When all are assembled the gong is sounded and the celebrant, with the deacon and subdeacon preceding him, enters and approaches the altar.

The celebrant and those who are to assist him, in the case of this ritual a boy child and a girl child [...] approach the tabernacle.

They halt somewhat short of the altar, the deacon placing himself at the celebrant's left, the subdeacon at his right.

The priest [...] may well make a brief initial penetration of the altar at this point, as suggested by the formula here given.  [...]

The black priest shows the wine and the wafer [...].

He then censes the altar and all upon the table the altar rests upon.

The three make a profound bow before the altar and commence the ritual with the following verses and responses.

During a series of versicles and responses he involves the congregation in the rite [...].

The chalice and paten, on which rests the wafer of turnip or coarse black bread, are uncovered by the celebrant.

The chalice and paten, upon which rests the wafer, are uncovered by the Celebrant.

He takes the paten into both hands, and raises it to about breast level in an attitude of offering, and recites the offertory words.

He takes the paten in both hands and raises it breast-high in an attitude of offering, then speaks the following words:

Replacing the paten and wafer, and taking the chalice into his hands, he raises it in like manner, reciting:

Replacing the paten and the wafer he raises the chalice in like manner, saying:

He replaces the chalice upon the altar and then, with hands extended, palms downward, recites the following:

He replaces the chalice upon the altar, then extends his hands, the palms turned downwards, and says:

The thurible and incense boat are then brought forward and the celebrant thrice sprinkles incense upon the burning coals while reciting the following:

The thurible and incense boat are brought forward and the Celebrant thrice sprinkles incense upon the burning coals, saying:

The celebrant then takes the thurible and proceeds to incense the altar and the gifts.

He then takes the thurible and censes the altar and gifts.

First he incenses the chalice and wafer with three counterclockwise strokes, after which he makes a profound bow.

First he censes the chalice and wafer with three swings widdershins and bows.

Then he raises the thurible three times to the Baphomet (or to the inverted cross ), and bows again.

Then he raises the censer three times towards the Image of Satan, then bows again.

Then, assisted by the deacon and subdeacon, he incenses the top of the altar, then the sides of the platform, if possible by circumambulation.

Lastly he censes the top and sides of the altar three times, by circumnambulation if the appointments of the temple be convenient.

The thurible is returned to the thurifer.

The celebrant then raises his arms, palms downward, and says the following:

The celebrant raises his hands, palms downward, and continues:

celebrant bows and says:

The Celebrant bows and says:

gong is struck thrice

The bell is rung three times at this point.

Here the Celebrant and the congregation expose their genitalia to the image of Satan, standing naked before Him as Adam did before Lilith.

The Celebrant then says:

Here the Celebrant kisses the Altar upon her genitals.

The celebrant then extends his hands, palms downward, over the offerings on the altar and recites the following:

The Celebrant extends his hands, palms downwards, over the offerings on the Altar.

The gong is sounded

The bell is then sounded.

The subdeacon brings forth the chamber pot and presents it to the nun, who has come forward.

The Celebrant continues

The girl acolyte presents herself

The nun lifts her habit and urinates into the font.

and raises her robe to reveal her genitals.

The boy acolyte holds a small cauldron beneath her whilst she urinates into it.

As she passes water, the deacon addresses the congregation:

As the nun completes her urination, the deacon continues:

She completes her urination and the cauldron is handed to the Celebrant, who raises it high to the image of Satan above the Altar.

The subdeacon removes the font from the nun and hold it before the deacon, who dips the aspergeant into the fluid.

The Celebrant hands the cauldron back to the girl acolyte, who holds it out for him to dip the aspergillus into her urine.

Then, holding the aspergeant against his own genitals, the deacon turns to each of the cardinal compass points, shaking the aspergeant twice at each point, and says:

He asperges the congregation, saying:

The celebrant takes the wafer into his hands and, bending low over it, whispers the following words into it:

The Celebrant takes the wafer in his hands and bows low over it, saying:

He raises the wafer, placing it between the exposed breasts of the altar, and then touching it to the vaginal area.

He then elevates the wafer, places it between the breasts of the altar, then touches it to the altar's vagina.

The gong is struck.

The bell is rung.

He replaces the wafer on the paten which rests on the altar platform.

The Celebrant replaces the wafer on the paten

Taking the chalice into his hands, he bends low over it, as with the wafer, and whispers the following words into it:

and picks up the chalice, bending low over it and saying:

He then raises the chalice above his head, for all to see.

He raises the chalice above his head, showing it to the assembled worshippers.

The gong is struck, and the thurifier may incense it with three swings of the thurible.

The bell is rung.

The thurifier gives three swings,

The chalice is then replaced, and the following is recited:

then the chalice is replaced.

The Celebrant raises his hands palms down and says:

The Celebrant bows and says:

The bell is rung three times.

Celebrant recites the Fifth Enochian Key from The Satanic Bible.

The celebrant takes the wafer into his hands, extends it before him, and turns to face the assembled company, saying the following:

The celebrant raises the wafer to the Baphomet. He continues in great anger...

The Celebrant elevates the wafer to the Image of Satan,

The celebrant inserts the wafer into the vagina of the altar, removes it, holds it aloft to the Baphomet and says:

then touches it to the altar's breasts and briefly into her vagina, saying:

He then continues the Repudiation, holding the wafer aloft once again:

The celebrant then raises the wafer and dashes it to the floor, where it is trampled by himself and the deacon and subdeacon, while the gong is struck continually.

He sets the wafer on the end of his penis, saying:

The celebrant inserts his penis, with the wafer attached, into the vagina of the altar, saying as he does so:

The worshippers now fornicate indiscriminately [...]. 

The celebrant then takes the chalice into his hands, faces the altar, and before drinking recites the following:

As their efforts terminate the celebrant takes the chalice and says:

He drinks from the chalice, then turns toward the assembled company, the chalice extended before him.

The celebrant drinks first,

He presents the chalice with the following words:

The celebrant then presents the cup to each of the members of the assemblage, first to the deacon, followed by the subdeacon, then the others in order of rank and/or seniority in the Order.

In administrating the cup to each, he uses the following words:

then presents the chalice to each worshipper in turn, refilling it as required and saying:

When all have drunk, the drained chalice is replaced on the altar, the paten placed on top of it, and the veil placed over both.

When all have taken their fill he returns the chalice to the altar with paten and veil in place.

The celebrant then extends his hands, palms downward, and recites the concluding statement:

The Celebrant then extends his hands, palms downwards, and says:

He then bows before the altar and turns to give the blessing of Satan to the assemblage, extending his left hand in the Cornu ( Sign of the Horns ) and says:

The Celebrant bows to the altar, then turns to the congregation with his left hand extended in cornu, saying:

All assembled company rise, face altar and raise arms in the Cornu.

The celebrant, deacon, and subdeacon bow toward the altar, turn and depart.

The candles are snuffed and all leave the chamber.

Synagoga Satanae