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Being promoted is much easier than you would think it is. The main way is to just be active. The more active you are, the more you will be noticed by your General and Captains, and, the higher your chances are for being promoted. To be active, all you have to do is:

  • Log into the WarNG Clan Site at least once a week.

  • Post often on the Forums section of the site.(That is where the news and ideas and help is, and anything big that effects the clan will be posted on there, so we would love your opinions).

  • Be active in the Clan Channel, even if it is just sitting and chatting for a few minutes.

  • Suck Up :-P



    Grand Admiral

    The Grand Admiral is in chrage of the Clan. There is no Rank higher than his. This high Rank DOES come with responsibilitys, though. He has to be active and have good leadership skills. Any disputes between Admirals are settled by the Grand Admiral.


    Admiral of Health

    The Admiral of Health is in charge of the well-being of the Clan. If he thinks someone isn't doing their job, it is his duty to fix it. He is in charge of over-seeing everyone's job as well. Even if the Grand Admiral isn't doing his job, he is in charge of fixing it however he sees fit.


    Admiral of Strategies

    The Admiral of Strategy's job is to make and maintain Clan Alliances. He is in charge of making sure that their Relationships are strong. He is also in charge of breaking an Alliance if the Allied Clan dies or is inactive.


    Admiral of Relationship

    The Admiral of Relationship is in charge of "bringing fresh blood" into the Clan. This means he is in charge of making sure the Recruiters are doing thier jobs. If a Recruiter isn't maintaining enough Recruits per week, he or she can and will be cut. The Admiral of Relationship is also a Recruiter.


    Admiral of Engineering

    The Admiral of Engineering is in charge of the Clan Site. He fixes bugs, makes updates, and adds new stuff to it. The Admiral of Engineering must have an advanced knowledge of website development. Any bugs are to be reported to him.


    The Admiral of Wars

    The Admiral of War's job is to set up and make Tournaments. This helps to keep activeness in the Clan. He also makes Tournaments between Clans to help keep Alliances strong. If there are any tournaments, he will post them in the "Tournaments" Forums on the clan site. Many of the Admiral of War's Tournaments invovle special prizes as well...



    A Major's job is to help an Admiral in his duties. A Major is hand picked by his Admiral. Every Admiral has his own Major. If an Admiral is On Leave, it is the Major's job to act as a "substitute".



    A Colonel is a retired member who was in the Clan for a long time. They are to be considered heroes. They are usually involved with the early development of WarNG. If you happen to see one, you are in the presence of a legend.



    A General is in charge of a Division. He is in charge of setting rules, keeping activeness, and promoting/demoting his division members. His job is mainly to recruit. Any problems in a Division are to be reported to its General.



    Every Division has up to two Captains. The Captains job is to help their General in all of his duties. A Captain can also promote/demote people. If a General is On Leave, it is the Captains job to act as a "substitute".


    Leutennant/Staff Sergeant/ Seargent Major/First Seargent

    These Ranks are higher than a Private's, and are obtained by being promoted by a Caotain or General. To be promoted to one of these Ranks, see How to Get Promoted. These ranks deserve repect, as you only get promoted for being an active member. So remember, BE ACTIVE. :-P



    A Private is one of the lower Ranks in the clan. This does not make them unimportant however. Privates are the backbone of the clan, making up the majority. After being a Recruit for a week, you are automatically promoted to a Private.



    A Recruit is a brand new member of the Clan. After a one-week trial, they are promoted to a Private. Recruits are to be treated with respect.


    -This website was created by General Pickle-