 ratings - the highest a dog can get with the IABCA!!

BrettPaceFront BrettTrotSide

At his first dog show, (where he earned his IABCA International Championship title - YEA!) he had quite the gathering of looky-looz who admired this incredible dog. This was the case whenever we took him out in public! This dog carried himself with such pride and confidence; he strutted around like he WAS God's gift to the breed!!

He has proven himself as a stud dog - out of the five pups sired by Brett, two have been shown with fantastic results!!! Their names are Hawk and Bonnie.

Judges' Comments about Brett