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EWW Life Or Death, live on USA Network, 10PM ET / 9PM CT


Andrew Noid

Glitz vs. Andrew Noid
European Title Match

Glitz's music hit as the fans went nuts. He walked to the ring slapping fans' hands, and then entered as Andrew Noid's music hit. The fans cheered just as much as they did for Glitz as ‘Leatherface' Andrew Noid walked out. He got in the ring as the bell rang. The two circled the ring trash talking. In the end, Glitz managed to hit a side russian leg sweep on Leatherface. He took Noid down again twice, and punched him into the corner. He tried to whip Noid into the other corner, but he reversed it. Leatherface then hit a full nelson slam and covered He hit a two count and Glitz rolled out of the ring. He recovered and then got back on the apron. He pulled Noid head down on the ropes, and then pulled him out of the ring. After a couple of punches, Glitz whipped Noid into the steel steps. He then threw Leatherface back into the ring and celebrated with the fans. When Glitz got back in, Noid was ready for him and started nailing him. When he had Glitz down, Leatherface went to the top rope. He jumped off attempting to splash Glitz, but missed. What was worse is that he hurt his knee in the process. Glitz waited for Noid to get back up, and when he finally did, Glitz kicked him in the back of the kneecap. Andrew Noid went straight back down again as Glitz put a leg hold on. Noid was moments away from tapping out, but he managed to get to the ropes. Glitz was forced to release the hold, so he started stomping the bad knee of Noid. He kept doing so and then started elbowing it. He went for a figure four leg lock next, but Noid kicked him off into the top turnbuckle. He Glitz rebounded, Leatherface rolled him up. The referee counted a two, but Glitz managed to kick out. He then threw Andrew shoulder first into the corner, his shoulder hitting the ringpost. Glitz then started focusing on Noid's shoulder as he twisted it and yanked him down. Glitz started stomping Andrew Noid's shoulder, and then choked him on the second rope. He bounced off the other side and then jumped on Noid's back, pushing him against the ropes. He did this again and then slid out of the ring. He pulled Leatherface's arm down against the ropes, possibly pulled the shoulder out of its socket. He straightened his knee pad and then entered the ring. Glitz whipped Noid off the ropes and then locked on a sleeper. It didn't last long though as Noid threw him against the turnbuckle. It hardly phased Glitz though as he whipped Leatherface off the ropes, and hit a back body drop. Glitz covered Noid and got a two count. He whipped Noid off the ropes again and got another sleeper. It took time, but Glitz eventually grounded Andrew. They were there for a while until the referee checked Noid's arm. It went down twice, but he kept it up the third time. Noid managed to get up and elbow Glitz in the stomach a few times. He then whipped Glitz off the ropes and put his own sleeper on. It didn't last long though as Glitz tried to lift him over his head. He did so, but Noid landed on his feet and rolled Glitz up. He got a two count but Glitz kicked out. He straight away went for another pin, but again only got two. Noid and Glitz stayed down and rested for a while as the referee started a count. Leatherface managed to roll over and cover Glitz, and he nearly won but Glitz got a shoulder up. The two got up and Glitz bounced off the ropes. When he came back, Andrew Noid hit him with a dropkick. When he whipped him off the ropes again, Noid hit a neckbreaker. When they were up, Noid kicked him in the stomach and hit a DDT. He tried to come running back at Glitz, but Glitz picked him up and hit a shoulderbreaker! He covered Leatherface and the referee counted another two. Glitz had had enough and he went to the top rope. He jumped off to splash Leatherface, but Noid rolled out of the way and Glitz hit the mat! Both wrestlers were down and the referee started a ten count. He was at about seven when they both got up. Glitz went for a punch, but Noid blocked him and kicked him in the stomach. He put Glitz's head in between his legs, and lifted him up for the Jacknife Powerbomb. He got it, and the referee counted 1, 2, 3! Andrew Noid was the new EWW European Champion! Noid celebrated with the fans down the ramp, and Glitz followed shortly after. After a commercial break, Oxide's music hit as he walked out. He then pointed for the entranceway and the rest of EWW's newest stable ‘The Real Deal' walked out. The fans gave them a mixed reaction (but mainly cheers) as the five of them walked to the ring. Oxide and Jacknife John were both wearing Life Or Death t-shirts, April was wearing a Life Or Death bikini-type thing, and Chosen One and The Jackal were both wearing t-shirts with ‘The Real Deal' logo on it. It read ‘The Real Deal' in bloodshot letters on the front, and had ‘The Bitches Are Back' on the back of the shirt. They walked to the ring and got in, Shane Adams holding the ropes for April. The leader of the group Oxide grabbed a microphone and started to speak.
Oxide: "Well here we are, The Real Deal. Now believeme, we will take this federation by storm,and why? Strength in numbers. Along with myself, we have 5 of the best, if not the 5 best athletes in EWW today. We have The Jackal, the Women's Champion April, the Hardcore and soon to be US Champ as well Shane Adams, the former Intercontinental Champion who will defeat Kurt Angle here tonight Jacknife John, and of course me, the Extreme Web Wrestling Champion Oxide! Well tonight is a busy night for The Real Deal, because all of us with the exception of The Jackal have matches here tonight. And what a night it will be. Britney was late arriving tonight, so she is in the back getting ready for her Womens' Title Match with April here. Well there will be no hard feelings after this match, because remember Britney is a card carrying member of The Real Deal too. So tonight, it will be between the two women who believe me are ‘The Real Deal'! The man standing next to me, The Chosen One will go against X-Jools in a title for title match up. Well is there any other outcome in a hardcore rules match up? Shane will kick his scrawny little ass! And then there's the double main event. The first will be me against Shockwave for the World Title, and then Jacknife John will defeat his rival, Kurt Angle. Well firstly, a little bit about tomorrow night. At the moment I have two matches for tomorrow, the first being for the Tag Team Titles. Jacknife John and I will face X-Ass in a TLC match. Well there's no doubt that I will be battered and bruised after that match, and in no shape to face The Jackal. So Jackal, I amasking you now, can we postpone the match until Friday? I know that's a tough decision for you because you can almost taste the gold, but ifyou're any kind of a man, anda friend, you will wait until Friday. You just get back to me about that. Back to tonight, after April and Britney give you your moneys worth, after Shane defeats X-Jools, after I defeat Shockwave, and after John beats Kurt Angle, then you will know why we are, The Real Deal!"
Oxide drops the microphone and The Real Deal exit the ring. The walk down the ramp where Britney meets them. At the top of the stage, they held their arms up. From left to right, it was Britney, The Jackal, Jacknife John, Oxide, Shane Adams, and April. They then made their exit to the locker room.

Black Sky

California Gold

Black Sky vs. California Gold
Singles Match

Black Sky's music started and he walked out with Cecilia. They walked to the ring arm in arm as California Gold's theme hit. He was without brother Glitz who was recovering in the back from his loss earlier on. California Gold and Black Sky had a good look at each other and then started trash talking. It ended when Cali Gold slapped Black Sky and the two got into a punch up. Cali Gold tried whipping Sky off the ropes, but he reversed it and knocked Cal down. Sky then waited for Gold to get back up and when he did, ran up to him and hit a thunderous clothesline. Black Sky then got him in the corner and stood on the second rope. He started a ten punch combo and finished it successfully as the crowd counted with the referee. He whipped him to the other corner and then clotheslined Cali Gold over the top rope. After a baseball slide, Black Sky dived through the ropes into Cal and took him down. After some punches, Black Sky tried to whip the Golden Brother into the steel steps, but he reversed it and Black Sky took the metal. California Gold recovered and started taking Sky down the ramp. He bodyslammed him on the ramp and then threw himback into the ring. After punching him down, California tried elbowing him in the back of the head. Sky moved though and started working away at the ribs of Cali Gold. Although, it was a mistake when he tried to whip Glitz's younger brother, as he twisted Black Sky's arm round and clotheslined him. Cali Gold went for the pin then and got a two count. He couldn't believe how close he was to winning the match, and he retaliated with a powerbomb. He had another two count after another cover, and was getting closer and closer to the victory. Cali Gold had had enough and he decided to take Black Sky down with the effect of a sleeper hold. The referee let Sky's arm drop twice, but he kept it up the third time and reached a vertical base. He elbowed his opponent in the stomach twice and bounced off the ropes. When he came back, Cal blacked his punch and hit a neckbreaker. He went for another cover, but only got two. Cali Gold got Black Sky in the corner and choked him on the top rope. He released it when the referee threatened to disqualify him, and started kicking Black Sky. When he tried to grab Sky by the head, he got his eyes raked and then he was the one in the corner. Black Sky slapped his chest a few times, but Cali Gold once again blocked the last one and elbowed him. He whipped Black Sky off the ropes, but Sky leap-frogged over him and did a sunset flip. The referee counted two, and the wrestlers wereup straight away. Cali Gold knocked Sky down again and choked him in the corner. He whipped him to the other side and came running at him. Before he could stop, he was caught by Black Sky's boot in his face. Black Sky then sat on top of the turnbuckles and got California Gold's head under his arm. He jumped off and executed a tornado DDT! Black Sky then covered, but like California Gold's pins, only got a two count. As Black Sky argued with the referee, he turned round to get his eyes raked. He ducked California Gold's clothesline after being whipped off the ropes, and kicked his opponent in the stomach. He lifted him up and then hit a piledriver! He then hit a standing leg drop and went to the top rope. He hit a splash and then signalled it was time for the end. He picked California Gold up and locked in Le Coup De Grace. It took California Gold about one second to submit, and Black Sky had won the match! Cecilia got in the ring to congratulate him, and he held her up in one arm. The ring announcer announced him as the winner, and Black Sky and Cecilia retreated to the back. Doctors came out to help California Gold, but he pushed them off and walked to the back himself. The EWW theme started next as The Prez came out. An E Dub Dub chant started as he walked to the ring. When he gets in, he asks for a microphone straight away, and Tania Danson gives him one. The Prez also seems in a quite happy mood.
The Prez: "Well the rumors were true, I do have a special announcement to make tonight, and yes, it does concern the second match of the double main event. Jacknife John may already be able to kick Kurt Angle's ass, but I felt Imay make it absolutely positive that Jacknife John wins his match here tonight. You know what, I think I need a special guest referee, so here he is!"
The Prez points to the entrance, but no-one comes out. The Prez then decides to try again.
The Prez: "Ladies and gentlemen, tonights special guest referee!"
Again the Prez points to the entrance, and again no-one appears. The Prez has had enough and goes to the backstage area to find the guest referee as the fans wait impatiently. After about a minute or so, he can be heard from the back.
The Prez: "OK, here he is, I've found him. Ladies and gentlemen, the referee for tonight's match, EWW Owner, Mark Watson!"
The Prez walks back out again, this time with a referee shirt on. He walks to the ring in this shirt (with the sleeves cut off) and enters it. He gets the microphone again.
The Prez: "That's right Angle, it's me, I'm the guest referee for this match! Kurt, I'm gonna make sure that you have a snowball's chance in hell of winning this match!"
The EWW theme hits again as The Prez leaves to the fans cheering and goes backstage to prepare for his refereeing services later on.


Britney Spears

April vs. Britney Spears
Womens Title Match

April and Britney both came out together to ‘The Real Deal's' theme music which showed good sportmanship, or good sportswomenship in this case. When they got in the ring April asked for a microphone. She told Britney that she was going to treat this match like she was facing a normal opponent, so no hard feelings. Britney accepted that but told her not to expect to leave the ring with the title. The bell then rang and the match started. Britney dropkicked April from behind as she was handing her belt to the referee, and went for a cover straight away. As you can imagine that wasn't going to win the title for her, and April icked out on two. Britney then threw her across the ring by her hair and hit a standing leg drop. She went for another cover and got another two. She stomped her stomach and elbow dropped and got yet another two count. When Britney went to pick April up, she got hit with an uppercut and then April started slapping her, before she took Britney down with a snapmare. She did this again and then went for a pin. After a two count they got straight back up. April slapped her again, and then tried whipping her into the corner. Britney reversed it though and April was sent to the corner. When Britney came running, April kicked her back down and stood on the second rope. She tried to dive on Britney, but the pop princess saw it out of the corner of her eye and moved out of the way. Britney tried pinning with her feet on the ropes, but the referee saw her and stopped the count. Britney then threw April out of the ring and went out herself. She got her and threw her head into the announcers table. Britney then tried to do the same with the fan railings, but April blocked it and threw Britney over them! But as April rested, Britney recovered and stood on top of the railings. She took April down with a cross body and then threw her in the ring. Britney made a rookie mistake though as she clebrated with the fans for too long and let April recover. When she got back in the ring, April pretended to be hurt. When Britney tried picking April up, April delivered The Stroke for the 1-2-3! April went outside and collected her Womens Title, and then got back in the ring. When Britney got up, April put out her hand for Britney to shake it. Britney hesitated and then eventually shook it. The two walked off together down the ramp to their locker room.

Shane Adams


Shane Adams vs. X-Jools
US and Hardcore Title For Title Match

X-Jools firstly came out to the crowd booing him. He walked to the ring with the US Title and entered the ring. Shane Adams' music then started as the crowd gave a mixed reaction. X-Jools met him half way down the ramp and took him down with a spear. He started pummeling him and then choked him. He released the hold as Shane got up and started punching him. They kept punching each other until Shane dragged him to an electricity box and smacked X-Jools' head against it. He then continued punching Jools and threw him into a cuboid shaped box. He shut the lid and walked over to get his Hardcore Title by the ramp. Whilst he did this, X-Jools got out of the box and grabbed a nearby bag of something. He followed Shane to the ramp and spun him round. He hit him with the bag, knocking him down. When Jools picked him up, The Chosen One elbowed him in the stomach and headbutted him. Adams then continued to drag X-Jools furthur down the ramp. And threw him into a girder. Chosen One then covered but the referee was slow in getting down and X-Jools kicked out on one. Shane lifted him up again and now slammed his head into the bottom of the titantron. They went furthur backstage when Shane threw X-Jools theough the curtains. Shane then threw him into a cardboard stand-up of Aftershock and then into a wall. Chosen One next grabbed a 4x4 and hit X-Jools over the back with it. When they continued their journey, the cameraman got knocked over and no-one could see wat was happening. When another camera managed to get backstage, it showed that X-Jools had taken control of the match and slammed Shane into a crate. He grabbed a heavy cardboard box full of papers next, and threw it down on Chosen One. X-Jools went over to say something to the referee next, and when he went back to The Chosen One, Shane low blowed him. Adams thren threw him into some netting and X-Jools almost got tangled up in it. When Shane picked him up, X-Jools elbowed him in the head and started punching him. X-Jools picked up a metal tray and hit The Chosen One over the head with it. After that, X-Jools grabbed a coffee machine off the coffee table and poured red hot coffee all over Shane Adams. He burnt his hands at the same time though from carrying it. X-Jools' next item was a plastic trash can, full to the top with trash. He threw it down on Shane's back and all the trash came out. He picked The Chosen One up and suplexed him over the coffee table, cracking the table in half. X-Jools hurt himself in the process and both were up at the same time. X-Jools grabbed that now empty coffee machine and was about to hit Shane with it, but The Chosen One blocked and hit X-Jools. It was then his turn have his fun as he grabbed the coffee pot and hit X-Jools over the head with it. There was more carnage when Shane grabbed a stop sign on a pole and poked Jools with it. He threw it down on the X-Ass member's head and picked him up. They continued their backstage quest when The Chosen One hit X-Jools' head against some metal railings. Shane spotted a forklift and tried driving it, but couldn't find the key. As he did this, X-Jools hit him with a plant he ripped out of a plant pot. He stomped Shane on the floor until Shane took him down by the legs. Shane then took his leather belt off and started hitting X-Jools with it. After that, he choked his foe with it and dragged him down a hallway. They went out a door at the end of the hall way which led to some stairs. Shane lifted him up and then slammed his groin area down on the barrister. From there, X-Jools slid down the barrister and ran into a wall at the bottom. Shane Adams followed him by running down the steps. They went out another door which led to the streets! Shane pushed X-Jools out and then hit a bulldog on him on the sidewalk! Shane went for a pin and got a two count. Shane argued with the referee that it was a slow count, and X-Jools picked up a traffic cone. When he turned back round, X-Jools hit him with the cone. He picked up a hubcap next from the side of the road, and tried to hit him with that but missed. Shane punched him in the gut after that and kneed him in the head three times. Shane then picked up a brick from some newly-laid concrete and hit X-Jools over the head with it. He went for another cover, but somehow, X-Jools kicked out. Shane then hit X-Jools with the cone from earlier and he fell straight into the road. He got up just in time to miss a car speeding past. Shane picked him back up and hit his head against some metal gates. Shane then slammed X-Jools' head against a ‘no trespassing' sign and picked up a glass bottle from the side of the road. He smashed it over X-Jools' head and he wasn't just bleeding from the head, he was almost out cold. Shane picked him up one more time and hit The Stroke against the metal gate. He covered again and the referee counted thethree. An exhausted Shane Adams ran back through the arena to the ramp and collected both title belts. He went off with the US Title and the Hardcore Title. The camera went backstage next and showed Shockwave and Chris Benoit in their locker room. Shockwave said it was time to go, and Benoit aid he'd be there in a minute. Benoit turned the tv off as Shockwave left the room. Suddenly, the same masked man that was at the first event rushed into the lcoker room with a chair. When Benoit turned around, the masked man levelled him with the chair. He left just as discreetly as he came in. Moments later, Shockwave came back telling him to hurry up, and he saw Benoit lying there on the floor. He couldn't wake him and but knew he had to go. The camera then went back to ringside. Bob: "Well folks, after all we've seen tonight, there's still more. It's time for the double main event, starting with the World Title Match."



Oxide vs. Shockwave
World Title Match

Oxide's music started and he came out with the World Title around his waist. He walked to the ring and Shockwave's music started. The fans booed him and Chris Benoit was not with him after the attack moments ago. The two got in the ring and the bell sounded. They stared each other down at first and then went at it. Oxide swung at Shockwave, but he ducked and Shockwave started punching him. Every time Oxide tried to get a punch in, Shockwave ducked again and continued hitting him. Instead, Oxide kneed him in the gut. Oxide took him over to the turnbuckle and threw his head against it. He started punching Shockwave in the corner until he was nearly on the floor. Oxide whipped Shockwave into the other corner, but when he tried to follow it up, Shockwave used the ropes for leverage, and jumped over Oxide, sending him into the corner. When Oxide turned around, Shockwave dropkicked him over the ropes, but Oxide landed on his feet. As Oxide was about to slide back in, Shockwave bounced off the ropes and baseball slided him back out. When he again tried to get back in, Shockwave bounced off the ropes again. He dived over the top and hit a corkscrew plancha! When theywere back up, Oxide blocked Shockwave's right arm, and slammed his head into the fan railings. Shockwave tried to fight back with some more punches, but he couldn't as Oxide's knee proved to powerful for his gut. Oxide hit Shockwave's head against the fan railings again, and then threw him into the steel ring steps. He threw Shockwave back in the ring, and then got on the apron. Shockwave punched him and managed to pull his neck down on the ropes, but Oxide somehow stayed on the apron. He finally dropped down though when Shockwave bounced off the ropes and dropkicked him. He started stomping Oxide's head and then picked up the ring steps. He hit Oxide in the head with them and the referee was on the virge of disqualifying him. Shockwave then threw Oxide back in the ring and went to the top rope. He tried to hit a cross body, but Oxide caught him. Oxide positioned him over his shoulder and hit a running powerslam. Oxide went for a cover and got an extremely close fall. Oxide then punched him and whipped Shockwave off the ropes. When he lowered his head, Shockwave kicked him right in the face. He started punching Oxide and then kicked him in the stomach. He bounced off the ropes, but Oxide back body dropped him when he came back. Oxide punched Shockwave to the corner and then continued to punch him until he was on the ground. Once on the ground, Oxide choked Shockwave with his boot. He did that until the referee forced him to release it, so he picked Shockwave up and choked him with his hand instead. When the referee made him release it again, he whipped Shockwave into the other corner, and he rebounded back into Oxide. Oxide went for a suplex, but couldn't lift him up properly. He tried the second time and Shockwave landed on his feet. Shockwave started punching Oxide with right hands, but they hardly phased the champion, and he knocked Shockwave back down straight away. He picked Shockwave back up and whipped him into the corner. He ran at Shockwave, but he moved and Oxide hit the turnbuckle. Shockwave had no time to recover though as Oxide turned around and delivered a big boot to the face. Oxide then got Shockwave in a nekbreaker position, and lifted him up over his back in a submission move. When Oxide saw that Shockwave was getting out of the move, he backed him into the corner. Two more uppercuts put Shockwave down again, and Oxide went over to the corner. He started to take the top turnbuckle pad off until the referee stopped him. He went back to it ignoring the referee, and exposed the steel turnbuckle. Oxide went back over to Shockwave and brought him over to the corner. When he tried to smash his face against the turnbuckle, Shockwave blocked it and tried to do the same to Oxide. He also blocked it and clotheslined Shockwave down. He was straight back up though, only to get knocked down again. He did this two more times and then Oxide threw Shockwave over the ropes. Oxide then got out himself and whipped him against the railings. Shockwave got a desperation elbow in, but Oxide was right back on top. He showed his strength by lifting Shockwave over his head, and then threw him in the ring. Oxide climbed the top rope as Shockwave got up, and Shockwave quickly bounced against the ropes, knocking Oxide down on his groin area. Shockwave punched Kane on the turnbuckle, and then got up there himself. It looked as if he was going to superplex Oxide, but instead he got pushed off to the mat. Oxide recovered a waited for Shockwave to get up. Oxide jumped off to deliver a flying clothesline to Shockwave, but before he could connect, Shockwave dropkicked him! Both men were down and the referee started a count. Oxide was first up though, followed closely by Shockwave. Oxide swung for his opponent, but Shockwave ducked and started punching him from behind. After a few more punches, Shockwave tried to whip Oxide off the ropes. Oxide reversed it and attempted a big boot to Shockwave's face. However, Shockwave caught his foot and sweeped his other leg from the ground, sending him down to the mat. After a standing elbow drop, Shockwave went to the top rope and waited for Oxide to get back up. When he did, Shockwave jumped at him with a missile dropkick. Shockwave went for a cover, and EWW was half a second away from crowning a new champion, when the referee counted two. Shockwave kept fighting and tried to whip Oxide off the ropes, but it was reversed. He tried a cross body, but like earlier, Oxide caught him, this time in a bearhug position. He got Shockwave over his shoulder again and tried to run him into the corner, but he slid out of it and pushed Oxide into the exposed turnbuckle! Shockwave then rolled Oxide up from behind and got another near fall. The camera zoomed in on Oxide and we could now see that he was bleeding from the head. Shockwave then locked in a boston crab and Oxide was moments away from tapping out. He tried crawling to the ropes andeventually got there. He dragged him back out though and kept the hold locked on. Oxide managed to turn over this time, but Shockwave kept hold of one of his legs and had a leg hold locked on. It didn't last long though as Oxide grabbed him by the hair and kicked him off. Both wrestlers were up at about the same time, and Shockwave hit a bulldog. Shockwave got hold of both of Oxide's legs and set up the Final Description! He almost hit it, but when he pulled Oxide up, he did it wrong and they clashed heads. Oxide was first up this time and he put Shockwave in between his legs. He lifted him up and hammered the Oxide Bomb! Oxide then covered as the referee counted the three. Oxide, bleeding from the head, had retained his title! When Oxide had disappeared down the ramp, Shockwave drowsily got up and walked to the back. Bob: "Now here it comes, the last match of the night, and folks, The Prez is the special guest referee."

Jacknife John

Kurt Angle

Jacknife John vs. Kurt Angle
Singles Match

Firstly, The Prez's theme hit as he came out in the referee shirt he'd had on before. He made his way to the ring as the fans went nuts. When he was in, Jacknife John's theme started and out he came. He slapped fans hands on the way to the ring as they cheered for him. He got in and shook Prez's hand as Kurt Angle theme started. The fans started booing straight away, and he is probably the most hated man in EWW at the moment. He walked down the ramp and he and Prez stared each other down. When he got to the ring, he pulled Jacknife John's legs down. He pulled John out of the ring and started punching him. Kurt threw John back in the ring and smashed his head against the turnbuckle. He started punching him in the corner and knocked him down to the floor. He started kicking him next and then picked him up. After a bodyslam, Kurt executed knee drop. He got him in another corner and then taunted the fans. That was a mistake as when he turned around, JJ clotheslined him out of the ring. Kurt started walking down the ramp, but John caught up with him and punched his way back to the ring. John then whipped Kurt into and over the steps and then threw him in the ring. Kurt wanted a time out, but JJ kept on attacking him. He bounced off the ropes, but when he came back Kurt threw him over the top. Angle hit John's head against the steel steps and then against the ring post. He got back in the ring and grabbed John by the head. He lifted him up and hit a jackhammer. Kurt then pinned him and The Prez counted a very slow two count. Kurt started a sleeper hold next and he never held John's arms up. Instead he encouraged him to get out of it, but Kurt just leg-dropped him back down again. The Prez then counted another very slow pin. While Kurt was arguing with The Prez, Jacknife recovered and bounced off the ropes. The two clashed feet, and Kurt Angle was the one back up first. He sat on JJ's back and lifted his neck in a submission hold. The obviously biased Prez then made Kurt release it and John elbowed Angle. He bounced off the ropes, but Kurt hit him with a swinging neckbreaker. He taunted the fans and The Prez as Jacknife John lay there. Kurt started kicking John's head and then picked him up. He put another sleeper hold on and took Jacknife John to the ground. This time The Prez did lift the arm of John, but waited for a long time until he lifted it the third time (where he kept it up). Jacknife John worked his way up and bounced off the ropes. He hit a bulldog, but Kurt came straight back up. He knocked Kurt back down with three punches and threw him out of the ring. Kurt grabbed a hammer fromthe ring announcer and hit Jacknife without The Pez seeing. He rolled Jacknife back in the ring and The Prez counted very slowly again. He kicked out on two and then Kurt went to argue with The Prez again. John grabbed him from behind and rolled him up. Prez counted very fast this time, but Kurt managed to kick out on two. Jacknife John then spun Kurt round and kicked him in the gut. He set him up and then delivered the Jacknife Powerbomb. He covered and The Prez went down to count. He got to two and then for some reason stopped. Jacknife John got up and asked him what the hell that was all about. Prez replied with the middle fingers on his hands and hit The Unemployment! Prez had superkicked Jacknife John! Kurt Angle then set up and hit the Olympic Slam and The Prez counted a quick three count! The Prez raised Kurt Angle's arm and they hugged. The fans started booing and throwing things in the ring at them. A bottle hit Prez on the shoulder but he didn't care. The two continued the assault on Jacknife John until the rest of The Real Deal came rushing down. The Prez and Kurt Angle jumped out of the ring when they saw them coming, and started walking off down the ramp. At the top, the duo raised each others arm again as the crowd booed and Life Or Death went off the air!