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Hey there. My name's Robin. I'm twenty, from Virginia, living in Ohio, going to school at Oberlin College. I'm an English/Classics double major.

Oberlin's cool cause of rainbow couches, drag ball, the bonfire pit, random odd things that wouldn't happen anywhere else, excos, etc. And though it can be a bit too much, and a bit too little sometimes, I like it quite a bit.

I've got a mad pessimistic streak at times, but I'm usually a pretty happy person. I've got some great and odd friends, both home and here. I procrastinate like a crazy mofo.

I've been a vegetarian for 4 years, played the violin for 13? Damn. Something like that. I love to write, but I don't do it enough.

I'm going to school in London next fall.

I need something to do this summer.

I like my hair short or long, but not in the middle and it's in the freakin' middle right now.

I've felt like I had the person I should spend the rest of my life with.

I'm always tired, and I always have to pee (or so people believe).

I love going to concerts. I guess I like alternative, pop, emo, songwritery people, punk, 80's music etc., etc. My love of 80's, The Smiths, The Sex Pistols, and other things you wouldn't expect, all rubbed off on me from my dad.

I think way too psychologically. I analyze everything, though I've gotten better about doing it stupidly and worryingly.

Thomas made me a lot more optomistic, and a lot less anxious and worriesome, and let me feel like I could forget somethings and let myself enjoy life.

I crochet, I kinda knit. I can be quite the old woman sometimes.

I really want a family. I want to do something literature/writing related. I refuse to live anywhere where everybody's white. I'm a fan of public schools. Give them money. Wow, this is getting random.

Ok, that's it for now, enjoy the page, and sign my guestbook yo! And fill out my form. It makes me happy.

~April 27, 2002

my answers to that darn form (coming soon)
my travel wish list

Random things from my old page that still entertain me

[five year reunion] [names] [places] [corporation] [cereal] [songs] [quotes] [news]

Versions 1 & 2



© 2002

est. July 1998
version 2 Oct. 1999
version 3 April 2002