" What Color Is Your Heart? "

Written By Linda Reau
Illustrated By Rita Viscount

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Childrens Books


What Colour Is Your Heart


The Artist
Store Store Front

Ages 4-8
ISBN: 978-1-933916-74-3

When Grandma says that Emma’s friend must have a dark-colored heart because he was mean,
Emma decides that she needs to find out the color of each family member’s heart.
From red for love to orange for hope, Emma discovers that everyone knows the color of their heart except for her.
Will Emma figure out the color of her own heart?

Will Emma find the color of her Heart?



Big sister has some ideas.
What can they be?

~ The authors Web Page ~

All images, graphics, and content on these pages are ©Rita Viscount, 2002-2011.
All rights reserved.
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