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---Page 1 is the index of the Lounge. It is where the index, webring listing and the basic outline of the Lounge can be found. And can be accessed on any page by clicking on this icon


---Page 2 ---NEW LOUNGE LOVELY JUST ADDED----contains the Lounge Lovely, horoscopes, polls, me ranting about whatevers on my mind, my personal pics, and whatever else I can stir up. and this is it's icon

---Page 3 is All About Osco. Hi, i'm Osco and this page is all about me. It has a pic, a half truth bio, and probably some othe shit and here is its icon.

---Page 4 is Past Longe Lovelies and this is the page of all the former Lounge Lovelies. All first timers must go back and check out these beautiful ladies. Just click the thumbnails for full size beauties. And it has its own icon too.

---Page 5 is Lounge Links. These are a bunch of links I thought were cool for some reason. this page also includes links to my friends sites (actually some of these people I don't even know) and yet another icon

------------Other shit
Other shit has no icons and no page numbers

------SlamBook This is my slambook please sign it.

--- Guestbook You can sign it too

---  The Lost Souls Message Board also known as the that pissed me off message board. Feel free to post messages about entertainment, sports, politics,, what you really think of your in-laws, if those are Britneys real boobs, who shot JR, or anything else on you mind. What I'm trying to say is feel free to express yourself on the message board. Post what your thinking or how your feeling or what's pissing you off.



Currently I'm working on an AWARD page and will be giving out awards for uutstanding web pages. This probably wo't be completed til Sept. or Oct.

TAKE THE LOVELIEST LOUNGE LOVELY POLL --- currently located on the Past Lounge Lovely Page

Added to new links this month "The Official Joel Gertner Website", Joel is my hero, and "Mr. T vs. Britney Spears"

ALWAYS LOOKING FOR LOUNGE LOVELYS----submit for next month, This month I was overwelmed with pictures of Lovely women and choosing just one was really hard. Hope to see that type of reaction every month.

Feel free to mail me or post any comments or suggestions


This TARDVILLE Webring site is owned by Osco

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