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The lovable, cute, brainless, sidekick of Garfield. Odie was adopted by Jon, when Lyman, Jon's former roommate left Odie behind. Some of Odie's traits include drooling, drooling, and then drooling some more.

Garfield and Odie's owner. Jon is the type of guy who spends his Saturday nights organizing his sock drawer. Jon is actually a great guy, he has to be in order to put up with Garfield. Deep down Garfield loves Jon, and MAYBE even respects him...a little.

Garfield's teddy bear that is always there for Garfield to squeeze when he needs to. Pooky was found one day by Garfield in Jon's dresser drawer.

Jon's Mom is a farm woman who isn't afraid of working hard. She enjoys cooking and feeding her family, which Garfield couldn't be happier about.

Jon's Dad is the head of the Arbuckle farm and is not afraid of working hard just like his wife.

Doc Boy
Jon's brother stayed on the farm with his parents. Doc Boy is Jon's only sibling, he leads a much more boring life then his brother in the city (if that's possible) but Doc Boy is happier feeding the cows every morning than Garfield.

The Mailman
Garfield's favorite scratching post is the Mailman. Even through all Garfield's toturing the Mailman has faithfully delivered the mail to the Arbuckle household daily.

Dr. Liz Wilson is Garfield's vet. She is also Jon's love interest. Liz had dated Jon on a few occasions but it always ended with disaster.

Jon's former roommate. Lyman left the strip in 1983 but occasionally returns for anniversaries and other events. Lyman is the original owner of Odie but left him in Jon's care when he moved out.

All Garfield pictures and comic strips are copyrighted © PAWS