HIPAA solution  Apache Systems 

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                                 HIPAA  what are some things  we check for & Do. The cost.

We offer the most cost effective solution. Unmatched by any company. We can help the smallest office or the largest Hospital, Insurance company or the whole state.


1)  Physical Safeguards to Guard Data Integrity, Confidentiality, and Availability” To ensure HIPAA compliance. We check your Network , PC and installed software . This data is collected and you are  informed re Hardware & Software you will need to be compliant.

 a) Firewalls  -- To act as a Guard for your network. Best Firewall From $ 200 

 b) Intrusion Detection for Network & Server --- to check on traffic leaving and entering            your network. Accountability (tracking mechanism).  From $ 40

c) Antivirus Software for protection. From $ 40

d) Entity authentication (Password and IP firewall filtering).

e) Data backup        From $ 29

f) Data storage.       From $ 199

g) VPN-- Electronic 128 bit encryption (for wireless access, e-mail, and data).  From $ 200

h) Functions  to be performed (for example, logging off before leaving a terminal unattended). This enables the employees to understand the manner in which workstations must be used to maximize the security of health information.

2) We check to see how information , Charts transportation  & Office conversations take place.


Authorization Forms