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believe my own stories."
-Washington Irving, Tales of a Traveler, 1824


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The New Year provides a perfect time for trying new things. Whether that be travel, food, or drink, there are plenty of sources to point you in your desired direction. Not least of which, the humble, oft shoved to the back of a cupboard 'til the memory of it is naught, drink recipe book.

The Bartender's Black Book is the product of veteran bartender Stephen Kittredge Cunningham. Geared toward the professional, it is spiral bound so pages with new drink recipes can be added with each edition. Within its pages, Cunningham covers about every libation known to man - not just the trendy, but the classics too - listed alphabetically. To aid the barkeep who doesn't know the name of a drink, but does know its base ingredient, there is a helpful index in the back matching drinks with their liquor. There are also sections on non-alcoholic concoctions, martinis, frozen drinks, hot drinks, shots and shooters, dessert drinks, and beers.

Cunningham's Black Book isn't just about alcoholic concoctions, though. He also offers tips for the professional bartender on everything from controlling the room, to tipping out the back of the house, to making it home with your hard-earned gratuities intact. For the bar patron, he offers sound advice on etiquette that, in a perfect . . . more >

In this age of mega-corportaions determining our tastes, it's easy to forget that wasn't always the case. In the sixties and seventies, the sway of publishing mogul Hugh Hefner left its mark on America at large. At the time, the Playboy brand was considered the height of contemporary sophistication. Through his publishing empire and chain of clubs, Hefner changed the norms of society when it came to our attitudes toward sex and partying, making naughty nice again.

New School Basics
Published by Playboy Press, Playboy's New Bar Guide: How to Create and Enjoy the World's Best Drinks, is intended for the home bar host. It includes tips on getting guests to your party (none on getting them home, however), stocking the home bar (as a rule, its recommended you keep one gin; both sweet and dry vermouth; four whiskeys - American blended, bourbon, Scotch and Canadian; and the ever popular . . . more >

The Industrial Revolution marked a seminal moment in human history. While some scholars credit the application of a railed cart to mining ore in 1550's Austria as the revolution's austere beginning, it's generally accepted the period wasn't born until some two hundred years later with the invention of the steam engine. Regardless of when it got its start, the revolution of industry changed the face of commerce in sheer volume of production and the method in which goods were moved to the marketplace. It expanded the world in terms of feasibility, while simultaneously condensing it with speed and ease of delivery. A period of hyper-influence, the Industrial Revolution held sway over the modern workplace, over our shopping habits, our addresses, our mode of travel, and continues to influence society still today, and one might expect, well into the future.

Steam locomotives have a special place in the hearts of Fredric Winkowski and Charles Fulkerson, Jr. Author and photographer, respectively, of The Great Steam Trains: America's Great Smoking Iron Horses, they've created a book that reflects their genuine love for the iron work horses of an era past. Through Winkowski's deft . . . more >

pop.u.luxe [pop-yuh-luhks] noun 1: the decade between 1954 and 1964; 2: the products and concepts associated with that decade.

When folks refer to "the good ol' days", more often than not they're reminiscing on the 1950s. It was a decade of commercial progress in America, with products the likes of which had never been produced on such massive scale. Madison Avenue was born for such a moment, honing the marketing techniques of advertising agencies on a captivated consumer audience. It brought to the table new concepts in consumption, such as the perceived necessity for a new vehicle every year. Consuming was marketed as an exercise of privilege; luxury as necessity. Overnight, the consumer society was born.
A Perfect Storm
At first glance, Populuxe: The Look and Life of America in the '50s and '60s, from Tailfins and TV Dinners to Barbie Dolls and Fallout Shelters looks like a catalog. Filled with images of popular products from the decade . . . more >

America's obsession with wealth is undeniable. Money means power. Power means control. Control means anything you like. We celebrate those who possess it with a religious fervor, though wealth disparity hurts us all. In America, if a man's rich enough, he can even win the highest office of the land, while bragging about sexual assault. Perhaps this fascination with wealth is in our DNA. Maybe the ages old divide between the Haves and Have-nots is imprinted on us. Rich or poor, it's everybody's story after all. Mine, yours, the butler's; all of ours. Whatever the reason, humankind's need to greed fascinates.

With a string of bestsellers under his belt, Harold Robbins has earned the unique distinction as the world's bestselling storyteller. It's no wonder. His stories are well suited for the bestseller list, filled with morally bankrupt characters in lustful pursuit of wealth, fame and power. The Raiders, his sequel to The Carpetbaggers . . . more >

Once upon a time, in a city far, far away, two men got together and devised a scheme to sell books. One, a book packager, the other a writer of mysteries, their scheme involved creating a puzzle within the story which they challenged their readers to solve. The person with the correct solution - or closest to it - would receive a $10,000 reward. The scheme worked, and Who Killed the Robins Family? became a bestseller overnight.

American Bluebloods
At the time Robins Family? hit the bookstores, I was in school. $10,000 would go far toward tuition and books, and I aimed to solve the puzzle and win it. I buried my head in the book every chance I got, examining and re-examining the circumstances around each murder, attempting to sort its red herrings from the brass tack facts of the crimes.

The Robins family are scions of east coast wealth. Heirs and heiresses to an international cosmetic firm . . . more >

Riding on the success of Who Killed the Robins Family? (Willam Morrow & Co., $9.95), its creators came out with a sequel the following year. Revenge of the Robins Family provides all the twists and turns of its predecessor, with one big difference: this time out the Robins family isn't being stalked and killed; the suspects from the first novel are.

Like the original, Revenge contains eight murders. Unlike the oriuginal, one of the slayings is solved for the reader. Also unlike the original, the prize money has increased a dollar, bringing the reward for its solution to $10,001.

Largely formulaic, Revenge lacks the freshness of its predecessor. On the upside, it features characters you've come to know from Who Killed the Robins Family. In the end, you're going to read it for the challenge of figuring out who the killer (or killers) are anyway, not for its literary value, which is limited . . . more >

America's National Park system is vast. As a collection of properties, it encompasses more than 52 million acres. At the time of its inception, with Yellowstone National Park in 1872, the concept of national parks - lands designated for protection from development - was unique in the world. Since then, however, the idea has grown in popularity and scope, resulting in more than 6,000 national parks worldwide, in nearly 100 countries, offering opportunities for sightseeing, wildlife observation, and recreation to the some 8 billion park visitors they attract each year.

The Organic Act of 1916 created The National Park Service with the purposeful directive:

    [T]o conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and wildlife therein, and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for . . . more >
Climb every mountain / Search high and low / Follow every byway / Every path you know.-Rodgers and Hammerstein

Mt. Rainier, due to its close proximity to major urban areas (Seattle and Portland), is a popular training ground for trekkers with higher sights in mind. Sporting twenty-seven glaciers, Mt. Rainier is the most glaciated peak in the Lower 48.

The massive volcano was first circumnavigated in 1967 by a climbing party organized by Hal Foss. Called the "High-Level Orbit," there are three routes climbers can follow. The route of 1967 circumnavigated the mountain in a counter-clockwise fashion, but in June 1969 - inspired by the Foss party - an expedition led by Bill Boulton successfully completed the High-Level Orbit in a clockwise direction which inspired the first guided "orbit" in 1990 by Rainier Mountaineering. That expedition traversed the slopes counter-clockwise on skis, following the original route for the most part, with some . . . more >

In 1899, Mount Rainier became America's fourth national park. Rising to a height of 14,411 feet, the mountain is the second tallest peak in the contiguous United States, but the largest in terms of vertical gain from base to summit.

The first recorded climb of Rainier was accomplished in 1884 along the Liberty Ridge Route. A 50 degree glacial climb, you can go up, but you can't go down as descending on the route is extremely dangerous and discouraged. Instead, climbers use the Emmons-Winthrop Glacier Route with its gentler 30 degree slopes for their ascent.

Mt. Rainier Climbing Guide: Profiling 2 Routes, by Brian Sperry, contains detailed descriptions of both the Liberty Ridge and Emmons-Winthrop Glacier routes. Like its sister publication Mt. Rainier Glacier Travel Guide: Adventures on The High Traverse Routes, edited by Dee Molenaar and Stanley Friedman (Stanley Maps, $24.95), it's made of a paper/polymer material that is water and tear resistant, and includes a 1:24,000 scale topographical . . . more >


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