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  District Home Page  | World Championship of Public Speaking - Darren LaCroix 
"Ouch!" said the World Championship of Public Speaking winner, Darren LaCroix
     by Glenn Pike, DTM

"I knew I was not the most talented; not the best speaker in the world," said Darren LaCroix when we talked by phone last week. "But, I thought, I can be the best prepared."

With the idea "No one will out prepare me," in mind, Darren began his trip to Toastmasters International's World Championship of Public Speaking. A trip which took him to 22 clubs, whose members provided him with over 140 written evaluations --- not counting the numerous round robbin/open evaluations provided at some clubs.

"I took a video camera with me to each speaking opportunity. In addition to taping my speech the camera was also trained on my evaluators and captured their evaluations. Their evaluations were not lost. They were reviewable. I have six hours, 46 minutes, and 43 seconds of video tape shot of my speeches and their evaluations."

In his speech, he decided he would fall forward (on his face, so to speak) during the opening line. This drew a wide variety of opinions from his evaluators, as well as numerous. The most common, according to Darren, was "I thought you stayed down too long."

Here is how he utilized that input. When he stood up, he included what he knew by now that most of the audience was thinking, he asked: "Did I stay down too long?" And then used that idea to start the next sentence. "Have you ever stayed down too long?"

"I had someone come up after the contest, " said Darren, "who mentioned that part of the speech. And the person said 'You said what I was thinking. I was getting uncomfortable. I wanted you to get up quicker. You stayed down too long.'"

Darren also borrowed from his district's library a 10 year set of videos taken of Toastmasters Internationals ' most recent speech contests. Each video contained the speeches of the nine contestants who completed each year. In his preparation, Darren included a study of the previous 90 speakers who have competed for the World Championship of Public Speaking.

In his speech, he refers to his desire to be a comedian. It was his desire to be a good comedian that lead him to Toastmasters.

"My comedy mentors said the most important thing about being a comedian, is 'stage time.' The more time you are on stage, the greater your opportunity to become better."

"Well, comedy clubs are only open at night and when I discovered Toastmasters, I learned they met during the day and there were several clubs in my area. I joined four of them."

How can you become a better comedian (or speaker) my mentors said until you are comfortable in front of a real audience. "That is why I am an avid supporter of 'expanding your speaking time.' Any role as a Toastmaster provides a speaking opportunity. Seek out opportunities to speak. Speak at every opportunity.  How can we be growing if we are not at the lectern? That is our stage time."

Darren joined Bose Speakers (yes, the stereo company), in 1994. This was his second time to complete in the speech contests. In his first contest, he made it to the division level. 

It would not be until 4 years later that he would get back up on his feet - and try again. "Ouch!" 

"I actually went overtime," said Darren. "When the red light came on I went into my close. I left the podium and sat down knowing I had stayed within the time limit.

"However, people who were using their watches or had brought stop watches, knew I had gone too long.

It turned out that there had been a timing error and the rules of the contest state that if a timing error occurs, the speaker shall be granted 30 extra seconds.  I was within the extra 30 seconds.

Read Darren's Speech: The Speech Script that Won First Place

TI Press Release: Massachusetts Man Speaks of Failure and Wins World Championship of Public Speaking
Darren's web page:  Video clips and additional information

District 3
   Home Page
" Ouch!"
   Speech script 
   that won First Place
TI Press Release
Darren's web page
    Video clips and
    additional information
1980 District 3 Winner
Len Baker

Darren hoists the trophy high after winning the 2001 World Championship of Public Speaking in the closing moments of Toastmasters  International Convention, in Anaheim, California.

Convention photos by Jowdy Photography, copyright 2001