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crickl's nest
Mon, Mar 27 2006
Seeds We've Sown
Topic: God things
Oh, I love posts like this one, over at my daughter Hannah's blog. I love it when God actually shows you the results of something that you had a hand a gardener who sows the seed after the last frost and gets to enjoy the beautiful blooms in July.

Here is an exerpt from her post:

During high school I was a leader/teacher for Teamkids at our church. I did it for quite a while actually, and I loved it. It was a huge outreach for a lot of kids in our town who needed it a lot. We always hoped it would be for the parents too. There was one family with three kids that came for a while, then moved to Flag. These children were pretty little, I think the oldest was 7. The two younger boys were.. they made me smile. a lot. Dey taltet lite dis (they talked like this), and every week when we'd pick them up on the van one of them would be in raptures with this bright green car we'd pass. he called it the "too fast too fuwious tar. it's so tool Miss Hannah!" They also reeked of marijuana every time they got on.

I went to a service at a church I don't normally go to tonight with a few of my friends (yea I finally went. I've been telling my friend Mike I'd go for a few months now... but now I have so it's alright.) Well, I was sitting there talking to someone, and guess who comes in? The kids AND their mom! I almost started to cry I was so excited to see them in church. I talked to the pastor afterwards and found out they'd been coming for a while, and their mom had been baptized that morning.. their dad has even come a few times.. and the kids remembered me!! Praise God, their mom knows Jesus now! What a party in heaven. Well, it made me very happy. Just another reminder that God knows how to take care of people, and I can trust Him with them.

Beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News.....thanks Hannah!!

by crickl at 10:39 PM PST
Updated: Tue, Mar 28 2006 1:25 PM PST
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Wed, Mar 29 2006 - 10:06 PM PST

Name: eph2810
Home Page:

Thank you so much for sharing it. I just went to Hannah's blog and read the post there too :). God is faithful in making the seed we sow grow...I left a comment for Hannah too.

Thu, Mar 30 2006 - 6:47 AM PST

Name: Blair
Home Page:

Oh that's sooo cool!! Praise the LORD! I just love when God gives a glimpse into the greater picture!

Thank you for sharing this Christie!

Thu, Mar 30 2006 - 2:18 PM PST

Name: crickl
Home Page:

Iris...thanks, and thank you for leaving Hannah a comment too! She'll like that. sure is cool! Those are my favorite stories. =)


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