A Brief Overview of Witchcraft

Folk Magick is the magick of the people. Unlike ceremonial magick,
it has never been the complicated or complex type that is flourishing today.

As witches and practicioners of this form of witchery,
we work with the Earth and her elements.
Sending forth our energies toward our
planet as often as we ask something from it.

Magick is as natural as the Earth,the rain, fire
water and the air that we breath.
Natural Magick has always been
a part of the human experience.
Natural magicians work with Earth energy
to help transform themselves and their lives.

By practicing this form of natural magick,
we attune with the earth.
Far from being a spiritual journey,
magick is a means of joining with the Earth
and using our powers in common
to create a better present and future for not
only our planet,but ourselves as well.

If you were to ask 10 different witches
what it takes to become a witch,
you'd more than likely get 10 totally different answers.
The same answer holds true of most questions
that you would like to ask a witch.

What I offer you here,are my opinions
and my beliefs.
You may take what you find helpful
and discard the rest.

What you will find on these pages are a little
bit of the history of Witchcraft and Paganism
as well as some information regarding what Witchcraft is and is not!

You will learn what it takes to become a witch,
and the responsabilities that accompany that choice.

Before you can begin to delve into the magickal
aspect of the craft,you must understand
the whys and why nots.

That is the purpose of this website.
I am aiming this specificaly at the seeker.
It matters not,your age.Only your true desire
to understand and learn what Witchcraft truly means.

If you have come here in hopes of creating magick
of the "charmed" or "the craft" variety,
you will be very disappointed I'm sure.
For that is Hollywood and this,my friend,
is a Craft of a different sort!

On the other hand,if you would like to learn
about the factual workings and ways of a witch,
please join me as I show you the magick of our path!

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