Barbie - American Girl - 1965

Barbie American Girl

This is a 1996 reproduction of the 1965 "American Girl" Barbie. She has an "American" look short bob hair style with bangs. The original doll came in several different hair colors including blond, brunette and red. Although most of these dolls came with a center hair part, a much sought after rare variation had a side part with a blue ribbon hairband. This doll also had the same issue with lip color as other vintage Barbies in that over time it the red or pink faded to yellow or white. Collectors often search for this vintage doll with what they call a "high color" face where her make-up has maintained its true bright color over time.

Barbie American Girl

This doll is dressed in a reproduction of Barbie's "Poodle Parade" outfit with an olive green and white checked coat with pink trim and lining, and an olive green and pink dress. She carries a tote bag with a picture of a poodle on it.

Barbie American Girl

Above is a photo of her dress without the coat.

Barbie American Girl Barbie American Girl

Here are some photos of her in her scarf and sunglasses. When I first received this doll in 1996, I kept her in her scarf quite often because Mattel did a terrible job at reproducing her hair. It was much finer than the original doll's hair and the cut was very choppy. After receiving many complaints, Mattel re-issued replacement heads for customers who purchased this doll. I recently found a replacement head for my doll. The hair still is very fine and not truly representative of the original, but at least the cut is better.

This page last modified 18-May-2002

Copyright 2002 - - all photos are property of this website and may not be used without permission

All dolls on this website are part of a personal collection and are not available for sale.

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