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~-General Infomations-~

~-FroZenX Quest-~


~-Guild Points-~




VI. Apply

VII. Apply

VIII. Apply

IX. honeybear5566

X. alexender_92



-+-Monthly Giveaway-+-

Winner: -----


-+-Weekly Giveaway-+-

Winner: -----


~Member of the Month~

~Shop of the Month~

~Gallery Spotlight~


Please help us by advertising our Guild
You can advertise EITHER


There will be prizes given So, start advertising NOW











For all contests that should be ANSWERED BY NEOMAILING, please neomail your answers to jakin22


The Raffle Contest...

--Buy as many tickets(items) that costs 1111np each as possible to win for the month!
--The RC will end at 13April
-- alexender_92 - 1 item and honeybear5566 - 2 items are in the lead!

Unscramble The Words

--The word: aegrL elosaRmn mooSthei
--Hint: A Smoothie
--Prize: The unscrambled word
--Answer: Large Rasmelon Smoothie

No more answers allow as honeybear5566 had answered

Guess Age

--How old am I? (jakin22)
--Answer: 12
No more answers allow as alexender_92 had answered

Event Contests

--Held at the Message Board

--Paste Events(Neopets Random Event)


Something has happened!
Congratulations, jakin22, you just found 1000 Neopoints on the floor!

--Paste it as long as there are people in the Guild only

Winner of this Event Contests: ------

Guess the Item

What's the Item's name?

--Answer: -----

Sending Items

This month's item is, ANY dubloon

All of you have to do is to send me, jakin22, ANY dubloon

For each...

One Thousand Dubloon Coin - 90GP

Five Hundred Dubloon Coin - 80GP

Two Hundred Dubloon Coin - 70GP

One Hundred Dubloon Coin - 60GP

Fifty Dubloon Coin - 50GP

Twenty Dubloon Coin - 40GP

Ten Dubloon Coin - 30GP

Five Dubloon Coin - 20GP

Two Dubloon Coin - 10GP

One Dubloon Coin - 5GP

When you reach 200GP, you'll get to skip 3 ranks!

When you reach total of 400GP, you'll get a Random PaintBrush!

When you reach total of 1000GP, you'll get a BABY PAINTBRUSH!

Guess the Number

Think of a number between 1-50 and if you guess it right, you win!

Prizes: Random

Winners: -----











~-Raffle Shop-~

~-Donation Shop-~

~-Advent Calendar-~
~-Buried Treasure-~ 
~-Coltzan's Shrine

~-Fruit Machine-~ 
~-Giant Jelly
~-Giant Omelette
~-Healing Springs
~-Laboratory Ray
~-Scratchcard Kiosk
~-Ssidney's Kiosk
~-Tiki Tack Tombola
~-Training Academy
~-Training School