Baby Dancerina

Baby Dancerina

"Baby Dancerina" was made by Mattel in the early 1970's. She was approximately 11 inches tall with blond blond hair and a blue ballerina tutu. The doll in these photos is missing her blue ballet shoes. Baby Dancerina could spin around on her toe by twisting the crown on the top of her head. She was part of a line of dolls that included a 24 inch blond ballerina in a pink tutu which was battery operated called "Dancerina". There was also an 18 inch brunette ballerina in a pink and white tutu called "Dancerella".

Baby Dancerina Baby Dancerina

Above are two photos of Baby Dancerina demonstrating her split and twirling piroette.

Baby Dancerina Record

Above is a photo of the original "Baby Dancerina Record". It was not printed on vinyl, but on thin cardboard-like paper. The drawing on the record actually resembles the larger sized "Dancerina" doll in her pink tutu.

My Baby Dancerina Memories

I believe I received "Baby Dancerina" on Christmas 1971. At the time I was in kindergarten and had been taking dancing lessons. I recall playing the Baby Dancerina record over and over again on my little record player. The songs were from the Nutcracker Ballet. I specifically remember twirling her on the kitchen floor. I do not have my original doll and record, but I did manage to find these replacements recently on Ebay.

Here are some photos of me in my first dance recital in 1972.

My First Dance Recital My First Dance Recital

Here I am in my second dance recital in 1973.

My Second Dance Recital My Second Dance Recital My Second Dance Recital

Copyright 2001-2002 - - all photos are property of this website and may not be used without permission

All dolls on this website are part of a personal collection and are not available for sale.

This page last updated 17-March-2002

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