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Heather & Michelle's
Voyager Fan Fiction


Relationship Pairing: Doctor/Seven; very light Janeway/Chakotay

Part One

Author: Heather
Synopsis: Inspired by a challenge from Vell. Seven and the Doctor are trapped in the Holodeck for several hours and the Doctor's lost his memory!
Rating: PG

Part Two

Synopsis:Seven tries to forget about what happened on the Holodeck, to no avail. The Doctor is caught in a compromising situation! The Captain has some fun....
Rating: PG for some implied Doctor nudity!!!

Part Three

Author: Heather
Synopsis: Seven is fleeing from the Doctor and her feelings. Have things gone too far??
Rating: PG

I'm No Angel

Relationship Pairing: Doctor/Seven

Author: Heather
Synopsis:Seven decides that it’s time for her to leave Voyager.

Inspired by a song fiction challenge by Lorre.
Based on the Album “No Angel”, by Dido - Copyright 1999 Arista Records

Rating: PG

Forever By Your Side

Relationship Pairing: Doctor/Seven

Author: Michelle
Synopsis: Seven is deeply affected by reocurring dreams involving The Doctor.

Song Fiction based on & inspired by "Talk On Corners" by The Corrs
(Copyright 1997 & 1998 Atlantic Recording Corporation)

For full lyrics, please Click Here.

Rating: PG

The Joke War

Relationship Pairing: Doctor/Seven

Part One

Author: Michelle
Synopsis: Tom inadvertantly begins a practical joke craze aboard Voyager.
Rating: PG

Part Two

Synopsis: The Doctor is the victim of a crazy prank. Tom hatches a scheme and involves Harry and B'Elanna.
Rating: PG

Part Three

Synopsis: The Doctor's secret is revealed. Tom tries to help out by tinkering with the program.
Rating: PG

Part Four

Synopsis: Neelix gets in on the joke playing fun by tormenting Voyager's Chief of Security. Tom tries to convince The Doctor to confront Seven with his feelings.
Rating: PG

Part Five

Synopsis: Neelix plans another of his infamous talent shows. Tom suggests The Doctor try a different approach. Seven of Nine consults the captain for advice.

Part Six

Synopsis: Janeway goes to sickbay for a checkup. Seven grows restless on her date. Claire Jenkins is overjoyed when The Doctor makes a date with her on the holodeck.

Part Seven

Synopsis: The Doctor reveals why he summoned Ensign Jenkins to the holodeck. Harry sees a familiar face and goes through some unsettling experiences. Proximity provokes passions as the talent show begins.

Part Eight (Final Part)

Synopsis: The Doctor and Claire Jenkins perform their duet while Seven tries unsuccessfully to hide her jealousy. Captain Janeway blows up at Tom after a misunderstanding.

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*NEW* - Simulations

Relationship Pairing: Doctor/Seven

Author: Special Guest Author - Kevin
Synopsis: Seven tries out a program on the holodeck with surprising results...

Rating: PG

Take a peek at what we're working on!

Want to learn more about the much talked about Ensign Jenkins? Click Here!


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