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IABCA Int'l Ch. Gemitus de Virtus

Today (July 4, 2012) Hawk passed away in the arms of his beloved family at home. It was a peaceful passing, with his Daddy craddling his head in his arms telling him just how special he was. Hawk is the oldest Frog Holler Fila at 13 years 1.5 months - and he spent that whole time adoring his family!!

Hawk, ol' boy, you'll be missed by all of us!! Give your mother a kiss at Rainbow Bridge and tell her that I'll see you both again someday! xoxoxox

Birthday Boy! Birthday Boy!
Happy 13th Birthday HAWK!!! I'm so proud of what a great friend you have been to my parents, and it's evident that they have taken excellent care of you - - how many Filas can brag about making it to 13?!?!? I hope you enjoyed your birthday party!

Is he growling, smiling, or just being a dork?!?! I choose . . . DORK!!!

Ice Cream

with his toy
Hawk just loves his toy that his half-brother's Mom, Linda, gave him while she was here visiting! He carries it in his mouth and insists on sleeping with it cradled between his front feet! We were all surprised that he didn't eat it right off the bat, but he takes very good care of it!

@ 2 years @ 2 years Paulette and Hawk
These pictures were taken on Hawk's 2nd birthday - isn't he just beautiful?!?! He seems to have it all - stability, protectiveness, intelligence, beauty, and most importantly, a great personality!!

21 months of age
Well, the little turd did it again!!! He went to his first show as an adult entry and not only did he earn his IABCA International Championship title, but he ALSO took 3 Best Of Breeds, came home with a Group 3, a Reserve Best In Show Bred-By win, AND a Reserve Best In Show Rarebreed win!!!! WHAT A BOY!!! My Dad was there to witness the whole thing, and MY!, was he BEAMING with pride!!!

Handsome Pair
Look at these two handsome guys! Hawk is about a year old in this picture, and my Dad is, well . . . old enough to kick my butt if I tell his age!!! :)

Playing Dress-Up Nap Time!
Here is the latest from Gene and Paulette, showing how UDDERLY spoiled Hawk is!!! No dog in his right mind would allow such photos to be taken - but then, we've always wondered if Hawk cares about being in a right mind!! :)

Hawk in the Yard Handsome Hawk
Here is Hawk at 9.5 months of age. You can see the water on his sides from being sprayed with the hose - a game he LOVES! He is such a crack-up that he pretty much keeps his people in stitches all the time!

Congratulations to Gene and Paulette for Hawk's accomplishments at his first show!!! He is now, at 6.5 months, an IABCA National Jr. Champion! Not only that, he took a Group 3, a PuppySweeps Group 2, and a RESERVE Best In Show Rarebreed Puppy!!! Holy COW!

New Champion - Hawk Father & Son - Brett & Hawk!

Click here to see the Judges' Comments about Hawk.

Do you think that Hawk likes his veggie meal!?!? I'm not sure if he likes to EAT it or PLAY in it!

Hawk at 18 weeks. He is looking at a stick that my Dad is holding (he LOVES sticks!), so he is looking good!

It is in the plans to take this same picture when Hawk is older so that there is something to compare his size to later! What a great idea! He clearly wants to go back inside the house, don't you think?!

Hawk playing Tug-a-war Hawk and his new Daddy! Hawk's Tummy
Finally, Hawk is settling into his new home (where he is spoiled somethin' fierce)! He loves it there, especially not having to share his stuff with Mr. Biggles. He has become very attached to his Mom and Dad and has already begun growling and hackling at strangers! He keeps his family on their toes with his silly antics! He is almost 15 weeks old in the pictures.

Hawk Playing
Of all the toys that Hawk could choose to play with, he chooses to grab an empty milk jug!! Oh well, at least he is having fun, right?!?! He is about 13 weeks old in this photo.

Hawk's Profile
Didn't he have a great profile when he was a baby!?! He is a little bit lighter in color than his brothers and sister.

Hawk @ 15 days old Hawk @ 15 days old
Here is Hawk when he was 15 days old. I always find it hard to believe how much they grow during their first year, but during those first few weeks, it is really unbelievable how much they change. They go from a JimmyDean sausage to a Fila pup in just weeks!!

Hawk @ 9 days old Hawk @ 9 days old
Here is Hawk when he was 9 days of age.

*Hawk is now living in his new home (a fantastic LOG home at that!) with Lisa's parents, Gene and Paulette Hartman of WA. They are very excited about his arrival into their lives!*