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Ingredients here are some details of our ingredients.

In my Handmade ~ Naturally Herbal Soap I use only the finest all natural ingredients for my variety of herbal soap bars, lotions, creams and lip balms.  Shea Butter is used to decrease age lines, add moisture and preserve your skin's natural balance.  Shea butter is doctor recommended for eczema, post surgery, scars, rashes and patients suffering from psoriasis. Shea butter works wonders on a babies gentle skin, replacing petroleum and mineral oil, which can be toxic. Applied daily shea butter can help reduce the onslaught of stretch marks in expecting women. Plus, natural shea butter replaces many toxic skincare products currently found in most households around the world.  I use only essential oils.  Oatmeal & Apricot Kernals are used to exfoliate.  Peppermint is used to cool, refresh, stimulate circulation, relax and promote tissue regeneration.  Aloe Vera emulsifies, tightens and rejuvenates your skin.   The Rose Hip Oil can promote tissue regeneration!  Tea Tree Oil is a stimulant, anti-septic and used for a variety of healing remedies.

Sweet Orange -
AROMATIC BENEFITS: anxiety, calming, cheering, inspiring, invigorating, refreshing, relaxing, stress, uplifting
PHYSICAL USES: acne, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, cellulite, constipation, diarrhea, drug withdrawal, muscular aches, muscular dystrophy, nervine, normal skin, oily skin, Parkinson's disease, sedative, spina bifida, toning, wrinkles

Eucalyptus -
AROMATIC BENEFITS: balancing, cooling, invigorating, stimulating
PHYSICAL USES: acne, analgesic, animal bites, antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, bedbugs, bleeding gums, blisters, bronchitis, burns, candida, chapped lips, chlamydia, colds, coughs, cuts, cystitis, dandruff, decongestant, deodorant, diabetes, diarrhea, disinfectant, diuretic, drug withdrawal, ear infections, earaches, febrifuge, fibrositis, flatulence, flea repellent, gingivitis, hay fever, heartburns, heatstrokes, hyperprexia, insect bites, insect repellent, itching, jet lag, lice, lower abdominal pain, lumbago, muscular aches, muscular dystrophy, muscular fatigue, neuralgia, normal hair, osteoarthritis, pneumonia, prostatitis, rashes, rheumatoid arthritis, rosacea, sinusitis, spina bifida, stomachaches, sunburns, swelling, synovitis, tendinitis, tennis elbow, thrush, upper abdominal pain, urticaria, vaginal infections, windburns


Tea Tree Essential Oil - Everyone is talking about tea tree and with good reason. This oil is unusual in that it is active against all three varieties of infectious organisms: bacteria, fungi and viruses and is also an immune stimulant. In skin care, it can be used for a variety of ailments such as: abscess, acne, athlete's foot, blisters, burns, cold sores, dandruff, warts and so much more. Worth keeping in the medicine cabinet.


Peppermint Essential Oil - Peppermint has been used in Eastern and Western medicine for a variety of complaints, including indigestion, nausea, sore throat, headaches, toothaches and more


Lavender Essential Oil - The scent of lavender is familiar to almost everyone. A well established folk remedy, lavender was used to "comfort the stomach" but above all as a cosmetic water, an insect repelent, to scent linen, and as a reviving yet soothing oil. Regarded as the most versatile essence therapeutically.



COMMON NAME: cinnamon

BOTANICAL NAME: cinnamomum zeylancium

ORIGIN: Ceylon, India, Madagascar, Sri Lanka

PARTS USED: leaves

FRAGRANCE: clove-like, hot, spicy

BLENDS: balsam de peru, caraway, chamomile, frankincense, ginger, nutmeg, rosemary

AROMATIC BENEFITS: aphrodisiac, energizing, invigorating, refreshing, stimulating, vitalizing, warming

MAGICKAL USES: astral projection, base chakra, business success, health (maintain), luck, lust, magickal energy, meditation, money, physical energy, prosperity, protection, psychic awareness, purification, spirituality

PHYSICAL USES: antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, bronchitis, carbuncles, colds, cystitis, diarrhea, fibrositis, hair loss, influenza, insect repellent, muscular aches, rheumatism, salpingitis, vaginal infections, vermifuge, warts, whooping cough



BOTANICAL NAME: eugenia caryophyllata

ORIGIN: East Indies, Madagascar, Philippines, West Indies

PARTS USED: flower buds, leaves

FRAGRANCE: fruity, spicy, sweet

BLENDS: balsam de peru, bay, bergamot, cade, cardamom, clary sage, ginger, hyssop, lavender, nutmeg, orange, patchouli, ravensara, rose, sandalwood, tea tree, ylang ylang

AROMATIC BENEFITS: energizing, invigorating, memory loss, sense enhancing, stimulating, warming

MAGICKAL USES: balances chakras, business success, courage, divination, exorcism, healing, heart chakra, love, money, prosperity, protection, psychic awareness

PHYSICAL USES: analgesic, antibacterial, antibiotic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, asthma, bladder infections, bronchitis, catarrh, colds, cystitis, diverticulosis, fibrositis, flatulence, frostbite, hay fever, heartburns, influenza, insect repellent, lumbago, moth repellent, muscle relaxant, nausea, neuralgia, osteoporosis, pelvic pain, raises blood pressure, rheumatism, sedative, sinusitis, sprains, toothaches, upper abdominal pain



COMMON NAME: dragon's blood

MAGICKAL USES: astral projection, consecration, courage, exorcism, love, magickal energy, protection, unhexing



COMMON NAME: eucalyptus

BOTANICAL NAME: eucalyptus radiata

ORIGIN: Australia, Spain, Tasmania

PARTS USED: leaves, twigs

FRAGRANCE: camphorous, fresh, strong

BLENDS: benzoin, caraway, cedarwood, juniper, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, marjoram, peppermint, pine, ravensara, rosemary, thyme

AROMATIC BENEFITS: balancing, cooling, invigorating, stimulating

MAGICKAL USES: healing, health (maintain), protection, psychic energy, purification

PHYSICAL USES: acne, analgesic, animal bites, antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, bedbugs, bleeding gums, blisters, bronchitis, burns, candida, chapped lips, chlamydia, colds, coughs, cuts, cystitis, dandruff, decongestant, deodorant, diabetes, diarrhea, disinfectant, diuretic, drug withdrawal, ear infections, earaches, febrifuge, fibrositis, flatulence, flea repellent, gingivitis, hay fever, heartburns, heatstrokes, hyperprexia, insect bites, insect repellent, itching, jet lag, lice, lower abdominal pain, lumbago, muscular aches, muscular dystrophy, muscular fatigue, neuralgia, normal hair, osteoarthritis, pneumonia, prostatitis, rashes, rheumatoid arthritis, rosacea, sinusitis, spina bifida, stomachaches, sunburns, swelling, synovitis, tendinitis, tennis elbow, thrush, upper abdominal pain, urticaria, vaginal infections, windburns



COMMON NAME: frankincense

BOTANICAL NAME: boswellia carterii

ORIGIN: Africa, China, Ethiopia, India, Somalia


FRAGRANCE: balsamic, pepper-like, spicy, sweet

BLENDS: ambrette, basil, bergamot, camphor, cardamom, cedarwood, chamomile, cinnamon, clary sage, coriander, galbanum, geranium, ginger, lavender, mandarin, myrrh, neroli, orange, pepper, pine, rosemary, sandalwood, vetiver

AROMATIC BENEFITS: anxiety, calming, clarifying, clearing, exhaustion, focusing, grounding, nervous tension, relaxing, restoring, spiritual, stress, warming

MAGICKAL USES: blessing, consecration, courage, exorcism, meditation, protection, purification, solar plexus chakra, spirituality

PHYSICAL USES: abrasions, antidepressant, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, asthma, astringent, bronchitis, carminative, catarrh, cirrhosis of liver, colds, coughs, diarrhea, diuretic, emmenagogue, fibrositis, fixative, influenza, normal skin, oily skin, rheumatoid arthritis, scars, sedative, skin conditioner, soothing agent, varicose veins, wounds, wrinkles




BOTANICAL NAME: zingiber officinale

ORIGIN: Africa, China, India, Jamaica, Japan

PARTS USED: roots (stems)

FRAGRANCE: smoky, spicy, sweet, woodsy

BLENDS: allspice, cedarwood, cinnamon, clove, coriander, elemi, frankincense, galbanum, lemon, lime, neroli, orange, patchouli, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, spearmint, vetiver

AROMATIC BENEFITS: anchoring, energizing, invigorating, memory loss, stimulating, strengthening, stress, warming

MAGICKAL USES: attraction, business success, courage, love, lust, magickal energy, money, peace, physical energy, prosperity, purification, sex

PHYSICAL USES: antiseptic, antispasmodic, appetite stimulant, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, bronchitis, bursitis, carminative, cerebral palsy, chilblains, chills, circulatory stimulant, colds, constipation, convalescence, coughs, cramps, diabetes, diarrhea, edema, exhaustion, fibrositis, flatulence, fractures, frostbite, ganglion, hair loss, hangovers, indigestion, inguinal hernia, laryngitis, laxative, lower abdominal pain, lumbago, motion sickness, muscular aches, muscular dystrophy, nausea, normalizes blood pressure, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, parasiticide, pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis, sea sickness, sprains, synovitis, tendinitis, tennis elbow, tonsillitis, travel sickness, vomiting



COMMON NAME: grapefruit

BOTANICAL NAME: citrus paradisi

ORIGIN: Israel, North America

PARTS USED: peel of fruit

FRAGRANCE: citrus, fresh, light, sweet

BLENDS: bergamot, cypress, geranium, lavender, lemon, lime, mandarin, neroli, orange, palmarosa, rosemary, sage, tangerine, vanilla

AROMATIC BENEFITS: concentration, creativity, energizing, inspiring, invigorating, memory loss, refreshing, reviving, slightly euphoric, stimulating, stress, uplifting, warming

MAGICKAL USES: purification

PHYSICAL USES: antibacterial, antidepressant, astringent, cellulite, diuretic, drug withdrawal, exhaustion, hair loss, hangovers, jet lag, migraines, muscular aches, muscular fatigue, PMS symptoms, seborrhea, toning, whooping cough




BOTANICAL NAME: hyssopus officinalis

ORIGIN: Brazil, Egypt, Europe, France, India, Italy, Palestine

PARTS USED: flowers, leaves

FRAGRANCE: camphorous, fresh, herbal, spicy

BLENDS: basil, bergamot, celery, clary sage, clove, fennel, lavender, orange, rosemary, sage, tangerine

AROMATIC BENEFITS: anxiety, balancing, clearing, concentration, fatigue, grief, nervous tension, refreshing, stimulating, stress, warming

MAGICKAL USES: conscious mind (stimulates), money, prosperity, purification

PHYSICAL USES: acne, antibacterial, antibiotic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, asthma, astringent, athlete's foot, bleeding, bronchitis, bursitis, circulatory stimulant, cold sores, colds, colic, coughs, cuts, cystitis, decongestant, dermatitis, diabetes, diuretic, diverticulosis, dry skin, eczema, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, frostbite, hair loss, indigestion, influenza, inguinal hernia, normal skin, normalizes blood pressure, osteoporosis, psoriasis, rosacea, sedative, sore throats, tennis elbow, tonsillitis, vaginal infections, varicose veins, water retention, whooping cough, wounds, wrinkles, writer's cramp



COMMON NAME: jasmine

BOTANICAL NAME: jasminum grandiflorum

ORIGIN: Algeria, China, Egypt, France, Italy, Morocco

PARTS USED: flowers

FRAGRANCE: exotic, floral, rich, sweet

BLENDS: bergamot, cardamom, chamomile, clary sage, galbanum, geranium, lemongrass, neroli, orange, rose, sandalwood, spearmint, vetiver

AROMATIC BENEFITS: aphrodisiac, anxiety, balancing, euphoric, hypnotic, nervous tension, relaxing, soothing, warming

MAGICKAL USES: astral projection, attraction, love, meditation, peace, psychic awareness, psychic dreams, sleep, sex, spirituality, vivid dreams

PHYSICAL USES: antidepressant, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, catarrh, coughs, cramping, dry skin, dysmenorrhea, emollient, lethargy, menopause, mild analgesic, normal skin, oily skin, PMS symptoms, sedative, skin conditioner



COMMON NAME: lavender

BOTANICAL NAME: lavandula officinalis

ORIGIN: France, Spain

PARTS USED: flowering tops

FRAGRANCE: floral, fresh, light, sweet

BLENDS: allspice, amyris, basil, carrot, cedarwood, chamomile, cistus, clary sage, clove, cypress, dill, eucalyptus, fennel, frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, hyssop, juniper, lemon, lemongrass, lime, mandarin, marjoram, myrrh, neroli, orange, patchouli, pepper, peppermint, petitgrain, pine, ravensara, rosemary, spearmint, spikenard, tangerine, tea tree, thyme, tonka, verbena, vetiver, wintergreen, yarrow

AROMATIC BENEFITS: aggression, anxiety, balancing, calming, concentration, cooling, exhaustion, fatigue, hysteria, nervous tension, relaxing, soothing, stress

MAGICKAL USES: balances chakras, business success, celibacy, conscious mind (stimulates), happiness, health (maintain), love, peace, protection, purification, sleep, third-eye chakra

PHYSICAL USES: abrasions, abscesses, acne, animal bites, antibacterial, antibiotic, antidepressant, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, bleeding, blisters, boils, bruises, burns, catarrh, chapped skin, chilblains, colds, convalescence, coughs, cuts, dandruff, dermatitis, detoxifying, diaper rash, diarrhea, disinfectant, ear infections, fainting, febrifuge, frostbite, gingivitis, hay fever, headaches, heartburns, hiccups, immunity stimulant, influenza, insect bites, insect repellent, insomnia, itching, laryngitis, muscular aches, nervine, neuralgia, normalizes skin, palpitations, rashes, scalds, scars, scrapes, sedative, shock, sinusitis, sties, sunburns, swelling, tendinitis, tonic, toothaches, ulcers, urticaria, vomiting, whitlows, windburns, wounds




BOTANICAL NAME: citrus limonum

ORIGIN: Argentina, Brazil, Israel, North America

PARTS USED: peel of fruit

FRAGRANCE: citrus, fresh, light, tart

BLENDS: benzoin, bergamot, carrot, citronella, cypress, eucalyptus, fennel, geranium, ginger, grapefruit, lavender, mandarin, neroli, orange, peppermint, rose, sage, sandalwood, tea tree, vanilla, violet, tangerine, thyme, ylang ylang

AROMATIC BENEFITS: anxiety, balancing, calming, cheering, cooling, exhaustion, memory loss, refreshing, relaxing, stress, uplifting

MAGICKAL USES: balances chakras, health (maintain), love, physical energy, purification

PHYSICAL USES: abscesses, acne, antibacterial, antifungal, antiinfectious, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, arthritis, asthma, astringent, athlete's foot, bleeding, blisters, boils, cellulite, cerebral palsy, chapped skin, chilblains, circulatory stimulant, cold sores, constipation, coughs, dandruff, detoxifying, diarrhea, digestive, disinfectant, diuretic, fainting, febrifuge, gallstones, gout, hair loss, hangovers, hay fever, headaches, hiccups, hot flashes, insect bites, insomnia, jet lag, kidney stones, laryngitis, lice, menorrhagia, mumps, muscular dystrophy, nervine, normal hair, normal skin, normalizes blood pressure, oily hair, oily skin, osteoarthritis, Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, sedative, shock, sore throat, spina bifida, tendinitis, thrush, toning, tonsillitis, varicose veins, warts, water purifier, water retention, whitlows, wrinkles



COMMON NAME: lemongrass

BOTANICAL NAME: cymbopogon citratus

ORIGIN: Brazil, Central Africa, China, Guatemala, Haiti, Sri Lanka

PARTS USED: grass (leaves)

FRAGRANCE: crisp, grass-like, lemon-like, tart

BLENDS: citronella, eucalyptus, geranium, jasmine, lavender, palmarosa, vetiver

AROMATIC BENEFITS: cleansing, concentration, exhaustion, invigorating, irritability, mental fatigue, stress, vitalizing

MAGICKAL USES: psychic awareness, psychic energy, purification, spirituality

PHYSICAL USES: analgesic, antiinflammatory, antidepressant, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiseptic, arthritis, astringent, athlete's foot, bruises, cellulite, circulatory stimulant, deodorant, diuretic, enlarged pores, febrifuge, headaches, indigestion, insect repellent, jet lag, moth repellent, muscular aches, nervine, oily hair, oily skin, raises blood pressure, sedative, skin conditioner, sprains, toning, vertigo




BOTANICAL NAME: commiphora myrrha

ORIGIN: Africa, Ethiopia, Somalia


FRAGRANCE: balsamic, sharp, spicy, warm

BLENDS: cypress, frankincense, galbanum, geranium, juniper, lavender, orange, patchouli, pine, sandalwood

AROMATIC BENEFITS: clearing, concentration, focusing, soothing, stimulating, warming

MAGICKAL USES: astral projection, attraction, balances chakras, blessing, consecration, crown chakra, exorcism, healing, meditation, protection, psychic energy, spirituality, unhexing

PHYSICAL USES: acne, amenorrhea, antibacterial, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, athlete's foot, blisters, bronchitis, carminative, chapped skin, cirrhosis of liver, cuts, dermatitis, diarrhea, emmenagogue, emollient, fixative, gum disorders, impetigo, insect repellent, mouth ulcers, ringworm, thrush, whitlows, wounds, wrinkles




BOTANICAL NAME: myristica fragrans

ORIGIN: East Indies, Indonesia, Sumatra, West Indies

PARTS USED: fruit (seeds)

FRAGRANCE: spicy, strong, woodsy

BLENDS: bay, cinnamon, clary sage, clove, coriander, geranium, lime, mandarin, marjoram, orange, petitgrain, rosemary, tea tree

AROMATIC BENEFITS: anxiety, energizing, irritability, rejuvenating, stress, uplifting, warming

MAGICKAL USES: luck, magickal energy, meditation, money, physical energy, psychic awareness

PHYSICAL USES: analgesic, antibiotic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, boils, bronchitis, catarrh, circulatory stimulant, drug withdrawal, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, female infertility, fibrositis, insomnia, lumbago, menopause, muscle relaxant, muscular aches, neuralgia, normalizes blood pressure, oily skin, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, Parkinson's disease, PMS symptoms, Raynaud's disease, sedative, spina bifida, sprains, strains



COMMON NAME: orange, sweet

BOTANICAL NAME: citrus sinensis

ORIGIN: Brazil, France, North America, Spain

PARTS USED: peel of fruit

FRAGRANCE: citrus, fruity, light, sweet

BLENDS: basil, camphor, cardamom, carrot, citronella, clary sage, clove, cypress, frankincense, ginger, grapefruit, hyssop, jasmine, lavender, lemon, mandarin, marjoram, myrrh, neroli, nutmeg, petitgrain, sage, tangerine, vanilla, verbena

AROMATIC BENEFITS: anxiety, calming, cheering, inspiring, invigorating, refreshing, relaxing, stress, uplifting

MAGICKAL USES: balances chakras, divination, happiness, joy, love, luck, magickal energy, money, physical energy, psychic energy, purification, sacral chakra

PHYSICAL USES: acne, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, cellulite, constipation, diarrhea, drug withdrawal, muscular aches, muscular dystrophy, nervine, normal skin, oily skin, Parkinson's disease, sedative, spina bifida, toning, wrinkles



COMMON NAME: patchouli

BOTANICAL NAME: pogostemon patchouli

ORIGIN: China, Indonesia, Japan, Madagascar

PARTS USED: leaves

FRAGRANCE: balsamic, earthy, spicy, sweet, woodsy

BLENDS: allspice, armoise, balsam de peru, bergamot, cedarwood, chamomile, clary sage, clove, geranium, ginger, lavender, myrrh, neroli, rose, sandalwood, spikenard, vetiver

AROMATIC BENEFITS: aphrodisiac, anxiety, calming, clearing, concentration, exhaustion, relaxing, self-hypnosis, soothing, stress

MAGICKAL USES: attraction, banishes negativity, growth, love, luck, mastery, money, peace, physical energy, prosperity, sex

PHYSICAL USES: acne, antibiotic, antidepressant, antifungal, antiinfectious, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, athlete's foot, carminative, cellulite, constipation, dandruff, deodorant, diuretic, dry skin, fixative, ganglion, jock itch, lower abdominal pain, nervine, normal skin, oily skin, seborrhea, thrush, wrinkles



COMMON NAME: peppermint

BOTANICAL NAME: mentha piperita

ORIGIN: China, Europe, North America

PARTS USED: whole plant

FRAGRANCE: minty, strong, sweet

BLENDS: bergamot, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, lemon, marjoram, rosemary, sandalwood

AROMATIC BENEFITS: concentration, cooling, exhaustion, invigorating, memory loss, refreshing, relaxing, revitalizing, stimulating

MAGICKAL USES: conscious mind (stimulates), exorcism, health (maintain), protection, purification

PHYSICAL USES: ant repellent, antibiotic, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bronchitis, carminative, catarrh, cellulite, cholagogue, circulatory stimulant, colds, constipation, deodorant, digestive, disinfectant, diverticulosis, dysmenorrhea, emmenagogue, emollient, fainting, febrifuge, fibrositis, flatulence, gingivitis, hay fever, headaches, heartburns, heatstrokes, hemorrhoids, indigestion, insect repellent, itching, jet lag, lumbago, mosquito repellent, muscular aches, nausea, nervine, neuralgia, oily skin, osteoporosis, raises blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, sinusitis, sunburns, synovitis, tendinitis, tenosynovitis, toning, toothaches, upper abdominal pain, varicose veins, vomiting, water retention



COMMON NAME: rose (Bulgar, Damask, Maroc)

BOTANICAL NAME: rosa centrifolia, rosa damascena

ORIGIN: Bulgaria, France, Morocco, Russia, Turkey

PARTS USED: flowers, petals

FRAGRANCE: floral, honey-like, intense, sweet

BLENDS: ambrette, bergamot, cardamom, clove, fennel, galbanum, geranium, ginger, jasmine, lemon, mandarin, neroli, patchouli, pepper, sandalwood, tangerine, vetiver, ylang ylang

AROMATIC BENEFITS: aphrodisiac, balancing, calming, cheering, cooling, hypnotic, memory loss, nervous tension, relaxing, stress, uplifting

MAGICKAL USES: beauty, blessing, fertility, health (maintain), love, peace, sex, unhexing

PHYSICAL USES: acne, Alzheimer's disease, antibacterial, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, arthritis, astringent, black eyes, bleeding, blepharitis, chapped lips, chapped skin, circulatory stimulant, cirrhosis of liver, colds, convalescence, cuts, drug withdrawal, dry skin, emmenagogue, endometriosis, fainting, female infertility, hair loss, headaches, insomnia, menopause, muscular dystrophy, normal skin, PMS symptoms, raises blood pressure, Raynaud's disease, sedative, shock, synovitis, wounds, wrinkles_________________________________


COMMON NAME: rosemary

BOTANICAL NAME: rosmarinus officinalis

ORIGIN: France, Japan, Morocco, Spain, Yugoslavia

PARTS USED: leaves

FRAGRANCE: camphorous, fresh, medicinal, woodsy

BLENDS: armoise, basil, cade, caraway, carrot, cedarwood, chamomile, cinnamon, elemi, eucalyptus, frankincense, ginger, grapefruit, hyssop, juniper, lavender, lime, marjoram, nutmeg, pepper, peppermint, petitgrain, pine, ravensara, sage, tea tree, thyme

AROMATIC BENEFITS: clarifying, concentration, fatigue, grief, inspiring, invigorating, memory loss, nervous tension, stimulating, stress, warming

MAGICKAL USES: conscious mind (stimulates), exorcism, health (maintain), heart chakra, longevity, love, protective, remembrance, third-eye chakra, vitality

PHYSICAL USES: acne, alopecia, analgesic, antidepressant, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, aphrodisiac, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, bruises, carminative, cellulite, chilblains, cholagogue, circulatory stimulant, colds, constipation, cramps, cystitis, dandruff, decongestant, diaphoretic, digestive, disinfectant, diuretic, diverticulosis, dry skin, emmenagogue, fainting, fibrositis, gout, hair loss, hangovers, headaches, immunity stimulant, influenza, inguinal hernia, insect repellent, lice, lower abdominal pain, lumbago, moth repellent, muscular aches, muscular dystrophy, nervine, normal skin, oily hair, oily skin, osteoporosis, prostatitis, raises blood pressure, Raynaud's disease, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, sinusitis, spina bifida, sprains, strains, swelling, synovitis, tendinitis, thrush, toning, tonsillitis, torticollis, vaginal infections, varicose veins_____________________________________


LATIN NAME: Aniba rosaeodora

EXTRACTION: Steam distilled


COLOR: Clear to pale yellow


PHYSICAL USES: Bactericide, antiseptic, antimicrobial, astringent, antispasmodic, antitoxic, diuretic, antifungal, insecticide, tonic, immune stimulant



COMMON NAME: sandalwood

BOTANICAL NAME: santalum album

ORIGIN: Europe, India, Indonesia, North America


FRAGRANCE: balsamic, sweet, woodsy

BLENDS: ambrette, balsam de peru, benzoin, bergamot, clary sage, clove, coriander, cypress, fennel, frankincense, galbanum, geranium, ginger, jasmine, juniper, lemon, myrrh, palmarosa, patchouli, pepper, peppermint, rose, spearmint, vanilla, vetiver, violet

AROMATIC BENEFITS: aphrodisiac, calming, centering, exhaustion, grounding, relaxing, stress

MAGICKAL USES: anointing, astral projection, attraction, blessing, consecration, exorcism, healing, love, meditation, protection, purification, sacral chakra, spirituality

PHYSICAL USES: acne, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, carminative, catarrh, chapped skin, constipation, coughs, cystitis, diarrhea, diuretic, drug withdrawal, dry hair, dry skin, emollient, fixative, fragile hair, hangovers, immunity stimulant, insomnia, normal skin, osteoarthritis, sedative, skin conditioner, wrinkles



COMMON NAME: spearmint

BOTANICAL NAME: mentha spicata

ORIGIN: China, Europe, Mediterranean, North America, Russia

PARTS USED: leaves

FRAGRANCE: fresh, minty, sweet

BLENDS: bergamot, birch, ginger, jasmine, lavender, sandalwood

AROMATIC BENEFITS: cooling, energizing, refreshing, revitalizing

MAGICKAL USES: comfort, healing, sleep (for protection)

PHYSICAL USES: ant repellent, antiseptic, colic, deodorant, diarrhea, emollient, flatulence, hemorrhoids, indigestion, morning sickness, moth repellent, mouse repellent, nausea, nervine, soothing agent, stomachaches



COMMON NAME: tea tree

BOTANICAL NAME: melaleuca alternifolia

ORIGIN: Australia

PARTS USED: leaves, twigs

FRAGRANCE: camphorous, herbal, spicy, woodsy

BLENDS: clove, lavender, lemon, marjoram, nutmeg, pine, rosemary, ylang ylang

AROMATIC BENEFITS: cleansing, cooling, energizing, stimulating, uplifting

MAGICKAL USES: purification

PHYSICAL USES: abrasions, abscesses, acne, antibacterial, antifungal, antiinfectious, antiinflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, athlete's foot, blisters, boils, bronchitis, candida, catarrh, chlamydia, cold sores, colds, cuts, cuts, ear infections, febrifuge, herpes, influenza, insect bites, jock itch, mumps, pneumonia, ringworm, shock, sinusitis, sunburns, thrush, tonsillitis, toothaches, vaginal infections, warts, wounds, yeast infections



COMMON NAME: wintergreen

BOTANICAL NAME: gualtheria procumbens

ORIGIN: China, North America

PARTS USED: leaves

FRAGRANCE: fresh, minty, sweet, woodsy

BLENDS: birch, lavender

AROMATIC BENEFITS: invigorating, refreshing, stimulating

PHYSICAL USES: analgesic, antiseptic, muscular aches




BOTANICAL NAME: achillea millefolium

ORIGIN: Africa, Europe, North America

PARTS USED: flowering tops, leaves

FRAGRANCE: floral, rich

BLENDS: lavender

AROMATIC BENEFITS: calming, relaxing, soothing

MAGICKAL USES: courage, exorcism, love, psychic awareness

PHYSICAL USES: acne, amenorrhea, antiinfectious, antiinflammatory, astringent, bleeding, blisters, burns, constipation, dandruff, dry hair, eczema, hair loss, influenza, oily hair, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, rosacea, synovitis, thrush, toothaches, urticaria, wrinkles



COMMON NAME: ylang ylang

BOTANICAL NAME: cananga odorata

ORIGIN: Indonesia, Madagascar, Philippines

PARTS USED: flowers

FRAGRANCE: floral, heady, oriental, sweet

BLENDS: allspice, bergamot, camphor, cardamom, cedarwood, chamomile, clove, galbanum, lemon, marjoram, neroli, rose, tea tree, vetiver

AROMATIC BENEFITS: aggression, aphrodisiac, anxiety, balancing, calming, cooling, euphoric, relaxing

MAGICKAL USES: love, lust, peace, sex, throat chakra

PHYSICAL USES: antidepressant, antiseptic, disinfectant, lowers blood pressure, normal skin, oily skin, sedative, shock


 Site design and all content ©Handmade ~Naturally 2002
Site design by  *Judy's Web Designs*


No animal is abused, used or experimented on for creation of these products!!!  

  My dog loves the flavored lip balms though.