Hi and welcome to the Simpsons Sounds Page. Click on one of the .wav files below to download and hear that sound. All the following sounds in .wav format are on my server, and cannot be stolen without the permission from ME. Sounds with a * at the end are original and were recorded by me.

Current Sounds Count: 42~~12 Original

Filename/Size Description
beer.wav (133kb) Homer-Oh Lisa! You and your stories...
burn.wav (119kb) Homer-Homer crying over a burnt donut (FUNNY)
champ.wav (196kb) Homer-Homer singing "I Am The Champion"
crayon.wav (96kb) Ralph-"I ate my crayon"...
curse.wav (183kb)* Homer-Homer gives the mover a dollar and finds out the house is cursed*
dohmed.wav (177kb) Homer-A "do'h!" medley
donuts.wav (44kb) Homer-"Donuts...Is there anything they can't do?"
doo.wav (32kb) Mr. Burns-"You're in deep doo now"
flint.wav (206kb) Homer-Homer singing the Flinstones theme
germans.wav (187kb) Mr. Burns-"Ooh, the Germans are coming!"...(FUNNY)
getout.wav (158kb)* Marge and Homer-Marge saying she heard a strange voice*
goulet.wav (157kb)* Robert Goulet-"Are you sure this is the casino? I think I should call my manager..."*
grease.wav (92kb) Willy-Willy getting greased up by Lunch Lady Doris
haha.wav (11kb) Nelson-Nelson's infamous quote, "Ha! Ha!"
happy.wav (113kb) Homer-"Oh look at me. I'm making people happy!"...(FUNNY)
homergrease.wav (311kb)* Homer-Homer gets 63 cents for 4 pounds of grease (FUNNY)*
hotdog.wav (285kb)* Homer and Apu-Apu cleans out the kwiki-dog machine, but Homer complains about his hotdog*
hutz.WAV (158kb)* Lionel Hutz-Homer meets Hutz for the first time*
jose.wav (36kb) Ned Flanders-Now meet Jose Flanders
kneebone.wav (129kb) Dr. Nick-"The kneebone's connected to the something"...(FUNNY)
marge.wav (204kb)* Marge-Marge talking to Homer about the stonecutters*
mayor.wav (199kb) Willie-Willie making a speech for mayor
meow.wav (48kb) Homer-"Meow,Meow,Meow,Meow"...
moelie.wav (302kb) Moe-Moe taking a lie detector test (FUNNY)
mrplow.wav (45kb) Homer-Homer singing the Mr. Plow theme song
mule.wav (249kb)* Lyle Lanley-Talking about a mule with a spinning wheel (FUNNY)*
nedpipe.wav (53kb) Homer-Homer lying to Marge about a lead pipe (FUNNY)
nick.wav (357kb)* Dr. Nick-Dr. Nick reviewing Bart's injuries from episode 23*
prank.wav (42kb) Moe-Moe reacting to a prank call
ralph.wav (96kb) Ralph Wiggum-"My parents won't let me use scissors..."
skinner.wav (83kb) Skinner and Superintendant Chalmers-The theme song
smart.wav (86kb) Homer-"I am so smart! S-M-R-T"...
steak.wav (205kb)* Marge-Telling Homer she need to go out to buy something for dinner*
stick.wav (187kb) Bart-"It's OK. There's no sugar in pixie sticks"...(FUNNY)
squish.wav (175kb)* Apu-Apu offering a champagne squishy to his wife*
survive.wav (126kb)* Apu-"All done. If you survive, please come again"*
twinky.wav (36kb) Apu-"Customer. You cannot hurt the twinky!"
wallet.wav (80kb) Snake-Snake as a wallet inspector
wand.wav (145kb) Homer-Homer trying to dial the number to the Power Plant (FUNNY)
weekend.wav (54kb) Homer-"Woohoo! Four day weekend!"
woohoo.wav (8kb) Homer-Homer's quote, "Woohoo!"
wookie.wav (25kb) Ralph-"I bent my wookie"

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