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Compiled by Josephine Wood Naylor


History of the Daniel Wood Cemetery, once called Nathans Burial Ground. The Daniel Wood Cemetery in West Bountiful, one of the oldest Burial plots in Bountiful and Davis Co. is located immediately west of the Highway 91, a short distance north of 5th South st. road to Woods Cross.

The Cemetery was marked off as a Daniel Wood family burial ground on the 27 August 1858 at the time of the accidental death of Nathan Wood, son of Daniel and Emma E. Crowl Wood. Nathan was born 9 December 1857 at Salt Lake, and was living with his parents on the Wood Farm. He fell from the farm wagon and was instantly killed 27 August 1858.

Daniel Wood landed in Salt Lake Valley on July 23, 1848 as a captain of 50 wagons in the 3rd Company of Immigrants. With him were his wives Mary Snider Wood, their daughter Rebecca Wood Moss born 11 May 1826 in Loborough Canada, and her husband John Moss whom she married in early part of 1844 at Pike Co. Illinois. John and Rebecca’s two children Mary Born at Pike Co., Illinois in winter of 1844 and a son Daniel born enroute west at Potawatamer Co., Iowa. Also Daniel and Mary’s son John Wood born 10 April 1830 at Loborough, Sydenham Canada, daughters Harriett born 21 December 1834 at Gihogar Co, Ohio, and Elizabeth born 20 December 1839 at Brown Co, Illinois. A son Henry born 9 June 1828 in Canada died and was buried at Nauvoo in winter of 1845. They also buried twin infant daughters Mary and Catherine, born August 1842 at Pike., Co., and buried at Pike Co., soon after birth.

Also in the Company was Peninah Shropshire Cotton, second wife of Daniel whom he married in Nauvoo Temple on the 21 January 1846, and their son Daniel C. Wood born 27 January 1847 at Kaynsville, Iowa, thus making in all eleven members of Daniel Wood Family.

John and Rebecca Wood Moss and their two children remained in Great Salt Lake City until the Spring of 1849 when they came to what is now South Bountiful in Woods Cross, but Daniel and wives Mary and Peninah with their four children came on to Sessions Settlement, later called north Canyon War, and now Bountiful. They spent the winter of 1848 on the land known as the Heber C. Kimble Mill Place in a cabin Daniel built with his son Johns help. IN the Spring of 1849 Daniel filed on 120 acres of land at what is now Woods Cross, which name was given this locality in honor of Daniel Wood, as the first Railroad came threw his farm, and the land for Woods Crossing, later Woods Cross, was donated for the Station at Woods Cross in May 1869.

The death of Nathan was Daniels first child to die in the S.L. Valley, but his daughter Harriett was married to Hiram Yancey 22 Nov. 1853, and their first child, a daughter Elizabeth was born 1855 and died soon after birth and was buried beneath the shade of an apple tree in the South East corner of Father Daniels Orchard on the Wood Farm. The second child born to Hiram and Harriet was a son John H., born 25 March 1856. Their third child was a son Parley P. Yancey born in 1857 and died soon after birth in 1857, and was tenderly laid to rest beside his Sisters grave beneath the sheltering Apple Apple tress shed.

Daniel and sons had planted fruit trees each year and now had near 5 acres of orchard on the South and East part of his farm. In the South and East corner of his orchard were the two small graves of his Grandchildren.

At the instance of Nathans death a plot of ground was marked off three rods square in the East and South corner of the Orchard with two small graves therein and on Saturday afternoon, 27 of October the third small grave was made for Nathan Wood, son of Daniel and Emma Mariah Crowl Ellis Wood, Daniels third wife. Nathan was born 9 December 1857 and died 27 October 1858 and the third small grave to begin this Sacred Family resting place. As the family sorrowfully stood around the three small graves, Daniel raised his hands and dedicated the plot marked off as the resting for all of his family who wished to be placed therein. He said the plot of ground should be kept as a sacred resting place for himself and family and asked God to protect it and recognize his prayer in Heaven.

The fourth grave in the now marked off and fenced resting place was another Grandchild, Ezekeal Wood, son of John and Louisa Langford Wood. Ezekeal was born 24 August 1860 at Bountiful, died 12 September 1860, and one more small grave was made in the Wood Plot.

In 1849 three Indian orphan children were given to Daniel to support and care for and educate. Two girls and a boy, orphaned in the Blackhawk War. They were named Lucy, about 7 years, Mary Utah about 9 years, and Thomas about 8 years. He was a cousin to Lucy. These three Lamanite children lived with the Daniel Wood family and shared equally with the Wood children. They were mostly supervised by Daniels wife Peninah, whose maternal Grandmother was Nancy Fulkerson, who was fully bloom Lamanite of Cherokee tribe. The Lamanite children were taught in School as well as in the gospel and grew up happy healthy young people. After 8 years with the Family they were duly baptized and confirmed members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by Daniel the Father on June 16, 1857, and Lucy wrote a tribute to Father Daniel Wood dated Jan. 1860, in gratitude for the loving kindness to her and her people, a copy of which is recorded in Daniel Wood Record. IN the winter of 1860-1861, Diphtheria broke out in the settlement and many lives were taken through the dreaded and almost unknown disease, and one was Thomas the fine 16 year old Indian young man. He died the 30 January 1860 and was buried North of the gateway in the Wood Cemetery, making the fifth grave. Soon to follow was the lovely quiet Indian girl, Mary Utah, about 17 years old. Mary Utah died 2 Feb. 1860 and was buried beside Thomas. Lucy, the bright Lamanite girl was soon to follow. Lucy died 29 July 1861 of pneumonia, and was tenderly laid to sleep beside her kin.

On 28th of March 1861, a lovely daughter was born to Daniel and Margaret Morris Wood Daniels 6th wife. They named her Deseret and was only permitted to remain a short time. The precious baby departed this life on 1 Jun 1861 and one more grave was added to the growing number in the Family resting place, the 8th grave.

Another grandchild of Daniel and Mary departed this life to make the 9th grave. It was Mary Elizabeth Moyl, the lovely little daughter of James and Elizabeth Moyl. Mary Elizabeth Moyl was born 5 Jan. 1860 and died 24 October 1863 and was buried in the Daniel Wood burial ground.

The home of John and Clara Amerlia Wood was blessed with a daughter born 7 September 1865 and they rejoiced and named her Mary Melvina, but were soon stricken in sorrow. The sweet little flower Mary Melvina lived just 1 year and departed this life on 13 September 1866 and rests beside her brother in the family Cemetery.

John and Clara Amelia Langford Wood were again blessed with a son born on 28 October 1867 whom they named John, and they again rejoiced, but again were made to sorrow as little John was taken away in death on 16 June 1868 and another grave was made in the sacred resting place of Daniel Wood Family. John and Louisa Langford Wood, his other wife, were blessed with a precious son 25 April 1869 whom they named Benjamin, but again sorrow came to the home of John and family. Benjamin was born 25 April 1869 and died 25 July 1869, so short a lifes journey with them, and was tenderly buried beside the departed family members.

Eliza Hunsey Langford Wood, widow of William Langford emigrated to Utah with her three children, two daughters Clara Amelia born 5 Nov. 1836 at Pinfin Worcestershire England, Louisa born 8 July 1845, and son Henry Langford born 1840 at Penfin Worcestershire, England. Mother Eliza married Daniel for this life on 24 May 1859. Henry Langford was drowned in the Jordan river trying to rescue George Knighton, on Friday 13 May 1870. His funeral was held in the Daniel Wood Family Meeting house on Sunday 15 May 1870, and was buried in the Wood Family Cemetery. His sisters Clara Amelia, and Louisa were wives of John Wood, son of Daniel and Mary Snider Wood.

A hired man named John Dutch lived with the Wood family about five years and died while there, is buried in the North West part of the Wood Cemetery. Dates of time spent with family, and death not known.

Mary Snider Wood, Daniel’s faithful and beloved first wife, who had born much and suffered ill health long, but always remained true to the faith and her devoted faithful husband Daniel and family was now in advanced age. She became very ill in May 1873, and knew she was soon to go to her rest and grand reward, but was unafraid, and counseled with Daniel, his wives and children. She departed this life on 7 October 1873, and dear Aunt Mary was tenderly laid to rest in the place she had chosen, the first of Daniels wives to be buried in the sacred Family resting place. Daniel was never the same after Aunt Mary’s death and grieved deeply but bravely carried on with his remaining wives and large family for many years, a successful courageous good Latter Day Saint.

Diphtheria broke out again in winter of 1875 and 1876 and many were victims of the terrible disease. Among the many settlers taken was little Ira Allen Wood, son of Heber and Clarisa Allen Wood, and grandson of Daniel and Peninah Shropshire Cotton Wood. Ira died 24 March 1876 and was buried in the sacred family cemetery.

Again in the winter of 1878-1879 the terrible scourge of the Diphtheria struck the faithful saints in this new land and again took its toll of deaths, and Peter Cotton Wood and Launa Pace Wood, his wife, were bereft of their family of two daughters both taken in one week. The eldest Peninah Pace Wood was born in 1873, died 6 Nov. 1878, at 5 years of age, and Launa Pace Wood born 1875 died 11 November 1878, age 3 years. They were buried the same day of death in the Wood Cemetery, leaving Peter and Launa heart broken, and Launa very ill. She recovered and they later moved to Mexico. Peter was the son of Daniel and Peninah W. Cotton Wood.

Sorrow was truly multiplied that winter, and the next victims of the dread Diphtheria of the Wood family were the two splendid sons of Daniel and Margaret Norris Wood. The fist taken was David Timothy M. Wood, a fine boy of 12 years, born 26 September 1866 and died 3 Nov. 1878, buried the same day. The next was Hyrum M. Wood, son of Daniel and Margaret. Hyrum was born 29 October 1862, and died 8 November 1878, just 5 days after his brother David Timothy. Hyrum was a promising young man of 16 years and the passing of their two splendid sons was another sad blow to Daniel and Margaret and the Wood family. They were buried side by side west of Aunt Mary’s grave and beside little Deserets grave.

Walter Wood was the son of Nephi and Myra Orilta Henrie Wood, the Grandson of John and Clara Amelia and great Grandson of Daniel and Mary Snyder Wood. Walters tragic death was caused threw his standing up in the farm wagon while the horses were traveling and he fell from the back of the wagon, breaking his neck. He died almost instantly. Walter was born 9 Jan. 1874, died 18 December 1878, and was buried beside his departed relatives, leaving great stricken father, his Mother passed away three years before. This was Daniels first Great Grandchild to be numbered among the departed in the little cemetery.

Peninah Shropshire Cotton Wood, the faithful devoted and beloved 2nd wife of Daniel, crossed the planes with Daniel and Mary. She tenderly nursed the family and aunt Mary in very poor health, quiet and unassuming, but true to her faith. She became ill in the winter o 1878. She was aware of the serious illness which was not usually cured. Much tender care was given her and in spite of all that kind hands could do, Peninah grew steadily worse threw the Winter of 1878 and Spring of 1879, growing weaker in body but strong in spirit and gospel, until death took her away and she was called to her grand reward. Peninah Shropshire Cotton Wood was born 12 March 1827, and was married to Daniel Wood as his second wife in the Nauvoo Temple 4 months before it was dedicated. They were married for time and eternity of 27 Jan. 1846 – died 28 May 1879, and was buried May 30 1879 and sleeps in the Sacred Family Cemetery.

Her youngest child, a son, was soon to follow her in death. Diphtheria again the winter of 1879, and on Christmas day, 25 Dec. 1879, Caleb Joshua C. Wild (Wood), son of Daniel and Peninah was called home to spend the blessed day with his Angel Mother and receive his rewards. Caleb Joshua Cotton Wood was born 6 September 1868 and died 25 Dec. 1879, a splendid boy of 11 years.

On 25 July 1880 tragedy struck the home of John Wood, son of Daniel and Mary S. Wood. Johns wife Clara Amelia gave birth to a sweet daughter and in a very few minutes, passed to the great beyond to receive her reward. The baby was blessed and named Louisa and joined her Mother in death the same evening. Mother Clara Amelia, and infant Louisa were buried in one casket, the darling baby Luoisa lying on her Angel mothers arm. Clara Amelia Wood was born 25 July, died 25 July, both buried in the Wood burial ground.

Eliza Langford Wood, wife of Daniel was born in England on 18 April 1809, died 3 November 1881 and was tenderly laid to rest in the Family resting place.

After effects of dreaded diphtheria took its toll of the survivors who often suffered many after ills, and in 1882 Daniel and Margaret M. Wood and family were again called to mourn at the death of their lovely daughter Mary Margaret who had developed heart ailment. Mary Margaret Morris Wood was born 27 November 1864 and died 12 March 1882, a lovely young lady of 18 years which was a terrible sorrow for her parents and family. She was laid to rest beside her kindred dead and the little cemetery had another new grave.

Emma Maria Crowl Ellis Wood, beloved and faithful 3rd wife of Daniel, and his private family schools first teacher, and English convert of 1851, accepted plural marriage and became Daniels 3rd wife. She was born in England at Plymouth, 12 July 1824, died 23 September 1888 and was tenderly lovingly laid to rest in the little Wood Cemetery. She was a true wife, a faithful loving Mother of 6 children, a true Latter Day Saint beloved by all.

Mariah Wood, wife of Daniel Wood, died 20 September 1889 at Woods Cross and was buried in the Family Wood Cemetery.

Daniel had lived a long faithful good life, true to his God as he understood, a devoted husband and Father and true friend to his fellow men. He had builded well, his home, as family School, and Meeting House, raised a large family of splendid sons and Daughters, had lived to see his Great Grandchildren, but as all must eventually pass, his health began to fail and he grew tired taking to his ed much of the time in his 92nd year, departed to his grand reward. Daniel Wood was born 16 October 1800 at Duchess Co. New York, was taken to Canada and lived there and joined the L.D.S. Church there. He came to the U.S., to Kirtland 1834, followed Saints threw persecutions and trials, came to Salt Lake Valley 23 July 1884. He settled at Woods Cross where he took up his farm of 120 acres, lived long and well. Daniel Wood died 25 April 1892 and was buried beside his beloved wife Mary in the place he had chosen in his Family Cemetery.

The next to follow in this grand procession home was Louisa Langford Wood, tender loving wife of John Wood, who is the son of Daniel and Mary S. Wood. Louisa Langford Wood was born 8 July 1845, at Piffin, Waraschshire, England, and died 5 Jan. 1901 at Bountiful and was tenderly laid to rest beside her children in the Daniel Wood Cemetery.

John was very lonely but uncomplaining and faithful to his family his Church and his God to the end of his days. He was born 10 April 1830 at Loughborough, Canada, and died 8 August 1908, and was buried beside his loving and faithful wives and children as he had requested in the Daniel Wood Cemetery.

The last grave to be added in the Daniel Wood burial ground was that for hit last remaining faithful loving wife Margaret Morris Wood, whom Daniel married 2 March 1857, a young woman who remained true and faithful through her many sorrow, trials and disappointments to see her faithful companion and all of his wives depart. She was try to her trust and passed to great reward, a true Latter Day Saint. Margaret Morris Wood was born 11 September 1838 in England. She died 15 November 1916 at Bountiful, the last surviving wife of Daniel, and the last to be taken to rest in the Sacred Family Burial Ground.

At the death of Daniel his family had the Monument placed in the cemetery, and in the Spring of 1893 the Iron fence around the cemetery was designed and built by Joseph Cotton Wood, son of Daniel and Peninah Shropshire Cotton Wood.

Thus closes this chapter of the Daniel Wood Cemetery, once called Nathans burial ground, wherein lies Daniel, 6 of his wives, 7 children, 10 grandchildren, 1 great grandson, two faithful wives of his son John, 3 Lamanite children and one hired man, and one stepson, making a total of 32 graves.

Retyped by Staci Bailey
October 27, 2003

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