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Canadian Show Dogs Foundation
Membership Application Form - 2003 Club Year

NAME ___________________________________________________ Over 18? Yes __ No __

ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________

CITY ________________________ PROVINCE ________________ POSTAL CODE _______________

TELEPHONE (____)____________ FAX (____)___________ E MAIL ____________________________

Please state your interests in the Foundation;



Would you be willing to volunteer on one of these Committees?
Promotion ______ Fundraising ______ Bylaw Revisions _______ Newsletter ______

How would you like to receive our Bulletin?
Please check one; Email at YahooGroups ____ or Postal Mail ____

I have read, understand and agree to the Objectives of the CSDF:

Signature ___________________________________________ Date _______________________

Parent or Guardian Signature for Applicants under 18 years old


CSDF Membership Dues: (Initial Application/dues received after October 01 will be good through the following year. Otherwise fees are due January 01 of each year.)

Please check one type of membership Individual: $10.00______ or Junior: $5.00 ______

I would like to include a donation towards the CSDF under: (choose one)

Donor's Name: ________________________________________ or Anonymous ___

Dues amount $ ______ Donation amount $ _______ Total enclosed $_______

Please send application and dues (cheque made payable to CSDF) to:

Membership CSDF
Sheila Benoit-Gray
904 Sylvia St
Oshawa ON L1H 5M8