Tiberius the Pug Dog
Posted: 07.01.02
Ottawa PugNic

Tiberius the Pug Dog :: Ottawa PugNic logo
Educational Flyer campaign spurred by the film Men in Black ll, featuring Frank the Pug. Info courtesy of pugsavers.com , distributed by Tiberius the Pug Dog, with minor text modifications, including local references.
Please read: The Reasons We Support This



You've seen how "cute" Pugs are. Now here is the "rest of the story" on the Pug breed:
thousands of pug dogs just like Frank end up on the streets, in pounds and shelters,
or in rescue groups each and every year. Here are some facts that you should know
about Pugs before you make the decision to add one (or more) to your household.

1. Pugs require a lot of time and attention.
Pugs were bred to be lap dogs and to keep people company.
They want to be right next to you most of the time. If you do not want a dog that wants
to be with you all of the time, don't get a Pug.
If you work a lot or are away from your pug for many hours a day, you are setting your Pug up
for behavioral problems and possible depression because if a Pug cannot
do his "job" he'll be miserable.

2. Pugs cannot be kept as outside dogs.
Because of their short noses, they are very sensitive to heat, humidity and cold. Pugs can die
very quickly when exposed to extreme heat or cold so they cannot live outside or
be left outside for any period of time unattended. In addition,
they are often sensitive to bee stings, to the point of having fatal reactions to one bee sting.
Pugs are great escape artists and should anyone who's been in the yard, including
gardeners and meter readers,leave the gate open, the Pug will take off.
Finally, unattended Pugs are often stolen right out of yards.

3. Pugs shed. A lot.
Even though they have short hair, they have a double coat, which means there is twice as much fluffy hair to come off.
Ever seen a tumbleweed? Pugs shed tumbleweeds of fur.
They also snort, sneeze, and snore.
A lot. And they pass gas. And they never, ever say excuse me.

4. Small children and pugs are not a good combination.
While pugs are not generally aggressive dogs, small children tend to be fascinated
with their curly tails and bulging eyes. Pugs eyes are very sensitive and easily injured.
Having their tails pulled can make even the most easy-going pug snap at the person
who is doing the pulling.

5. Pugs require some special care.
See that cute little wrinkle over the pug's nose? Dirt and moisture get in there
and the nose wrinkle can get infected. It will smell really bad and is painful for the Pug.
You need to clean the nose wrinkle daily. Ears tend to get dirty quickly and need to be cleaned regularly.
Nails must be clipped often. They use their paws like cats to clean their faces and can
knock an eye out if the nails are left long.
Anal glands need to be "expressed" frequently or you may get "slimed"
with foul smelling excretions when you least expect it.

6. Pugs can't go running, hiking or bicycling with you;
unless you put them in a little pouch like a baby carrier and carry them on your chest.
Again, because of the short nose, a pug cannot tolerate hard exercise and they have no stamina.
You can usually take your pug on shorter walks when it is not too hot or humid outside.

7. Pugs have tendencies to develop certain medical problems.
Every breed has problems that they are more likely to experience. Pugs are prone to eye problems.
(Almost 1/2 or more of all pugs will need eye medicine at some point in their life.
One common ointment is $40.00 for a tiny tube.
Luxating patella's (slipping knees), elongated soft palate's, pinched or undersized nostrils, narrow tracheas, spinal problems, pug dog Encephalitis, and other medical problems are common in the pug breed.

8. Pugs are difficult to housebreak.
Even older pugs that are technically housebroken and know where they are supposed to go,
often still have accidents. That is just part of the "charm" of owning a pug.

9. "Since pugs are getting so popular, I think I'll get a female and breed her.
I can probably make some good money."

First of all, you will most likely lose money breeding a pug.
One breeder reports that it costs an average of $4,000.00 to breed a healthy litter
Pugs usually only have one to three puppies per litter.
Before breeding your pug, you should have her tested for eye problems, knee problems
and thyroid. Then, you have to pay a stud fee.
Many pugs cannot give birth on their own, so a vet must do a caesarean section
of the mother and you risk losing the mother and the puppies.
You must be there around the clock for the first three to four weeks to make sure
the puppies are staying warm (but not too warm), and that all the pups are nursing.
Some pugs are not very good moms, so you'll have to take several weeks off work to be there
to feed the puppies by hand every two hours, and clean them.
Then there are vet check up bills for the mom and for all the puppies.
A reputable breeder is engaged in improving the breed, spaying and neutering all Pugs with medical problems.
They are breeding those pugs who've earned their kennel club Championships and are considered as close as
possible to the Breed Standard for health and conformation.
A reputable breeder will be doing it for the love and dedication of the breed, not to make money.
For more information about breeders, go to pugcanada.com.
Check out "Choosing the Right Pug For You", which includes "Questions to Ask the Breeder"

Still interested in a pug?
Great! Try to spend some time around some actual pug dogs so you get to experience first hand what a pug is like.
Go to a pug gathering to sample the joie-de-vivre of pugs, but remember:
the parties aren't everyday life with a pug.
Make sure you are willing to make a lifetime commitment to the dog you bring into your home.
Pugs live on average, 12-14 years, but some live as long as 17 or 18.
Most long-lived Pugs have extreme symptoms of old age, particularly blindness.
Will you still be willing and able to love and care for a Pug 18 years from now?

Do a lot of research and homework about Pugs.
Be sure to either adopt from a rescue organization or buy from a reputable breeder.
Reputable breeders have almost always shown their pug to championship and tested them
for genetic disorders before breeding them.
They will also give you a health warranty on the puppy.
They do not advertise in local papers; offer dogs for sale on the Internet; they don't sell puppies in front of the grocery store, or give directions from hand-lettered signs nailed to trees.
Puppies in pet shops often come from puppy mills and backyard breeders so you may be buying a whole array of medical problems, in addition to
contributing to the exploitation of unhealthy, neglected dogs.
A good breeder will interview you, the buyer, and not just want your cash.
If a breeder just wants the money for the pup and doesn't scrutinize you, walk away.

To find

A reputable breeder:
[ Dogs In Canada ] http://www.dogsincanada.com
[ Pug Canada ] http://www.pugcanada.com

Canadian Pug Dog Rescue :

Peachy Pugs Rescue
contact: Dagmar Skala
Bolton, Ontario
e-mail: peachypugs@canada.com
website: Soon at www.geocities.com/peachypugz

Pug Hugs & Boxer Slurps Rescue
contact: Meredith Bateman
Moncton, New Brunswick
e-mail: meredith26@hotmail.com- or -

Ottawa dog rescue groups:
[ B.A.R.K. ] http://www.bark-ottawa.com
[ Friends of Abandoned Pets ] http://www.foap.on.ca

[ Ottawa Humane Society ] http://www.ottawahumane.ca
101 Champagne Street, Ottawa

Flyer courtesy of

This distribution by

[ Reason For This ] http://angelfire.com/art/studiozuzu/mib.html

[ Ottawa PugNic ] https://www.angelfire.com/art/studiozuzu/Pugnic.html

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