Newz 2000

-Oct. 7, 2001-  As the pentagon makes its response this morning all that comes to my head is this...

 14, 2001--Sept.

-June 24, 2001-  We next to never know when we are well off: but this cuts two ways,- for if we did, we
    should perhaps know know better when we are ill off also. . . Let us be grateful to the mirror for revealing to
    us our appearance only.
                                                Samuel Butler

-March. 5, 2001-  so the earthquake last week moved Seattle 5 cm realise this means that bits   of
    U.S.A. are now bits of Canada. The world is sending subliminal messages!

    -I went to see a play of The Dream Hunters, based on the graphic short story by Neil Gaiman. It was sooo,   good. I didn't realise what a strong effect sound and lighting could have on a play, but it was well   utilized to bring more life into the small 5 person show.

     - Monkey Bone is stuuuupid! I don't care about Brendan Fraser's calliber of acting... some  movies have  no  excuses!

-Jan. 21, 2001- news of the wierd...

            my dad has a toy shaped like a cow in a rocket. the rocket is purple and the
            end glows when you rub it the right way.

            - I've decided to separate the news section from the home section. Like it or lump it. (no, I don't know what that
                means, exactly)

-Dec. 31, 2000- sometimes I'm guilty by default...

--Dec. 27, 2000-  "the crooked path seems straight to those who walk it." Death is an illusion, truth is an illusion. Reality is
                                anything you want it to be and freedom...

      Such a little word, freedom, such a small request and yet the asking of it has consumed the soul of a people

--Dec. 20, 2000-         Carol of the Bells

                                        Hark how the bells,
                                         sweet silver bells,
                                         all seem to say,
                                         throw cares away

                                        Christmas is here,
                                       bringing good cheer,
                                         to young and old,
                                        meek and the bold,

                                        Oh how they pound,
                                        raising the sound,
                                         o'er hill and dale,
                                         telling their tale,

                                          Gaily they ring
                                         while people sing
                                       songs of good cheer,
                                        Christmas is here,

                                Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas,
                                Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas,
                                         On on they send ,
                                          on without end,
                                   their joyful tone to every home
                                  Dong Ding dong ding, dong Bong

--Dec. 12, 2000- holy crap! I'm just one exam away from finnishing the semester! I can't believe it. Yay for time off, of sorts...early mornings and strange noises........zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... oh and sorry about no changes recently, but they've all been going on behind the scenes :)

--Dec 6, 2000- Yay! Mighcelph's visiting for the next week and a half. :) happiness! oh, and I finnished my first college course for the semester today. i only have two others to finnish...some days just rock. I tried making short bread today...odd experiences. e-me if you're interested in the recipe. Hey, it's christmas time!

--Dec. 4, 2000- Hee! so many changes and updates and things. I've been sooo buzy. I was up late working on a Hamlet essay, so there's probably gonna be a whole bunch of Hamlet quotes around here soon. oh and then there's gonna be the English Patient quotes... HEY! Stop groaning! Oh well. More's comming I promise!

--Dec. 2, 2000- I'm doing lots for the page! unfortunately not a whole heck of a lot of it is actually posted yet... I'm workin on it. I finnally got my hands of some better pics and stuff, so this should be good!

--Nov. 30- 2000- oh, that was a crazy election...oh well, at least alliance didn't get in. Sorry about the lack of updates... school's been OVERWHELMING. But hey :) I have a job now. I stock shelves, I don't know why but I enjoy it. I guess I'm just anal retentive. (hehe anal)

--Nov. 26 2000- My spoon is too big-erg... ummm, k just no. alrighty, elections commin up tomorow. Oh, joy
and what not. I think Chretien is leading federally, but I'm not sure. It's icky, in my district the alliance
candidate is most likely to win. *sigh* *_*

--EEEE! I'm so happy, this page is lookin better every day! I'm off to see spike n mikes sick and twisted tonight. Should be oodles of fun!

--Nov. 24 2000- My best friend, his girlfriend and I met a bard on the street the other night on our way to dinner. He told us the most lovely story he'd written in verse that he'd remembered and was able to recite. Many have seen giants in the hill formations of interior BC, but I don't think anyone's actually written about it so beautifully. Makes me think I'll skip the trip out to Europe, and just discover more about the country I'm in. Oh, Yeah! it's international buy nothing day!!!

--Nov. 23 2000- Okiee I've got some stuff set up. I've decided to pass some time between writing essays for
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