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09.26.04 / Battle Of The Bands @ Chubby's in Red Bank, NJ


StatmentofResolve, formally known as Name Tag Morons, was orginally formed back in Dec of 03. After months of Steve and Big R calling each other up and saying those magical words, "wanna jam you fucker?", the band slowly started to progress. Kevin, and his brother Sean soon came into the equation. Long sweaty days and nights earned their toll as songs such as "show up for this", and "mental note", arose. The band could def feel an eccentric connection and energy as they all play together.
Soon enough, the drummer Nelson started to play with the band. With his "travis Barker" like fills and wicked double bass, he def adds a uniquness to the band. StatmentOfResolve can not be pinpointed to a certain type of music. The only way to expieience the sound is by listening to it. StatementofResolve is currently in the process of recorind their first demo which will be out eary Aug. We'll be sure to post the album on this web site so stay tuned.
(BigR) sean- Lead guitar/vocals
(Fitz)Kevin- Rythem guitar
(big dawg)Sean- Bass


Nelson on Drums.

Mental Noteeeee!!!!!!!!!

Huge in the pants

look at that fingering!

that Bitch ass