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"Seven! How are you? It's so nice to see you!" you
gush. Seven looks at you indifferently and says,"I am
here for my weekly maintenance." "Of course you are!"
you say. You grab some of your medical scanning
equipment and commence your check-up.


"So how are things going for you. Any exciting news?"
you say. "No," Seven remarks. "Oh come on, you must
have some developments in your life....Tell me!" you
say happily.

"Very well. Earlier today Ensign Jerral asked me on a
date." Seven says dully. "Oh?" you say shocked. Ever
since Seven had gone out with Lieutennant Chapman and
"failed", you thought that she had given up on the
prospect of dating other men. "And what did you say?"
you ask.

"I said yes. I thought that I could use this
opportunity for mastering my dating skills. Ensign
Jerral seems fairly efficient for a human...." Seven
says, "Do you agree?" "Yes, I couldn't agree more."
you say rather unhappily. Inside you feel wounded.
You wish it were you going out with Seven, not Ensign
Jerral. But it is your own fault. You have never
told Seven how you really feel. How you wish that you
could erase the sub-routines that made you fall in
love with her.

"Well, you're in perfect shape. Keep me up to date on
how your date goes!!!" you say. "As you wish."
Seven says and strides out of Sickbay.

You feel miserable. Alone with nothing to keep your
mind occupied, you sit back down at your desk and
stare up at the wall.

If you decide to cool off by running "Phantom of The Opera" on the Holodeck, then click on the icon below.

If you decide to do a little research on Ensign Jerral, the click on the icon below.