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Welcome to

Welcome to me home on the web! I am quite the amateur at the wonderful world of HTML so please, gimme a chance.
My Names Paul, I have some really excelent Pic pages up & some tributes to my friends. Just so you can have a little more of an insight on who I am & what I stand for. Cuz I believe nothing speaks stonger than the company a person keeps!
I also have a assingnment to you folks, so if ya wanna participate go click on the "points of intrest" & see what I got up there for ya.
Well I hope you enjoy your little trip into my history!

All about myself

And here I am! The great Pipes himself, well ok not that great but it is me! My names Paul, i'm a 22 year old Dude from Surrey B.C. (A suburb of Vancouver) Canada! Like the colours? that was my first attempt at free hand html. Anyhooo... Theres tonnes of info all over this page! so Soak it up!

Pick A Place!



[Andrea] [Christine] [Tracy]


Within these pages you will find; tones of pics! my webcam, Party page, updates on the snowboardin' season, did I mention more pics?



October 31st, 2000 - - Halloween! Situated at Darryl's place, this rockn' bash went off without a hitch Flashing lights & thundering music it was trully an event to be at, the pics are just waiting to be posted.

August 26st, 2000 - - Darryls B-Day!! YES! all thoughs that count themselves among Darryls friends!ATTEND! its at his place. It will be a blast.. I guaronteee!

August 25st, 2000 - - Kathleens Goin' Away Party, I know we will all miss our dear friend & former lover of all. But alas, she will be leaving us, but not without a party!!! Woowhoo! her place, DON'T SHOW BEFORE 8:00!

July 1st, 2000 - - CANADA DAY! yes thats Right CANADA DAY! OH YEAH! Unfortuantely I didn't have a party to commemorate this fine Holiday. I did go to a party thought, I'll see if I can scroung pics!

June 24 - 25, 2000 - - "4X4 trip! YEAH! the Pics are being Developed as we speek ppls! MAN was that a cool trip some really kick arse off roadn', but was kinda unkind of those bears to prowl around our tend & keep us up all night long... the funny part is you think I'm kidding...

June 18, 2000 - - "Ran in the 24hr Relay! Pics Pending (cuz I ran with my offices Team they got the pics) Darryl & my Girlfiend Andrea also attended with me. Boy did my legs hurt after that!

May 13, 2000 - P2000.5 - "Pipe'sDream" it was a SMASH great fun, unfortunately VERY short on pics I'll be scroungin' fer some

January 29, 2000 - Big Party @ my place! P2000.1 it was webcast! check it out thru this link [Party]

Why not VOTE for my page!

THE PIE IS RESURECTED, do check out the new & improved Canadian Pie.

If you want to visit a MOST TRIUMPHANT dude, with a kickarse wepage, please click the following to get to CANADIAN ROCKSTAR

Special Note! All Kick arse CG is done by my good buddy Beth! Email her at here.