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Song Lyrics

I have started an online songwriting group for young, amateur songwriters everywhere in the world. We share our songs and lyrics with each other, give feedback and advice, discuss aspects of songwriting, talk about our influences, and do other things. We don't have designated online meeting times; we just e-mail each other whenever' we can. If you would like to join or want more information, please e-mail me. My address is at the bottom of each page at this website.

Climb on Board

Climb on board, we're going higher

We're gonna shoot right past that moon

We're gonna fly right over that ball of fire

I can feel it coming soon

Stars explode as you hold my hand

Fly forver, never want to land

Blind from the sun so hold me tight

I can feel it coming tonight


Sounds strange and feels empty

When your floating out in space

Baby I felt the same way

'Till I saw your face

Hang on tight, it's getting faster

Traveling at the speed of light

I won't mind if we burn in disaster

As long as you're right by my side

The sun explodes, I feel the blast

In my head thsi trip will always last

I don't care if there's no light

As long as you're right here tonight


Sounds strange and feels empty

When your floating out in space

Baby I felt the same way

'Till I saw your face

by Mike Lamantia,


Redemption never lived in me.

Nothing you do can salvage me.

The soul has been lasvirtated,

steeped in flaws, even cracks are jaded

My blood burns my heart.

I could never stop it before it would start.

Begging for a taste, a seel, a sense,

begging for the last taste of innocence.

better get wasted

numb and wasted

Deading my will.

Deading my soul.

Deading my feel.

I am sold.

Dulling my reason.

Dulling what's living.

Dulling my vision.

I am sold.

I break from within.

Bones break and so does skin.

Collapasing from within.

My will drowns with sin.

Better get wasted.

Numb and wasted.

Deading my will.

Deading my soul.

Deading my feel.

I am sold.

Dulling my reason.

Dulling what's living.

Dulling my vision.

I am sold.

By Fluid,

Innocence Lost

I remember when we were young.

We never wanted to hurt anyone.

We used to be so carefree.

Nothing could come between you and me.


But then somehow it all went wrong.

We indulged desire, but at what cost?

We abandoned all the things we felt so strong.

Everything changed once our innocence was lost.

Things were so simple back in those days.

Nothing complicated ever got in the way.

We held out beliefs and we held each other tight,

And no matter what happened everything turned out all right.


Years blew by and pushed us on ahead.

We should've grwon close, but we rushed it instead.

In one night of passion all that's pure was burned.

We lost our innocence and it will never return.


By Shane Krontz,

If You're Gone

I was passing by your house today.

I saw his car in your driveway.

I didn't know just what to day.

I took a glance in your front window.

(Saw you) smiling at him with that glow.

The one that I used to know


Well I'm aware we've been done for awhile,

But I just can't seem to live without your smile.

I know that I should just move on,

But I can't survive if you're gone.

As I drove by your house faded.

I started feeling all jealous and jaded.

I know it's something I should have anticipated.

Well you're his now and it hurts me so.

I can't explain why I just let you go.

Once you were mine, but that was so long ago.


By Shane Krontz,

I Could Love for Evermore

I got a call one moring. It was her on the phone.

She said she needed to talk to me and I began to feel alone.

She started out by telling me just how much she cared,

But she had to get away 'cause she felt love wasn't there.

Deep inside I felt like crying, but I had to show I;m a man.

She said her final good-byes, and I held back best I can.


She said she's sorry, but she's leaving 'cause she feels so insecure.

And deep inside me my heart was breaking 'cause I thought I was sure

That this would be the woman that I could love for evermore.

It's been a few years now since she let me go to fall.

I think about her all the time and I kind of wish she'd call.

I remember how she explained that I didn't tell her enough

About just how much I loved her and all that sentimental stuff.

Now I know that I'm to blame 'cause I didn't put up a fight.

I just let her walk away and now I'm lonley at night.


I sit and wonder every night "would she come back to me?"

I hear she's found a new man, and she seems so happy.

I realize I should let her go, but my heart won't walk away.

I still ahve that crazy dream that I'll win her back someday.


by Shane Krontz,

Lacking in Status

Socail status is getting on top of me

I feel an urge to break it all free

And reveal the desire I hold within me

But why do I doubt it will happen

Unseen laws and rules created

Keeps me within my own vicious circle

Every time I feel I'm indignated

I will never reach those heights

I'm way out of her league

I want to break the shell and fly free

It's not gonna happen I tell myself

I'm too low for her decree

Insignifigance among the higher level

Unseen boundries must not be tread on

The accidental touch that seemed so right

Was just one of many for her that night

One night there ws when I felt close

I though the bud might just open

I thought I'd got rid of all my foes

But the unseen love started to happen

Is it all gonna end now I ask myself

Dreaming of what could happen in times to come

No point in thinking about it, it will never be

But if dreams have a meaning then, will I be free?

by Eddie Cairns,

Hell Chant

Bring them up, Casted down

Blood filled cup, Long faced frown

Darkness, evil, You are a feeble

Feasted city, Have no pity


I will waste your life

I will give you strife

Take the crispy rat

Eat it, EAT IT! It's fat


Fuckin' Fuckin' Burning down the whores

Fuckin' Fuckin' Evil needs much more

Hell comes to store

He is nevermore

Tender fur, As it purrs

Crippling, Hear bells ring

Dying service, Dont' be nervous

His greatness, Satan's Dress



Hell is risin

It is prison

Won't you die

Don't you cry


(chouras twice)

Wasted, hell chant

Wasted, hell chant (repeat)


by Matt A. (from the band D.O.R.F.),


Time to elevate

Like Ras Kass on Marinate

Only rapper to touch me, Ralize I have to segregate and regulate the Hicks who think I'm Secon Rate

Fuckin' Cakes

Label me Minority

What the fuck is the majority?

Sittin' pretty in yo' high class

white trash sororoty

I had some time

to open up the mind

And recognize I gotta stop creatin' beef

Wit people of the same kind

We've been denied

And defied

Time to unify

And fight these fuckin' white lies

Sociaty Epitomize the colour of my skin

The battle ain't no longer within

'cause bein' non-white means I'm a sin to the so called original man

Fuck it ain't even African

'Cause these Honkeys think it's them.

But I'm up in Toronto

And promote this shit that's multicultural

But only i fyou think so.

you ain't no immigrant

unless you can supplement

the government

Or improve the economic situation wit pure cash payment

Make sure it's quickly sent

Or they'll send yo' ass back to your old settlement.

For all my minorities...especially my chinks!

Fuck one love!

by Victor Santiago,

Please Let Me Fly

I was more than a desperate soul

looling for someone to take me home

You were more than a helping hand

you showed me how to live agian

And now it's not that i don't love you

it's not that I don't care

there's a whole big world surrounding me

and, well, I'm expected there

I'm sorry if I make you cry

honey, please understand

You hgave me my wings, darling

please let me fly...

High above the clouds

I wanna see it with my own eyes


guided only by the moonlight

goonna see just what I find

You gave me my wings, darling

please let me fly

When my life was falling apart

you nourished and sheltered my wounded heart

You guided me down my path

and gave me my faith in myself back

And now it's not that I don't love you

it's not that I don't care

there's a whole big world surrounding me

and, well, I'm expected there

I'm sorry if I make you cry

honey please understand

You gave me my wings, darling

please let me fly

The day will come, I don't know when

that I'll be coming home again

Love survies when it's true

You'll see the love I have to give

but first I must learn how to live

so I can give my best to you

It's nto that I don't love you

no, it's not that I don't care

There's so much I must discover

and many things I want to share

It's not goodbye I'm saying

more like until we meet again

you gave me my wings, darling

please let me fly...

free from all the space between us

we will see it with our own eyes

You gave me my wings, darling

please let me fly

by Donna E. Fox,


After all that we've been through you want to leave me alone.You said that you were sorry , but you while we were dating you said that you had all ready found some body new.I felt bad about it but I left you off the hook.I heard you said bad things about me.

Shawanda Monique BARNES

Sometimes Magic

Not mere ink prints on paper

To dissolve into the air like vapor

A strong combination of words, wisdom and rhyme

Can withstand the test of time

And when you hang it on the wall

It might even save you from a fall

For events in life are often tragic

Strength from words are sometimes magic

C. Pylate Price

Copyright 2000

The Shrine 

The old wrecked and rusty truck in the back pasture

Mostly consumed by tall weeds

Slowly degenerating with time

One hundred years in the future

Parts of it will still remain

But none will remember the name

Of the owner that was killed

That night of the big race

Way back in Nineteen sixty three

The right front tire blew out

And he swerved and hit a tree

Smashing the bones of his body and face

An eye sore to neighbors and sometimes they whine

But to the boys mother it's more like a shrine

C. Pylate Price

Copyright 2000

"My Katharine Lee"

I remember the day,

when you were walkin my way

I don't know why i gave up

and why school had to interupt

There was a time and place

and i wasnt part of her race

and just in case

i can't see

my Katharine Lee


she used to wiggle her butt

when she walked

flip her blonde hair

when she talked

and every girl

always says

i wish i could be

like Katharine Lee


I used to say I love you

all she said was thats not true

i said i was old enough to decide

that you would be mine

she only refused to see why

When i kissed her lips

They felt so real

The eye shadow

which was a light blue teal

she was one of a kind

thats why she cryed


she and I were so alike

we both tried

to commit suicide

we both thought we were ugly

and talked each other out of believe it

And i still regrett i let her die

she jumped off a bridge in july

i will always love her her

saying your my angle

if i could change the past

i would let her be


Derek Mathew Daisey


Verse 1:

There s no doubt that I m a man

I know my fellas will understand

With so many bachelors out there

Why do the ladies pick the fellas that just don t care

While you think it s all about you

He s got at least three other girls

That s claiming they re his too

I don t know why

You gotta have a gun toting

Chain smoking

Boy like Timothy

When you could have a man like me

Chorus: Girl you need a man

Who cares about you

And there s no other man

Who ll love you like I do


Who will treat you

Better than I do


Nobody, Baby

Verse 2:

So you say you need a ruffneck

Why choose some thug over respect

You need somebody who can love you down

Take you around and around, not afraid to turn you out baby

Girlie I will do you right

Be down for you each and every night

He s gotta go

Don t settle for that bed-hoppin

Store robbin

Boy like Timothy

When you need a man like me


I hope you don't mind but I have submitted two songs. Just to let you know my name is Paul-Michael and I am a singer/songwriter in a band here in England called Bowski.

The Lullaby

Verse One Did you ask to know the meaning?

Is it that we're only dreaming.

Why take time to make it wrong,

these hundred years won't last so long.

Morning's we would miss each day

when there was never much to say,

time fly's past the window face

enjoy it while you're in this place.

Chorus When you turn and sigh

I sing a lullaby

and even when we die

we'll be leaving our words for the world to hear.

When you're feeling shy

I'll sing a lullaby

when life's drifting by

we'll be leaving our words for the world to hear.

Verse Two Do we have to see what's there,

Staring at an empty chair.

A passer by could turn and smile

these hundred years could last a while.

How come fate could notice me?

Standing strong with empathy.

Only distace in the space,

enjoy it whilst your in this place.

Even when you don't belong,

memories would come along.

Heavens hear a requiem,

smiling as we play for them.


and finally..

Mother's Day

Verse One Did you want a model family?

Did you wish it from the start?

Are your childrens I.Q.'s 2 point 4?

Ex-Husband, does he have a heart?

And even with your white trash life,

it's never you to blame.

Manipulation rolls the dice

and treat's life like a game.

So don't bother to laugh at me now

Annie light you smoke.

You'd hitch up your skirt and flag down,

any passing trucker bloke.

Chorus Happy Mother's day.

All you wanted was some flowers

the kids to do just what you say.

Happy Mother's day.

Kick back and watch t.v

'cause there's nothing left to say.

Verse Two Did you get your model family?

Was it everything you thought that it would be?

Are your two boys failing life in general?

You just lie in bed 'til half past three.

And even with your white trash life,

it's never you to blame.

Manipulation spins the wheel and

it's sending you insane.

So don't bother to look at me now,

Annie lay in bed.

Cry until you see a new day dawning

sort it out in your dying head (instead we get)

Chorus Happy Mother's day

All you wanted was some flowers

the kids to do just what you say.

Happy Mother's day

Kick back and watch the t.v.

'cause there's nothing left to

because there's nothing left to

because there's nothing left for you

because there's nothing left to

now there's nothing left to

becasuse there's nothing left for you

because there's nothing left to

'cause there's nothing left to say.

Paul-Michael Fulfit

I'm Not Shedding Tears

When I first Heard your reply

I was torn in tow

I felt so bad

I'd never get to love you

But then I started thinking

'Bout all the bad things you done to me

When all I was trying to do is give you all of me

Those times you ingnored me

The times you turned away

I still remember all the bad things you had to say

But now I'm okay


I'm not shedding tears for you

I don't feel the same 'bout you

I'm not shedding tears no more

After all the times I dreamed of you

All the times my heart was tore

Without you I'll live through the years

And I'm not shedding tears

So you come running back to me

Saying you made a mistake

But I don't want you

Can't you see that it's too late




Oh, a few times I cried

I wanted to die »

But now I'm doing alright

I hear you want me

But I don't want you

So your just gonna have to think of me tonight


(fade out)

I'm not shedding tears for you

I don't want you

I don't need you

No matter what

I won't have you

Greg Crittenden

2 late

You made me see the light

You made my day so bright

You taught me not to fight

But now you're gone


I knew that you're the one

Coz that's where I belong

And that's why I sang this song

It's all for you


But it's too late

Everything is black

Coz it's too late

I really want you back

And it's too late

My love is what you lack

It's too late, too late

Too late to say goodbye!


My tears run down my eyes

Everyday I hear your cries

Your soul's up on the skies

Just like the sun


Baby oh why oh why

Did you leave me here and die

You left me here I cry

And I can't hold on.


But it's too late

Now that you are dead

It's too late

I really can't forget

Coz It's too late

Everything that you said

It's too late, too late

Too late to say goodbye!


Kareem Alshanti


She's got this way of searching your soul

with her eyes.

And it always kinda freaked me, but I guess that was the point.

She said, I gotta know.

His heart lies.


She said

if I exist, am I real,

and if I'm real, will I have to feel

this all the time.


If he hadn't left,

would we still be together,

living in a trailer park of broken down forevers

and shattered dreams.


And if I'd had the guts,

would he be by my side.

If I'd let him leave,

would've said goodbye.


I don't think I know,

I don't really care,

I'm feeling for something,

but nothings there.

erin shaw



I can't stop...

This feeling.

It's got me reeling.

I got be dealing...

with these feelings.

My own being

can be seeing

or leaving...

this world behind.


Blow my mind.

I got the time.

I've changed my mind.

No suicide...

for me.

Can't you see?

I gotta be...



mike Quackenbush

"maybe someday"

i was thinking 'bout, what she said to me on thursday

and how i'm gonna have to be on monday

cause i dont want to set myself up for a fall

and there's lots of other pretty girls after all

and i'm pretty sure, that one, will fall for me someday


when you told me 'bout, what happened to you on wednesday

you caught me off guard and i really wasn't sure what to say

now i dont want you to feel sorry for me

somehow things like this come to be

so maybe, we'll meet again, some day


oh help me now i think i'm fallin'

Aaron Sandy


Tribute to a man everyone knows.

Robert a friend in passing,

a strong and intelligent man,


Robert you left us so suddenly,

We didn't get a chance to say goodbye,

Your picture I hold. Your memory will never fade.

You life was not a loss, for you touched so many peoples lives.

Dignified and dedicated to your love ones, you were a real man.


Honest with me to the end, indeed in Robert I had a good friend.


Exposed to life's harshness, unexpectedly snatched from our lives,

Confused and lonely. but true to his life.


He spoke with a voice that made you agree

His opinion was right, and good enough fo me.


A death unbecoming such a sweet and gracious friend,

loving loyal and a remarkable man. A hand he would lend.


I am one of many lucky enough to call him my friend,

We shall meet again Robert this is not the end.


respectfully dedicated to a good friend Robert John Pick who died suddenly

Tuesday July 25, 2000 at the young age of 53 leaving a wife and four

children and one grandson. And many many friends



