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 February, 2003 12:39:44 PM -0500Boolaga, Boolaga, Boolaga...

Shout outs
some good old pics


Wow, its 6:41am and I am still drunk and awake... what the fuck!?! i have never found typing so labouring ahhahaha I got the god damn hiccups... aiiight thats NOT cool aha I am so gone and my room smells of puke.... dont ask... Hahahaha.... not pleasent one bit... actually just to clear things up... I do have a bin hahahah in case you were wondering if i puked on the floor... the answer is NO ahaha pictures are in the friends section... I feel like someone punched me in the face... cuz when i rub my cheek it fucking caines..... ah well ahahah i dont remember sooo much of the night... I suppose 4 long island ice teas and beers can do that to ya!!! haahaahhahhahahh seriously my cheek hurtz ahaha i dunno what the fuck i did...

Peace out

- The Rickmeister has spoken...Don't feed the plants... please...



Weird alien game... very hard... but lots of fun when you get the hang of it

Maid of Horror

Stick RPG




Picture of ze WhEnEvEr...


bulletConnors Website Go Connor, Go!
bulletJoely's website its a work in progress, but Joel has done it with front page YAY!
bulletZoë's website - got it fixed and looks better than eva!
bulletVanilla Ice - ice ice baby ;) wahey Vanilla Ice baby yeah...
bulletKorn - One of my favourite bands (I saw them LIVE!)
bulletAvril Lavigne - My ideal girlfriend... and is a great singer...
bulletMichelle Branch - Another Amazing gurl mmmmhm!
bullet Sarah's Site - very cool heh IM IN IT YAY!!!
bullet Steph's Site - Another very cool site, quite a few of my buddies have websites... interesting...
bullet Rachel's Website - Aiight... just a very cool gurl i met in Maddogz who tried to get me drunk AHAahaha very cool...
bullet Ash's website... work in progress, as most websites are LOL but going good so far...
bullet Arvi's site (1) (2) - Two pretty cool sites from my pinoy brotha...

Kevin and Rish having 'fun' in the toilet...


Photo Album




If you have any questions or if you want me to post your pictures on my website, send me an email to the above address with the pic's attached or add me to my MSN account with my hotmail address:

MSN/Hotmail... -->

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This site was last updated 02/07/03