The FINfool's section
Making fun of the finale...

Just imagine the possibilities now!!!

I KNOW it's spelled wrong...that's the point! *g*


Ten minutes later:

*no comments*

*I can't spell, but what the heck!;)*

X&G about the finale and six years in general...;)

Xena explains the situation.


Xena just got the FIN script...


Pass me the water, will you?
More FINfool pics can be found on the next page.
The joke pics are made by me, and I use Renpics' official pics, screengrabs from MaryD's, Mike Quick and Logomancy's..., and captions by Sanna Eriksson. They are true heroes for putting grabs and caps up on the net! And as for dedications; These pages are dedicated to all xenites, for sticking with the show for so many years. We all rule. :)