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Ana's Mirage Dancers.....The Harem....

Enjoy these photos ..... and for MORE photos see: 



Joelle, Jennifer, Ana, Kysha



The Harem.....


    Yuliana                 Estrella                       Athena               Diana & Valeria                     


                                                     Maryam Hapzibhe, Estrella, Dalida Kadesh  

Joelle, Ana, Kysha

*   *   *

 Maryam Hapzibhe

Maryam is an exceptionally gifted dancer.  She calls me her "Godmother" in dance.   The art of Belly Dance is fairly new in Mexico, yet they have many up and coming great dancers!   You can see Maryam perform at Dimitri's Greek Restaurant, where I am the "house dancer" and I always try to find new talent for restaurant!  Maryam has won many awards in this art called belly dance:  1st Place in Las Vegas, 1st Place in the First Baja California Belly Dance Competition, and another 1st in the Arabesque Competition in San Diego.  She is an outstanding new dancer!  I am her proud mentor and Godmother.  She is a protegee of DaVid of Scandinavia, and myself.  He has trained her in the specialized Egyptian Style, in which he is master.



Maryam also dances Bollywood  -- a beautiful dance from India-- DaVid of Scandinavia is her gifted teacher.        

Mexico and USA. E-mail:        

Cel: 044 664 368 41 63



Kysha has a beautiful dance style.    Her grace is unparalleled.  With her exotic looks, she will hypnotize your audience!  




Joelle was a former cheerleader.--- She has the "girl -next-door" looks.    She has been a member of "Ana's Mirage"  group and perfomed at many events, including Street Scene.


A night of Carnivale - Mardi Gras San Diego


