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MilMoMew's Blog
Monday, 21 July 2003
Mood= so/so
Today was sucky. I really wanted to re-do my room, and I have been asking my parents for 3 years now, and they have ro problem with it, but my dad is so busy with work, he han't been able to move the closet door in my room over to build my bed. I am also trying to get a gamecube, since my brothers hog the PS2 and the XBox all day, so I never get a chance to play. And believe it or not, my little sister likes to play the Nintendo 64, which, by the way, my brothers have almost broke. So the gamecube will be MINE! All MINE! Mwahha! Lol, I am also watching my aunt's dog, hannah. Of course, my dog Bella, loves it when hannah comes over, but I don't think she expected hannah to be spending the next few nights with us. Oh, well, she will get used to it.

Posted by art2/cherrypie103 at 7:11 PM
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