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I won't be kept a prisoner with idle hands of uselessness, The Lord has surely blessed me to share the gifts that I bare.

Take Gallery Tour by clicking the pallet logo, most of Our newer paintings may not have a thumbnail.

Thank You and Enjoy

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                 Leading The Charge '03         Ozzy Osbourne '02               Tim & Faith '02           Dennis McNamara '03



                 Tug McGraw '02           Jewel Kilcher '02             Guiding The Way '02           The Mask '01


                                       Mick Jagger '02                Elvis Presley '01               John Lennon '01



             Deliver Us From Evil '02                     Preserving Integrity '02                     Preserving Integrity (Detail)


      Spiritual Warfare '02         Morgan State Univ. '99        Global Nightmare '91      Westminster Academy '02


                     Kings Roar '01                Franks Bear '89                Bears Lair '01              Lion Reflecting '01



                                     The Boxers '01                    Round Two '01                    Reservation '90


                      Evenings Dawn '01      Giraffe Moments '01       Polar Bears '01               The Damned '89


                                 Triple Play '00                      Jim Morrison '90                Never Enough '00


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If you could please take some time to sign my guest book and check out my interaction page for web poll, feedback, comments and suggestions. I need to know what effect My work is bringing to You, I work real hard bringing this world into some kind of perspective, and getting the worlds perspective on my work will help in seeing if i am being effective.

Blindness is in the Eyes of the ignorant.