(Internet Usage Directions: To read the pages in this game please press and hold down the arrow that is pointing down. The arrow is attached to the bar (scroll bar). The arrow is located in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. Click on underlined words to see more information or art.)

This is an art mystery game designed for ages 10 and up. All are welcome to play! This game is designed for 2-4 players. If you have played the game, and visited with all five paintings return to this page to solve the mystery. Click on the solve mystery button when you are ready to send in your solution. 

(Press Colored Buttons to Play Game! Please press the Rules button to read the next page. The Mystery button will show  a list of artists who exhibited In the Armory Show.  When you are ready to solve the mystery email your answer and I will reply whether or not you are correct.)

Created in 1997 by Kara English Modified 1-17-03    granburyartcellar@hotmail.com