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MAT 92 / Winter Intercession 2004 (12 day session) ANTONIETTI

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9

I discovered two rather interesting practice sites this weekend.
Make sure your browser has Java installed to enjoy either of them.

The first one is an endless problem generator for factoring.
Need some practice cracking trinomials? Go there.

The second one is an endless problem generator for radicals.
You will want to be real smooth with these by the time you exit Chapter 8.

Q: How do you multiply fractions?
A: Straight across.

Remember this idea?

If everytime you come to this click on these buttons...
eventually you will remember these essential ideas:

This link is to solidfy one of Chapter 1's main ideas:

[Prime factors, a calculator and commentary]

Here is the link to a rather remarkable
piece of code that will generate a factor tree for you.
Note this: it can't do too high a number. is a remarkable bit of programming.