Issues in Materials and Construction Deterioration: Commentary and Glossary

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Environmental Loads and Construction Degradation

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Construction deterioration & building durability glossary: Terms of science, engineering, architecture, and trade

Environmental Loads and Construction Degradation

This glossary's entries are primarily in American (and sometimes Canadian) English, although I am fully aware that there is, well... something else out there. If what are you looking for is not here, you may want to try our Building Pathology Glossary which besides Definitions in English, adds the dimension of Romance languages by translating into French and Roumanian.

While our Building Pathology site is not perfectly organized (to say the least), it may help if you go to The Site Map and find articles relevant to your particular problem. A B C D E F G-H I-J-K L M N O P-Q R S T U V W X-Y-Z

Glossary bibliography/further reading:

Jane's Internet Defence Glossary
Joint Publication 1-02, "DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms."
Bureau of Reclamation's Glossary of Terms
American Metal Market's Glossary of Terms
over 2600 automotive expressions
USACE's Glossary of Coastal Engineering Terms
Glossary of Corrosion
Cudahy Roofing - Roofing Terms
Efficient Windows
Materials Science and Engineering
Dictionary of Metal Terminology
NRC's Minerals and Metals
Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Hypertext Webster Gateway
A searchable Webster Dictionary
An even more searchable Webster: it allows long queries, producing output in TeX format
Dictionary of Mining
Info-mine: another dictionary of mining
OneLook Dictionaries
Glossary of Industrial Painting
Another glossary of Industrial Painting
Construction Guide to Army Real Property Category Codes, APPENDIX B Specific Item Codes and Detailed Definitions
Glossary of efficient windows

Last, but not least, a poor excuse for a general English-Romanian Dictionary (University of Timisoara) and its reverse which is no better: Romanian-English Dictionary (University of Timisoara). And yet, they are just about the only game in Net town!

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Short, utilitarian links:
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Construction Pathology: Construction deterioration & building durability glossary: terms of science, engineering, architecture, and trade

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