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When why has no answer…

A thick cloud has fallen across my sunshine once again. Where there was light, it is now a shade of darkness. Anguish, pain, hurt and sorrow are smothering me inside. A lost loved one can not be explained and nothing makes room for sympathy let alone sense. The day continues to push on right through to the night with no remorse. Reaching out for an answer to why this had to happen. The only comfort we have is the harsh words that we all only have so much time. So much time for what? For waiting to die? I do not have the answers to this, nor does anyone. Many go to College for answers to everyday questions or even ones seldom asked, and still no one always knows why. People turn to Religion yet all that provides is a gleam of hope. There always seems to be doubt. Seeking answers to questions from your child pleading for the reason why his uncle had to die. Or why mom and dad got a divorce. Why peers pick on a handicap classmate. Who’s side is God on in war if both sides pray? How come bad people live so long and yet so many good die young? All of these my children have asked of me. Seeming a simple question, yet so technical. With all our scientific medical wisdom we still ask why. Is death a door to escape pressures in life hidden deep in our mind that makes it inevitable earlier on in life for certain people? Or a door that opens into a new realm of things, maybe to start a-new? Either way it’s no comfort to the ones left behind. So what is comfort for those left behind? ! Knowing your turn is approaching as each day and night passes? As I said before, I do not have the answers, but I do believe everyone has a right to their own opinion and a right to know as much as they can acquire in what they are seeking to find out. This leaving the problem that there seems to be so much more than the obvious creating more questions why. No wonder so many are discouraged and depressed. Humans need multitudes of happiness to make up for a moment of sadness. My only thought at this moment now, is to try and find a reason to keep going. Isn’t that most likely what the one who passed away would want from you? Keep their memory alive with the happy times you shared? Who knows what tomorrow will bring and why it is towing what it has in store for us. Whatever that may be, prepare yourself for the worst and make the best of what you already have while you have it. Enjoy happy moments and cherish the memories of ones you have lost. It’s not a complete answer or s! olution, but I hope it may help you in some way to make it through to the next day.

by Rain

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