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About Us

The board has been set up to offer a cost effective and efficient alternative to other examining bodies. It is an Irish board focusing on the needs of Irish students and with an awareness of the curriculum, of Irish schools, at both primary and post-primary level.

The directors of the board are examiners and teachers of long standing and expertise and are dedicated to ensuring that the examinations are a positive, encouraging and rewarding experience for the candidates, while still maintaining a standard comparable to other boards of the same calibre.

The syllabus is an open one, in the sense that there are no set pieces, encouraging both students and teachers to develop their interest in language, literature, creativity and performance. However students must adhere strictly to the guidelines laid down for each examination. The directors are always at hand to advise on any problems that may arise and are always willing to discuss ideas for the syllabus which would help to make it more user friendly.

The examinations may be held in the teacher's studio or school or the candidates may attend the Cork examination centre, which ever proves to be the more convenient. Each candidate will receive a written report and those who have achieved a pass or higher will receive a certificate. All pieces must be performed in English and copies of the pieces must be brought to the examination for the examiner's use. Photocopies are not acceptable.


All correspondence should be sent to
Media and Music Examination Board,
Fitzgerald House
Grand Parade,
