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You know you've been role-playing too long when . . .

I stole this idea from a similar Pern page called "You know you've been reading Pern too long when," but I thought it fit RPing, too. I've started the list with a few of my own, but for this page to really make it, I need your help. Just e-mail me with additions under the subject "RPing too long" and I'll add it! If you want your name listed, just tell me. Just a note to thank everyone who's submitted something - and a big HUG to those who do it often ;) Thank you!

I've tried to break this list into categories to make it slightly more manageable as it grows. A difficult task, as many probably belong in several categories, and they all could arguably be labeled under 'Insanity!' - but I did the best I could! Hopefully this makes browsing a bit easier and more fun. Don't forget to keep sending me additions!

Habits are hard to break…
The lingo…
RL? What's that?
Jathen's…but only cause he insisted on a page of his own!

You know you've been role-playing too long when . . .


You start to act like your character's firelizard. (or for non-Pern RP, your character's puppet) *Kylianna
You refer to your character, while on the game, as an entirely different persona.
You finally find your fingers melted into the keys from typing too long and hard... *Jathen
Any normal physical reflex is replaced by your ring finger twitching in attempt to hit the : key! *Jathen
You start speaking your actions beginning with a colon. *Jathen
You see all your actions and words scroll up before your eyes, along with everyone else's. *Jathen
You begin to speak about yourself in the third person.
You enter a room and suddenly spout off your connection message. *Jathen
You read a book that relates to your M** of choice and are sure to keep a pad of paper and a pen handy - just in case you come across anything interesting that may need to be referred to in a future debate about whether something is IC.
You die and your hands and fingers continue to type out posts. *Jathen
Individual characters not only take on a personality of their own, but you also lose complete control of them and just type out what they want to do!
You've been on the game 1/100 the time of Shirgall. *Dawine
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Habits are hard to break…

*NEW* You're at work and verbally 'Snort' at a customer. *Caylea
You try to use emoticons while writing things by hand. ;) :(
You try to delete something bad you just said! *Jathen
You refer to movie stars as being 'IC' in a film, and 'OOC' during an interview…
You get unnerved when you see someone smile, as you're used to your said smiley emoticon! *Jathen
Someone stutters and you ask them to repost. *Jathen
Something goes wrong in your life and you mentally try to page a wizard. *Jathen
You have an irresistible urge to begin emails and Instant Messages with actions. Can't help typing :laughs or :grins!
You think RLly in :emotes. (i.e. in RL you're going to bed, but you think ":pulls up covers on account of the chill." )*Kazaria
You search your classrooms at school for the progress board, to figure out when you'll be promoted to journeyman. *Kylianna
You're disturbed that thinking 'home' doesn't teleport you to your room. *Kylianna
You want to convey /emphasis/ when typing and use back-slashes instead of italic font.
You try to @who people in your head to find out where they are. *Jathen
Your teacher say, "Let's role play this situation!" And you do exactly what your character would do. *Jathen
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You start acting like your character and demand to be called "The Admiral." *Jathen
You walk down the street and have complex conversations with more than five of your characters." *Aenerion
People ask why you're talking to yourself, and you say you're just RPing your characters in your head. *Kylianna
Your characters end up leaving YOU notes around your room in order to make sure things get done...*Aenerion
You think the NPCs in your life are out to get you. *Jathen
You refer to your character as your lifeline. *Jathen
You want a modem, processor, and VR goggles permanently to your brain. *Jathen
Your teacher becomes 'The Dreaded Evil One' and you become the dashing hero, your classmates your sidekicks. *Jathen
You buy a gold fish and put a sign on the tank saying 'Beware of Jaws!'. *Jathen
You finally go blind from looking at the screen for so long, and your hair falls out, and you get severe arthritis in your wrists, and... and you need to have your nurse type for you in the old folks home! *Jathen
You demand to be called by your RP name. *S'phen
You leave you computer for more than five minutes and suddenly start going through withdrawal spasms. *Jathen
Your last will and testament reads, 'I being of semisound mind and personality do hereby leave in grace and absurdity. I leave all my belongings to the Wizzen so they can recycle me.' *Jathen
You start saying quotes like 'Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most', 'I'm not crazy, I just listen to the voice that yells loudest', and 'I do everything my Rice Crispies tell me to do...' *Jathen
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The lingo…

You begin to use verbs like 'wavers' and 'blinkels.'
You tell a person BRB when you have to leave them to go and do something else. *Jathen
You just say LOL instead of really laughing. *Sudanna
You start calling everyone in a high position 'Wizard'. *Jathen
Someone sends you an ICQ message asking you to E-mail them a picture and you say you will @send it to them later. *Ashilem
You start using words like tweeker and twink to describe someone you absolutely hate and despise... *Jathen
You speak using so many abbreviations that no one can understand you. "Hey, you up for some IC RP with some NPCs?"
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RL? What's that?

The words "party", "life", and "automobile" mean nothing to you. *Jathen
You refer to your character as your lifeline. *Jathen
Your pets just become another puppet. *Jathen
Your friends complain that they can never call you -your phone line's always busy! *Jill
You call your girlfriend by her character name instead of her RL name. *S'phen
You actually think about what to RP about the next time you are on. *Shayla
You think of your parental units as NPCs... *Jathen
The three-year-old living at your house knows you as your character's name instead of your actual one. *Sybil
You start to act like your character. *Kylianna
You have a bumper sticker on the back of your car that says, 'I'd rather be Role-Playing!' *Jathen
You forget if your son is your brother or your brother is your son! *Sudanna
You could have sworn you fed the dog three months ago! Why do you have to feed it now?! *Jathen
You ask yourself, 'What's a phone bill and why are there so many zeros after the first digit? *Jathen
You demand to be fed intravenously, and have a bedpan right next to you so you never have to say, 'BRB'. *Jathen
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