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Dennis W. Stonebreaker, Sr.

This is my baby, Dennis W. Stonebreaker, Sr. He was born on July 17, 1977 and was the prettiest little boy I had ever seen, like most mothers I'm sure. He died on January 16,00 from carbon monoxide poison. A co-worker found him in his father's work garage. Like most people, we aren't really sure why he did this and we had no idea what pain our child was in to do something so desperate to stop it.


After living this nightmare for the last few months we really believe he was Bi polar, which now explains the mood swings he had since he was a young adult. Denny was normally a very happy person; he loved to wrestle with the kids and joke. He couldn't dance at all but he sure loved to try. His passion was basketball and he also loved cars and motorcycles. He left behind a three year old son, which he adored. But when one of those dark moods would strike, it would happen so quickly and was so hard for anyone to understand. He could be laughing and joking and in the next sccond be mad and not talk to anyone. After a few hours, if we let him alone he would be fine and he didn't understand why we thought he was mad. I, like everyone else that has to deal with this, thought it was some kind of growing pains or we would just say he was trying to act like he was mad, we just didn't know and now it's too late to get him help and we have lost him forever.

  Denny & Dad~

My last words to my son were "I Love you" and he said he loved me too and now I have all these other things I need to tell him. I was always so proud of him; he was always smiling when he was a small boy. When he started baseball the coach on the other team asked me how he was supposed to call a smile like that on the base? We laughed at that every time he played that team. He rolled a bowling ball down the lane that took almost a minute and a half to get to there and he ended up with a strike and the whole bowling alley applauded him. He wasn't big enough to have shoes so they let him bowl in his socks. There are just so many memories we have in the short 22 yrs that he was with us and they are so dear to me. So much in fact' that I worry I will forget even the smallest detail of something he did or said. I hang onto every picture and I look at them like I'll never get to see them again. Denny & Family~

My first thought in the morning and the last in the evening is of my son and everyday it's even harder to believe that he isn't here anymore. The pain is just as strong today as it was the day I got the most horrible phone call I could ever get. I am so thankful for finding the Road2Healing family, at first I just read all the post and then some of them sounded just like me. I'm at the point right now that my family and most of my friends don't understand. I still want to talk about Denny; I still want to tell people about him. Most of them either walk away or look at me like I have 2 heads. The part that really bothers me is these are the people I talked about him to when he was here, why can't I do it now? Why do they want to act like he never existed? He was here, he had a life and he had a son. I don't know why he is gone or why he chose this way out but he was here. He will always be in my heart and on my mind and this group helps me keep him there. We really need to let the world know that suicide is getting easier to do and being down more often, it doesn't matter what social scale you are in or how old you are, it is still happening.

If anyone sees this page and still thinks they have nothing to live for and you don't make a difference someone's life, give me a call. I'll show you the pain of losing someone and not knowing why and I can also show you the joy this boy gave me. The hugs I won't feel anymore and the little tricks he thought he was playing on me. This might sound crazy to someone else but I will give my life to have to pay another speeding ticket for this hoy. I would love to give him my last twenty dollars for gas or a haircut or just to give it to him. So please don't ever think you don't have an impact on someone in your life and please know how precious this gift of life is to all of us. All I have left are my memories and a note he wrote on a scraped piece of paper:


Thanks again to Road2Healing for letting me tell my story and not waiking away from me. Thank you for letting my Denny stay in life and in my heart with all the love I can give. Thank you Louise for this site.

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Click here for more pictures of Denny and his family. More Denny
Sharon Evans
Always a Mom to Dennis

Denny's Stepdad
Andrews Page
Memories of Mark
Mathews Poem
Survivors Road2healing