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The Chance of Finding Aliens By Govert Schilling and Alan M. MacRobert In 1961 the Drake Equation put the search for alien civilizations on a scientific footing and launched the modern SETI movement. MacRobert Bigger and better hunts than ever are seeking radio and laser emissions from other civilizations. MacRobert SETI researchers have long had to beg time on instruments built for conventional radio astronomy. LePage What does it take to make a world suitable for life.
Some astronomers went away to look at EQ Peg, others were suspicious. The Seti League has a network of 900 members in 48 countries. Many of them operate small radio telescopes as part of their search for alien signals from space. "None of them has been able to find the claimed signal from EQ Peg," says Dr Shuch. It is no longer just a hoax, it is sabotage of a highly respected grassroots effort.
Die Person, die von diesen Signalen zuerst berichtete, hat alle Regeln verantwortlicher Wissenschaft verletzt. Er hat sich nicht zu erkennen gegeben und hat keine Emails von unserem britischen Koordinator beantwortet. Ich richtete meine Antenne aus und aktivierte mein Radio und ein Programm mit dem Namen SETIFOX und suchte die Frequenzen zwischen 1445 und 1455 MHz ab. Nun bin ich genauso verwirrt wie die Wissenschaftler. Ich denke, diese Leute nennen die Entdeckung einen Hoax, weil sie aus dem Rennen sind.
Antennas seem simple enough, but the theory behind them, based on Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism, is almost impenetrable. As a result, antenna engineers are reduced to trial and error--mostly the latter. Even the highest-tech receivers often depend on a scraggly wire no better than what Guglielmo Marconi used in the first radio a century ago. First, they can improve the performance of antenna arrays. Many antennas that look like a single unit, including most radar antennas, are actually arrays of up to thousands of small antennas.

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