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Tribute to my Mother

Mom's Portrait         Death Notice
April 6, 2001

I actually added some pictures.Look at the end, I'll keep the number of photos, per page, to 9 or 12. If your computer sits to long to load the pictures, let me know and I will adjust the pages.

March 28, 2001

I don't now when this picture was taken, but with the hairstyle and clothing, it must be in the 30's. I wish I could have spoken to my Mom before she passed on. It was just a matter of days before I was to come out.

My dearest friend, Barbara and sister Cecelia, was the last to see her. She wasn't very comfortable and it sounded like she was in a lot of pain. She didn't want to be touched. Their dog, Mickey, wanted to be near her. but being touched was just too painful. I was thankful that I spoke to her on Tuesday, her voice was shaky and she was a bit incoherent. I knew all was not well. I miss her alot and in a way I'm glad she is finally resting in peace.

I will be doing one for my father, soon.

Hope you enjoy them! Will have more to come.

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Please be patient while the pictures get loaded...Thanks!!

Mom, Page 2               Pictures

What a cutey

Don't know when this was taken
beach bum

I think Julie took this picture in 1991 when my mom took her to Hawaii.
Loading cigarettes

My mom used to work for Chesterfields Cigarette company back in the 30's and 40's. The factory used to be in San Francisco.

Don't know which hotel this was taken at or when it was taken.
Market St

Taken on Market Street in San Francisco by a camera guy who would take your picture and offer to develop it and sell it to you.

Don't know how old she was!
Mom with sister

Don't know when this was taken, but this is her sister, Connie, who lives on Oahu.

She looks soo young there. Remember, she came to the mainland from Hawaii when she was 14 or 16.
with cousin Sandy

This is my cousin Sandy, on the left. I assume this was taken on Maui where Sandy and her mom live.