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EWW Scarred For Life, December 17th live on USA Network, 10PM ET / 9PM CT

The Golden Brothers

The Harris Brothers

The Golden Brothers vs. The Harris Brothers
Hardcore Number One Contender For The Tag Team Titles Match

The Golden Brothers' music hit, and the brothers walked out like evrybody used to know them. Their usual flash entrance, Glitz and California Gold same wrestling attire, the good old days were back. And Glitz was sober and not drunk or sick. They walked to the ring slappingthe hands of their fans on the way down. They got in the ring as a new announcer introduced them. Tania Danson wasn't there because she had been injured by The Chosen One earlier in the night. This was a new male announcer. When he had finished, Glitz asked for the microphone ad he was given it.
Glitz: "Hello everyone, I have some good news for you. Glitz is back! First of all, I'd like to apologise to all the fans because of my actions as of late. But, I'd like to inform you that I am completely sober, I haven't had a drink in two days, and I am ready to go. Aftershock has done a great job filling in for me, and I hope I can get my first place position back soon. I aim to start here. As Prez has made this a hardcore tag team match, this may not be Cal's type of match, but it's sure as hell mine! Thank you."
The Harris Brothers' music starts next as the fans boo. They walk to the ring with a huge dumpster of weapons and leave it by ringside. The Golden Brothers met them down the ramp as California Gold went at Big Ron, and Glitz went to Heavy D. California Gold grabbed a trash canlid from the dumpster of weapons and hit Big Ron over the head with it twice. In the ring, Glitz knocked Heavy D down with a sliver cup. Glitz went out the ring for more weapons as Cal threw Big Ron in the ring and got in himself. Glitz tossed a tray to his brother in the ring and he hit both Harris Brothers over the head with it. Glitz got back in the ring and Cali Gold offered him the tray and he accepted it. He did the same as his brother just did, hitting both Harris Brothers over the head with it. As California Gold choked Big Ron inside the ring, outside, Glitz tried to hit Heavy D's head against the steel steps, but failed and got his own head hit against them. California Gold clotheslined Big Ron down, and Glitz was now back in control as he reversed Heavy D's whip and sent him into the steps. Aftershock appeared on the titantron, watching his monitor backstage. After all, Aftershock and California Gold are the Tag Team Champions. Cal yet again choked Big Ron inside the ring, but outside, Glitz missed a moonsault off the fan railings. California Gold was still on top in the ring, but outside, Heavy D went over to his dumpster of weapons and grabbed a broom. He got in the ring without California Gold noticing and low blowed him with the broom. He hit him over the back with him as Big Ron went outside. He threw Glitz in the ring and then grabbed a chair from the dumpster. He set Glitz up in the corner and then ran at him with the chair. He drove the chair right into the chest of Glitz, and then stomped him. He then did exactly the same to California Gold. Heavy D threw another chair in the ring as well as a table now. He got back in as Big Ron picked Glitz up and hammered away at him. When Heavy D went over to California Gold, Cal had taken some powder out of his pocket and thrown it into Heavy D's eyes! He couldn't see and hit his finisher the big boot to the face on his own brother Big Ron. This was because he thought it was California Gold, but couldn't see because he was blinded by the powder. The Golden Brothers then double teamed Heavy D and stomped him downinto the corner. Glitz went back to the dumpster and grabbed a bowling ball. He got in the ring and bowled the ball right into Heavy D's crotch! He then set the table up in the corner as California Gold hit the Shower Of Glitter on Big Ron. Glitz then picked him back up and threw him through the able. He covered and got the 1-2-3 and California Gold would now have to decide whose team he was going to be on tomorrow night, Aftershock's or Glitz's.

Shane Adams

Triple M

'The Chosen One' Shane Adams vs. Triple M
United States Title Match

Firstly, Triple M makes his way out to the ring. The lights went out and a bolt of lightning struck the titantron as the girders set on fire. Mysterio's titantron video played through as he walked down to the ring. The flames stopped as Shane Adams walked out with the United States and Hardcore Titles over each shoulder. The fans booed him as he walked out not only with the titles, but with his guitar as well. Shane slid in the ring as a young woman started walking down the ramp. Shane got the first punch in as he got MMM in the corner. He got him back up and whipped the new star off the ropes. When he went for a spinning heel kick, he missed it and landed face first on the mat. Triple M then clotheslined Shane Adams over the ropes to the floor and he saluted the crowd. When Shane got on the apron, Triple M just dropkicked him right off again. Shane decided to give up and he started walking down the ramp, trying to get the count out, but Triple M went after him. He punched him back to the ring and threw him in as the camera got a close-up on this woman that was at ringside. Triple M climbed to the top rope, but Shane bounced the ropes and Mysterio landed on his crotch. Shane taunted the crowd and then stomped his head. After asnapmare he hit a leg drop and locked on a sleeper. Triple M elbowed his way out of it, and bounced of the ropes, only to get hit with a roundhouse kick by Adams. He choked with his boot in the corner and then went to dive at MMM in the corner, but he moved and Shane's shoulder cracked against the ringpost. After another dropkick from Major, he whipped his opponent off the ropes and tripped him with a knee to his gut. He bounced off the ropes and used them for a springboard into a moonsault. He went for a cover but only got the two. He attempted a clothesline, but Shane missed and hit a big boot to the face. Shane went to the top rope and tried to ax handle smash Triple M, but he choped him in the stomach. Mysterio then bodyslammed him and hit the Mystery Move! He covered Adams and the referee counted to three! On his debut, Triple M had won the United States Title! Hegrabbed the belt and went off to the back as the young woman went in the ring to Shane. She helped him up and then helped him to the back.


Dark Flame

Shockwave vs. ‘Dark Flame' Brian Lopez
Boiler Room Brawl Hardcore Title Match

Not only had The Prez made this a boiler room brawl, but Shane Adams and Dark Flame had made a deal also, that if Lopez won this match, he'd get an Intercontinental Title shot at the next pay-per-view the Royal Rumble. The camera switches to the boiler room, and Brian Lopez has just entered. Now just entering is Shockwave with the Hardcore Title. He drops the title in the doorway and goes inside. The rules for the match are obviously, the winner is the first man who gets out of the boiler room. Shockwave couldn't see Lopez anywhere and went searching for him. When his back was turned, Dark Flame ran at him and hit him across the back with the lead pipe. He grabbed a broom and firstly hit him in the face with it, and then cracked it over Shockwave's head. He slammed his head against a door which had a sign which read'danger high voltage'. After seeing the sign, Lopez tried to stuffShockwave inside those doors, and was almost sucessful, but only got him half way. He started slamming the doors on Shockwave's head, until Shockwave managed to get his arm out and grab Dark Flame by the throat. He started choking him and threw him into a metal cabinet twice. He grabbed a tray and hit him over the back with it, and then pushed a full toolbox off the top of the cabinet. Luckily, it just missed Lopez. Shockwave grabbed him by the back of his shirt and his hair and threw Brian over a table, sending himself and the table crashing to the floor. He picked the table up with great strength and held it over his head, and then threw it right into Dark Flame's face. When Shockwave went back over to Lopez, he got his eyes raked and Brian threw him into a ladder, knocking it over, but Shockwave was still standing. He tried whipping Shockwave into another cabinet, this time a wooden one, but the Hardcore Champion reversed it and Lopez's back smacked against the cabinet. Shockwave came running at him and went for a big punch, but Brian ducked and his hand went right through the wood! There were then a load of plastered sheets which Dark Flame kept smashing over his opponents head one by one, and in the end he grabbed them all at once and smashed them over his head too! Lopez then picked up a full trash can and started running at Shockwave with it, but the Wolverine managed to get his foot up and send the trash can straight back in the face of Lopez. He picked it up and emptied it, and then smashed it over the back of Brian three times. Shockwave picked him up and paced him in a shopping trolley. After choking him, Shockwave pushed Lopez and the trolley right into the brick wall! He pulled him back out and bodyslammed him on a huge metal platform. Shockwave hit his head against it, and then picked the platform up, and literally threw it down with all his force on top of Lopez! He taunted Dark Flame until he got up and then hit him back down. Shockwave then headed towards the door, until Lopez quietly recovered and stood up. He picked up a glass frame and crept up behind Shockwave. He shouted the word ‘pu**y' at Shockwave, making him turn around, and he smashed the glass frame over his head! He looked pretty injured as well like he had galss in his hand. He picked up the laddee from earlier and took a while to set it up. He started climbing it to try and do a move off it, but Shockwave, now bleeding from the face got up and grabbed Lopez. He got him by the throat and chokeslammed him off the ladder through 6 panes of glass and two tables! The glass was laying across the tables and he went crashing through everything! Shockwave's face was now totally covered in blood and you couldn't see his skin, as with Brian Lopez who was bleeding all over especially badly from the hands! This match was turning out to be a huge casualty case! Shockwave picked up Lopez and snapped a mop over his back. After throwing him into a load of full and heavy cardboard boxes, the impact of him against it made more glass fall off the top of th boxes! Fortunately, it just missed him by about an inch. Shockwave picked up one of the heavy boxes, struggling to life it, but eventually he did and slammed it down on Lopez. Dark Flame could hardly stand, as with Shockwave as he punched Lopez down with a single right hand. Shockwave kicked his opponent in the gut and bodyslammed him on a crate. He went right through the crate, revealing some silk shirts inside it. After throwing Lopez on some steps with wheels connected to the bottom, he pushed the steps into more crates, sending Lopez flying onto the crates. He then fell off them to the concrete floor, and the boiler room was covered with blood. Without Shockwave seeing, Lopez managed to grab a lead rod. He hit it against a water pipe which cracked and burst straight away, and boiling hot steaming water went into the bloody eyes and face of Shockwave. He immediately started rolling around the floor in pain holding his face. Dark Flame ripped what was left of that pipe off the wall which left steamingwater to flood the boiler room. Meanwhile, Lopez hit Shockwave over the back with the pipe with so much impact that it snapped in half! He low blowed him with the pipe and then threw him into the legs of a table. The table legs gave way and lots and lots of other pipes crashed down from the table on top of Shockwave. Lopez then cawled towards the door, a blood trail forming behind him as he went. Handprints of blood stained the floor as he crawled and eventually got out the door! Brian Lopez wn the match. As soon as he was out the door, he lay on the floor and paramedics ran towards him. There were about five who tended to Lopez, and another five who went in the boiler room to treat Shockwave. The fans were silent in shock as EWW went to a preview video clip advertisement of next month's Royal Rumble.


Jeff Hardy

Aftershock vs. Jeff Hardy
Cage Match

After what was probably the most grueling and hardcore match in EWW history, there was to be a cage match straight after! What a night this was shaping out to be! After the reuniting of the origional Golden Brothers and a n ew US Champion, there was a horrific boiler room brawl and still a cage match and hardcore rules match to come! Jeff Hardy's music hit as he walked out with new Womens Champion Trish Stratus. She had the belt around her waist as the two walked to the ring. Jeff Hardy got in the ring as the cage lowered down. Jeff Hardy stayed in the ring as the cage came completely down, but Trish stayed on the outside. Aftershock's music started up next as he and Lita came out, also to cheers. This had gotten personal and Atershock got in the ring, to be attacked by Jeff's punches straight away. After knocking Aftershock down, he bounced off the ropes. Aftershock started to get up so Jeff jumped over him, but on the return, Aftershocked grabbed his throat. He then threw him by the throat into the side of the cage. He clotheslined him down and then got him in the corner. He punched him to the ground, and then knocked him straight down with one big uppercut. Jeff Hardy tried to fight back with knees t the stomach, but Aftershock overpowered him with a knee of his own. Aftershock then hit a vertical suplex and climbed the ropes. He went for an elbow drop, but Jeff rolled out the way and Atershock hit the mat. Jeff tried some punches again and grabbed Aftershock by the head. He tried slamming his face into the mesh of the cage, but he blocked it with his foot and threw Jeff into the cage. Aftershock then pushed Jeff's face against the cage and the mesh started ripping at his face. He did this for around twenty seconds and then ounched Jeffagain . Aftershock got him in a bearhg position and then rammed his back into the cage! He kicked his face as Jeff tried to get to his feet. When he did, Aftershock knocked him down again. Aftershock went to pick him up once more, Jeff fought back as much as he could, kneeing, kicking and punching his opponent, but Aftershock just got out of it by raking his eyes. Again he knocked Jeff down again, and Hardy hurriedly crawled to the door. He had hit arms out, but Aftershock pulled him back in before he was completely out. He tried it again after kicking Aftershock off, but it didnt work once again. Aftershock carried on punishing Jeff with punches, until Hardy managed to get a kick in and throw him into the cage! He did this again on the other side, and then once more. As Aftershock was down, Jeff once more went for the door, but Aftershock grabbed him yet again. Aftershock had Jeff on the floor again and was holding his leg, and he dropped his elbow down on Jeff's knee. Aftershock went to thetop rope and delivered a flying clothesline. Aftershock started climbing again, but this time he was climbing to try and get over the top of the cage. He was near the top, but was forced to jump down as he saw Jeff Hardy was heading for the door again. Jeff Hardy was trying to hold on to anything outside the cage and managed to pull a steel chair in. He kicked Aftershock off him and then wrapped the chair over his skull! Both men were laying down, but Jeff Hardy got up and started climbing the cage. He was only as far as the second rope when Aftershock started punching his kidneys. He choked him in the corner and then whipped him to the other side. Aftershock lowered his head expecting Jeff to rebound, but he didn't and caught Aftershock with a knee to the face. He started another punch combo this time in the corner, and then caught him with a boot to the face. He tried to whip Aftershock off the ropes, but it was reversed and Aftershock knocked Jeff down with a clothesline. Aftershock started climbing again and was standing on the third rope when Jeff graabbed his tights and pulled him off. Jeff started climbing next and his body was half over the top with his head on the other side. Before he could get over, Aftershock grabbed him by the legs, but Jeff kickhim off. He was then almost completely over, but Aftershock pulled him by over. He grabbed Jeff by the throat, but Hardy swiped his legs and he fell on his crotch area. He slammed Aftershock's head into the mesh three times and then took a run-up and did it. With Aftershock laying in the middle of the ring, Jeff Hardy started to climb the cage. He climbed and climbed and was at the top. He was about to go over the top and climbed down, but stopped and stared down at Aftershock for a few seconds. He then ripped his shirt off and did the suicide salute as the fan knew what was coming. He hit the Swanton Bomb right from the top of the cage! The fans went mad and Jeff started climbing again. He was almost over the top when Lita rushed into the ring. She started to pull Jeff Hardy's legs, and almost pulled him down, when Trish Stratus entered the ring. She spun Lita around and nailed her with the Womens Title! Jeff Hardy was able to complete his journey as he went over the top and jumped down landing on the other side! Jeff hardy had won the match, and what a match it was. He'd left a bloody Aftershock in the ring, and Trish had left a Koed Lita as they celebrated off down the ramp.

The Prez

Jacknife John

The Prez vs. Jacknife John
Hardcore Rules Non-Title Match

It was time for the big one, the main event, the match acknife John had been waiting for since Life Or Death. Firstly, The Prez entered to the EWW theme as the fans booed like crazy. He walked to the ring without any weapons, as did Jacknife John as his theme hit. The fans went nuts and Jacknife dropped both his belts on the ramp on his way to the ring. He got in the ring as the bell rangThey charged at each other, and Jacknife managed to back The Prez into the corner where he punished him with punches until he was forced to stop. The Prez showed his training strength though as he fought back with stinging right punches and threw Jacknife out of the ring. He got out himself, only to get punched by JJ. He kneed Prez in the face and then choked him on the fan railings. When he tried to pick Prez up, he got low blowed and Prez got a chair. He hit jacknife John over the head with it, and had to do it twice before he finally went down. He then threw the chair right in Jacknife John's face. And this was just getting started! Prez slapped Jacknife John, before Jacknife paid him back from moments ago with a low blow of his own. Jacknife hit Prez's face against the steel steps and then hit him with the chair! A clear shot right to the forehead. Jacknife John made the mistake of giving The Prez time to recover, and he did this whilst throwing the chair into the ring. The Prez then came running at him with a forearm, and drove it into the head of Jacknife John. He then slammed his face against the commentator's table and John fell to the ground. Prez threw him back in the ring and whipped him off the ropes. When he lowered his head, Jacknife hit a swinging neckbreaker as the fans cheered with encouragement. Both men were up at the same time, and Prez rolled out of the ring to rest. Jacknife soon followed him out and hit a normal neckbreaker now. Jacknife removed one of the mats around the ring, exposing the concrete floor. Jacknife went for a piledriver on Prez, on the concrete, but Prez lifted him up and over his back, and JJ's legs cracked against the steel steps. He threw a chair down on him and then sat him up on the ring steps. When Prez went running at him, Jacknife got hislegs up and knocked him down. He went for the piledriver, and this ime Prez back body dropped him right on the concrete floor. He grabbed Jacknife Johnby his head and threw his into and through the fan railings. They started to battle through the crowd as the cameras tried to follow them. When they caght up, Jacknife John slammed The Prez's face into a wall. He did this again and then nailed a guy selling hot dogs. After suplexing him on the floor, he went back to The Prez. Or at least he tried to, but Prez hit him in the head with a can of Pepsi. Prez then cleared the hot dog table of all the weiners and bread, and stood on top of it. He then carried on climbing a barrier which lead to another level of fans. He faced them and jumped around 30 feet doing a moonsault of Jacknife John and taking out the hot dog guy again, as well as a couple of fans. They lay a mess on the floor and neither were moving. The Prez had hurt his arm and shoulder, and Jacknife John was up first. He got Prez on that hot dog table and then hit a piledriver right through it! The fans went nuts and then crawked under a stand which took them somewhere backstage. The cameras had totally lost them and it took about 45 seconds to a minute to find them again. When a camera did get there, Jacknife John was still in control, throwing Prez on another table. After that, he threw a plastic trash can along with its contents right on top of Prez, and it sent him crashing through snother table! He went for a pin as the referee counted 1...2... Prez kicked out. They battled some more and opened up more doors which found themselves underneath the stage. Jacknife nailed Prez with an electric fan, and then punched him all the way down the side of the ramp. Jacknife got on top of the ramp and pulled Prez up on it to, and he hit a DDT. After a cover, Jacknife was inches away from beating Prez, but he kicked out on two and a half, if not two and three quarters. They had made their way back to the ring again as Jacknife threw Prez in it. He got in and started kicking his head in. He grabbed the chair from earlier and wrapped it across The Prez's back. He then got him between his legs and hit the Jacknife Powerbomb! Jacknife John had hit the Jacknife Powerbomb on The Prez! As he rolled over to cover Prez, someone came running down to the ring! It couldn't have been Kurt Angle otherwise Jacknife John automatically wins the match. It was Apocalypse! He got in the ring as the referee was on a two count, and interrupted the count! Jacknife John was so so close. After hitting a piledriver, Apocalypse climbed to the top rope and delivered The END. He then lay Prez's arm on Jacknife John and ordered the referee to count. He did s and Prez got the 1-2-3. Prez had defeated Jacknife John. I repeat, The Prez has defeated Jacknife John! Kurt Angle now rushed down since the match was over, and he and Apocalypse helped Prez up. The carefully took him out of the ring and put each of his arms over their shoulders and they carried him to the back. Scarred For Life went off the air like this, with Jacknife John just recovering and looking extremely p*ssed off!
Pay-Per-View Archives November 19th - Life Or Death