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Welcome To A Special Web Site Of

Robin Maynes

The World Is Full Of Heroes

©2003 All Rights Reserved


The current focus of the Robin Maynes Web Site is to give perspective from a soldier's point of view through song and lyric. The song and lyric entitled: The World Is Full Of Heroes speaks of the war in Iraq and of the emotions that many soldiers from various countries must be dealing with during this very turbulent time in the world. The perspective realizes that the true heroes are the children, parents, and loved ones left behind who wait unknowingly, worry, cry, and perhaps have to continue living their life without their soldier that never made it home. Soldiers are trained for war. But, the real heroes can never train for their loss.

This web site and its author are not interested in the politics of whether the current great conflict in Iraq is appropriate nor is there interest in finding who is to blame for it. The only interest as of now is to hopefully provoke profound thought as to who the real heroes are.

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Robin Maynes


[This Web was last updated on 1-11-09]