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A War's End

I hear the gunshots in the air
With the sound of pure despair
Killing Canadians without a care
Wherever I look, its war everywhere

Soldiers falling one by one
So many die 'neath the clouded sun
I pray for peace, but there is none
It seems like war will never be done

Suddenly, I see white in the sky
It's a flag of peace, flying high
I'm so relieved, I want to cry
The war is over. I let out a sigh

We gather together and bury the dead
Soldiers are mourned. Humble words are said
We stand together as we march ahead
Knowing this is a story that will always be read.

"Lest we forget"

A Remembrance Day poem by Ever Fisher-Quann (2016)

"Parents Comments" We were so proud of Ever today!
She won 1st place in the Legion district Remembrance
Day Poetry Contest and placed 2nd in the Zone. There
were 800 applicants! Granny and Grandad Quann are extremely
proud. I thought my Quann family Armed Forces folks might
like to see this.

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